I have a fixed footer with bottom: 0. It works fine except on android it is appearing below the screen. I have some other fixed elements that are also appearing off screen. For some reason I cant container them within the screen I've searched around and tried a view things but no joy. My guess is that if I change something in the viewport it will fix it. The image was taken from google chrome emulating the site on an S4 but the same problem persists on my actual phone also. The code for the footer should just make it sit at the bottom and it works fine in other browsers. I can change the value of bottom to around 26px then the whole footer becomes visible on the screen but that is not the fix I want. Any ideas?

its solves the flickering, but the thing is on some android versions you only need to add the backface-visibility hidden and on some the other 2 rules (trial and error). i should go for the first one, (at first) because adding the translate 3d, will drain more battery

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I got my VPN setup on my phone using the default android VPN setup and it works well enough in that I can access my local intranet by IP address and my file shares. Using the x-plore app on android I am able to access the LAN and my files so I'm happy with that.

So.. I changed the dns on my phone to the plusnet router - and suddenly dns requests were going straight to the router. So then i changed that to to see what would happen. DNS started going back to again showing that android is somehow aware of dns servers that don't exist - not a single request went there according to wireshark.

So android is doing something interesting. It's seems that it's detecting the default gateway in the reply to the stock vpn clients dhcp broadcast and using that as the nameserver (completely ignoring the dhcp broadcast's dns) and defaulting to for anything other than the default gateway. Wireshark didn't see a single request to

As for my vpn server pushing the DNS.. no idea, it's the windows 7 stock offering but i would assume so as it does offer DHCP ip assignment so I would assume that it also supplies the windows dns settings (or maybe it's sending the gateway instead? - as seen in network and sharing..). Even then, I have a custom DHCP server too and when opting to use that instead and that definitely does supply dns in it's reply but again, android ignores that.

Like RobPN I also didn't realise that - I did once ask about VPNs ages ago here on the PN forum asking exactly how the traffic routing works and from memory, was assured by a couple of folks that ALL traffic was automatically routed via the VPN once it was active. Anyhow i've input that routing address you've given me but sadly android STILL refuses to use the specified DNS. With that said, when i manually query my dns server from my phone the IP Tools app still can't get a reply from my dns server - which works fine for every other machine that isn't VPN connected.

So.. It IS NOT android at fault after all. It's either the Microsoft VPN server that is bundled with windows OR my dns server needs has a problem with it's bindings. I will investigate further and keep you updated but in the meantime for the googlers that are reading, it wasn't android at fault.

I had this happen to me the other night... startled the hell out of my wife & I when Imagine Dragons started blasting out of my phone in the middle of the night. Last night I made sure to turn the media volume off & left phone out of our bedroom. This morning I noticed there was an android update available so I let that install & after my phone restarted Pandora started to play. I looked at the open apps & Pandora wasn't one of them. My bluetooth wasn't connected to any devices, either. If this continues I'll have to get rid of Pandora & cancel my subscription. This is on a Galaxy S20 SM-G981V Pandora version 2308.1 006ab0faaa

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