Fix My Speaker - Speaker Cleaner - Eject water from your phone's speakers 

Fix my speaker, Speaker Cleaner, water eject phone.


Remove water from your phone's speakers for FREE! It works by playing a specific tone that generates sound waves which causes the water to be ejected. 

100% GUARANTEED - Remove water and dust from your phone's speakers! Playing a specific tone that generates sound waves which causes the water to be ejected. 

Fix My Speakers is a website built to offer a free software-based speaker cleaning service to users whose phones' speakers are damaged by water. 

How to Eject Water from Your Phone Speaker

If you’ve ever accidentally dropped your phone in water, you know the panic that ensues. After ensuring your device is still functional, the next big concern is the water trapped in your speakers. Not only does it muffle the sound, but it can also cause long-term damage if not addressed. Fortunately, there are a few steps you can take to fix your waterlogged speaker.

Turn Off Your Phone

First and foremost, power off your device. This reduces the risk of electrical damage and gives you a safe starting point for fixing your speaker.

Remove Excess Water

Gently shake your phone to remove any excess water. Be careful not to be too vigorous, as this could push water further into the device.

Use Sound to Eject Water

There are apps available that play specific tones which can help to move the water out of the speaker. These sounds produce vibrations that encourage the water droplets to exit the speaker grill. Fix My Speaker.

Dry with Silica Gel Packets

If you have silica gel packets, place them alongside your phone in a sealed bag. These packets are excellent at absorbing moisture and can help draw out the remaining water.

Wait and Test

After taking these steps, give your phone some time to dry out completely before turning it back on. Once you feel confident that it’s dry, power on your device and test the speaker.

By following these tips, you can successfully eject water from your phone speaker and save your device from water damage. Speaker Cleaner