How to Fix Gmail Errors on iPhone?

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Learn the steps to fix Gmail Errors on your iPhone.

Gmail being the most widely used email service offers an extensive range of mailing services and the advantages to the users. Whether you are an Apple user or windows or an android user! Every device is compatible with Gmail. But what if Gmail stops working on your device or throws up some exception in the appropriate functioning of the Gmail.

  • Check the Gmail Website for Alerts: Since your iPad or iPhone is unable to give you details about your unsuccessful sign in, visiting the Gmail website can be helpful. If you can, use a computer.

  1. Open Chrome, Safari, or a different internet browser

  2. Head to

  3. Enter your password and email address.

  4. If you are using an iPhone, a popup may appear that suggests you download an app

  5. Select the small link at the bottom titled "mobile Gmail site".

  6. Upon logging in, watch for an email or alert box that says something along the lines of "Someone has stolen your password" or "Gmail has blocked your attempt at signing in".

  7. If you see an email or box like this, select the link inside titled "That Was Me", "Review Your Devices Now", or any links with similar language.

  • Try The CAPTCHA Reset: The CAPTCHA reset, a fix offered by Gmail that typically flies under the radar, temporarily unlocks a portion of the security features on Google to allow new devices to connect successfully. To perform the CAPTCHA reset,.

  1. Head to Google’s CAPTCHA reset page

  2. Enter your username and password to log in.

  3. Next, use your iPad or iPhone to log into your Gmail account.

  4. The attempt at signing in should work this time

  5. Google will now remember your device so it does not get blocked in the future.

  • Verify that IMAP Is Enabled: Gmail may also not be functioning appropriately on your device if IMAP (Gmail's technology that it uses to send mail to your device) is disabled in the settings. You will not be able to access your email account from the server if IMAP technology is turned off on

  • Remove Your Gmail Account From Your Device and Reload it: If you can log in to devoid of any issues, verified the device activity and notifications to ensure that your device is not being blocked, performed the CAPTCHA reset, and confirmed that IMAP is enabled, it is time to perform the next step.

  1. The modern version of unplugging it and plugging it back in.

  2. Simply remove your Gmail account completely from your device

  3. Load it back on.

The aforementioned fixes might work well for the resolution of the errors. There might be another reason for the occurrence of an error in your Gmail account. The outdated version of Gmail might be the reason for the occurrence of the issue. An updated version will also help in resolving the issue. In case the error persists, contact technical support.