The Darkest Hour

Fishburg Is The Only Vanilla Server that still managed to get griefed. Fishburg started off just as any normal server would, a little spawn area, some rules, and nice little town. But one Faithful morning The Worse struck, A User by the name EdenIsohe griefed anything and everything that had wood. Hoffman Estates virtually disappeared, Nick's modern house lost some floor boards, and CygnusGD's humble abode was also attacked although repairable. EdenIsohe was swiftly banned by The Owner as he griefed the one off the limits spot on the Minecraft Server. This was the darkest Hour in Fishburg history and it will remain that way for awhile, but just as 1 problem goes away more scramble to fill its place. It's only a matter of time before another attack happens. The real question is, will anyone stop them from going further?

Below are Pictures of Fishburg days before the attack led by EdenIsohe

Below are the buildings hit the worst.

CygnusGD's House

EdenIsohe took his toll on CygnusGD's house leaving almost nothing left.

Hoffman Estates

EdenIsohe basically destroyed all of Hoffmann Estates leaving virtually no wood left at all.

These are the only known pictures of the darkest hour in Fishburg History. even with there poor quality they still show just how bad of a day this was. EdenIsohe sure did make history, as being the worst player to ever join Fishburg.