Asphyxia (Cessation of Respiration)

Asphyxia (Cessation of Respiration)

If a person has not been able to breath for even a short time he or she will become unconscious. Hold your ear close to the victim's nose and mouth and watch the chest wall to see if it is moving. If the victim's complexion is very pale or bluish, especially around the lips, it is evidence that the breath has stopped or circulation is impaired. Some of the common reasons for cessation of breathing include:

1. Obstruction of the mouth, throat, and windpipe.

2. Lung damage

3. Fluid in the lungs.

4. Exposure to harmful gases.

5. Heart disorders

6. Brain disorders.

7. Electric shocks.

8. Traumatic blows.

9. Drowning.

10. Suffocation or strangulation

11. Lack of oxygen in the air or the presence of poisonous gases.

Listen, look and feel if the patient is breathing at all. Put you ear to the chest over the heart and listen to see if you can hear the heart beat and feel the persons pulse at the neck or wrist. If the heat is beating begin mouth-to-mouth resuscitation immediately. If there is no pulse or "lub-dub" sounds from the heart that means the person's heart is not beating. If this is the case begin CPR immediately (refer). When a person has stopped breathing there is a immediate danger of irreversible brain damage. Have some on call Medical Emergency Number immediately, or if alone, apply artificial respiration at once then call Medical Emergency Number.

If the chest does not rise on blowing into the person's mouth there is most likely an obstruction blocking the flow of the air. Again check the person's mouth and throat to see if you have missed any material that may be obstructing the breathing process. If you can not see any material obstructing the mouth there may be a foreign object blocking the throat. Bend the body over slightly, or lie the person on their side and sharply thump the back between the shoulder blades 3 or 4 times with the heel of your hand. If the victim is a child, lie them face down over your knee, or hold them upside down, and strike them with much less force. This will usually dislodge the obstruction. If not repeat it every few seconds.

If this does not work use the "Heimlich maneuver" which is also called the abdominal thrust (refer). This maneuver should be carried out with care as it can cause injury, especially if done with too much force. Repeat the blowing of a strong breath into the lungs of the victim and gain watch for the victim's chest to expand and contract. If the heart is beating they will regain a relatively healthy color after a few inflations of the lungs. Once the victim is breathing strongly on there own place them in the recovering position (refer) and monitor their breathing until help arrives. If there is any relapse of the symptoms, or the victim cannot breath unaided, continue give artificial respiration until medical help arrives. Continue to monitor the person's heartbeat. The average heart rate is around 60 to 80 beats and minute in adults. In infants and young people it is faster, whereas in old people it may be slower. If there is no detectable heart beat begin CPR immediately!

Materia Medica

Materia Medica (The following are the most common remedies used in asphyxia. For more details refer to The Materia Medica of First Aid.)

Aconite (1): This remedy is called for when the person is panicky and very fearful of death after they begin to breath and become conscious. There is extremely restless and tossing about. They have aversion to light and there are eyes are red. Their face is hot, red, flushed and swollen but on rising they become deathly pale.

Anti Tart (3 *): This remedy is indicated when there seem to be paralysis of the lung due to fluid retention or drowning (Lach). There is great rattling of mucus and fluids but very little is expectorated. Asphyxia from foreign bodies caught in the larynx and trachea or from mucus in the bronchi. The face is cold, blue, pale, and covered with cold sweat. The victim is drowsy, debilitated, and there may be chill and contractures with pain in the muscles. There may be a desire for frequent little sips of cold water. There may be nausea, retching and vomiting. It is also indicated for new born infants who do not breath (Arn., CAMPH., CUPR., LAUR., Op.).

Arnica 3C (1): This remedy is useful when the cause of the asphyxia was of traumatic origin. The face is sunken, the eyes droop but the victim feel they must keep there eyes open. The individual may be seem unconscious, but they will answer correctly to questions, and then relapse. They are very fearful of touch and the approach of anyone. They will constantly tell the responder that there is nothing wrong with them and want to be left alone. This remedy is indicated when a person has received a great physical or mental shock.

Camphora Q (2): This remedy is useful in victim's who are in a state of collapse. There is an icy coldness of the entire body, sudden sinking of strength, and a small weak pulse. The face is pale, haggard, anxious, distorted, bluish, and cold with cold sweat. The eyes are fixed, staring and the pupils are dilated. There is a sensation as if all objects are too bright and glittering. Although the skin is very cold the individual cannot bare to be covered. They feel better when they are thinking of the pain.

Carbo Veg 3X (3*): The remedy is sometimes called the "corpse reviver" as it is the first remedy to try if no other remedy seems specifically indicated. The face is puffy, bluish, cold, and the cheeks are mottled. The victim seems almost lifeless, pulse almost imperceptible, the breath cold, and their is great air hunger that makes the individual wants to be fanned as soon as they regain consciousness. It is specific for poisoning by gases such as carbon-monoxide or coal gas (aco., bell., Carbo-v., op.).

China Q (2): Useful in cases in which the cause of the apparent death is from bleeding. The face is sallow, bloodless, pale and bloated.

Opium30C (3*): This remedy is indicated in victim's who are unconscious or semi-conscious who have noisy, deep snoring, irregular breathing. Their face is red, bloated, swollen, dark suffused, and hot. There may be spasmodic twitching, esp., at the corners of the mouth, and the jaw may be hanging down. The eyes are half closed and the pupils are insensitive and contracted. It is specific for persons have had strokes, or who have been strangled or hanged.


ASPHYXIA, apparent death - Acet-ac., acon., ars., ANT-T., arn., Camph., CARBO-V., Chin., OP.

air hunger wants to be fanned - CARB-V.

bleeding , from - CHINA.

coal gas - carb-s, carb-v.

cold individual can not bare to be covered - Camph.

deathly pale on arising - Acon.

drowned - ant-t. lach.

frozen persons - acon., ars.., carb-v.

face -

cold, blue, pale, and covered with cold sweat - Ant-t.

drowsy, debilitated - ant-t.

eyes are half closed and the pupils are insensitive and contracted - Op..

fearful of touch and the approach of anyone - Arn.

hot, red, flushed, swollen but on rising they become deathly pale - Acon.

pale, haggard, anxious, distorted, bluish, and cold with cold sweat - Camph.

puffy, bluish, cold, and the cheeks are mottled - Carb-v.

sunken, the eyes droop but the victim feel they must keep there eyes open - Arn.

unconscious, but they will answer correctly to questions, and then relapse - Arn.

hanged, strangled person , of - ars., op.

hemorrhages, after - carb-v., chin.

injuries , after - arn., op.

mind -

anxious - camph.

drowsy - ant-t.

panicky and very fearful of death- ACON.

new born infant - ANT-T., Arn., bell., CAMPH., CARB-V., chin., CUPR., LAUR., Op.

paralysis of the lung due to fluid retention or drowning - Ant-t.

rattling, great , of mucus and fluids but very little is expectorated - ANT-T.

unconscious or semi-conscious, noisy, deep snoring, irregular breathing - OP.

Disclaimer: This information is supplied for educational purposes only. It is not for the treatment of any individual person or disease. If you are suffering any particular complaint please consult a physician or call emergency services.

Back Injuries

Injuries to the spine can range in severity from strains, sprains, subluxations, slip disks, herniated disks, ruptured disks, dislocations and fractures. Dislocations and fractures can cause loss of sensation and movement in those parts below the lesion. If serious injury to the spine is suspected do not move the victim. Prevent movement by placing rolled blankets along side the head and trunk and call the emergency services. In order to discover the nature of the pathology laboratory investigations must be performed. In muscles and skeletal injuries Chiropractic and Osteopathic manipulation may be effective. In cases were there are nerve injuries, spinal cord damage or disk problems non-force techniques are indicated.

Give Arnica immediately to prevent shock and relieve pain. Massage, bodywork, and physiotherapy are helpful in rehabilitation. If spinal cord injury is suspected immobilized the victim and give Hypericum. The following is a repertory for specific conditions followed by a regional materia medica on back injuries and pain. For remedies not listed in the regional materia medica refer to the Materia Medica of First Aid or a larger works for more details.

Materia Medica

Aesca (1): Disk problems (3). Weakness, weariness and lameness in the small of the back, sore and tried mornings when awakening. Constant dull backache, walking is almost impossible, scarcely able to stoop or to rise after sitting, pain esp. across hips and sacrum. Darting and shooting pains in upper and lower extremities; worse < left side, paralytic feeling in arms, legs and spine. Worse < exercise. Better > by rest.

Agaricus. Disk problems (3): with great sensitivity of a single vertebrae. Pain in lumbar region and sacrum, esp. during exertion; in the daytime, and while sitting. Crick in the back. Violent electric-like shocks that shoot from lumbar region to lower part of body. Worse < by pressure on dorsal spine, which causes involuntary laughter, Extremities go to sleep easily. Formication in all the extremities. Coldness of glutei. Twitching of the cervical muscles. Worse < cold, cold air, after eating, after coitus, cold weather, before a thunder storm and pressure. Better > moving about slowly.

Arnica (3): Useful immediately after the injury to remove shock and trauma. Concussion to the spine. Lumbago form over exertion and straining. Weakness of cervical muscles with great sensitiveness to pressure. Crawling in the vertebral column, pressing pain between scapulae seeming to extend form the posterior wall of the stomach and cutting thrust extending into chest while walking. Every part of the body feel sore. Sciatica from overexertion, burning, stinging, tearing pains. Worse < from excitement. Better > by rest.

Bellis (2): Useful for shock and trauma to deep tissues and organs, especially of the pelvis concomitant to back injuries. Internal injuries, sometimes called the "internal Arnica". Lameness as if sprained. Much muscular soreness. Sore bruised feeling of the pelvic region. According to the old homeopaths it is a princely remedy for old laborers esp. gardeners. Worse < left side, hot bath, and warmth of bed, before storms, cold bathing, and cold wind.

Berberis(2): Disk problems. Pain form back to stomach or vice versa, going around abdomen towards the bladder. Tenderness of back aggravated by acrid, sour vomiting > pain and numbness in back during menses. Tearing, stitching or throbbing awaking tearing in limbs, increased urination. Worse < when sitting or lying, mooring on awaking,

Bryonia (3*): Disk problems. Drawing and stiffness of cervical muscles, esp. right side. Shooting stitches in back through to chest, violent pain in first dorsal vertebral or ribs, extending through thorax to lower portion of sternum and impeding respiration. Small of the back pains as if bruised when lying upon it. Sciatica, pain in lumbar extends to the thigh, atrophy of affected part. Worse < morning, by even a light touch on spine, and < from slightest motion, every spot on body painful to pressure. Better > by rest, lying on the painful side.

Calcarea Carb (2): Lumbago from over lifting. Drawing pains between scapulae and pressure that impedes respiration, painfulness in bones of spine to touch> Pain in small of back so that he can hardly rise from a sitting position. Muscular debility and soreness. Stiffness when beginning to move parts feel subjectively cold and icy coldness in and on head. Trembling of inner and outer parts, weak feeling in back Worse < mental annoyance, can hardly, softening of spine with contraction of limbs. Worse < from cold, damp, from washing. Spinal irritations from sexual excesses or masturbation.

Cicuta (1): Painful tension on inner surface of scapula. Sensation of a vesicle or ulcer on right scapula painful to touch, Spasmodic symptoms and convulsions on mechanical injuries. Concussion to the spine.

Hypericum (3): Disk problems (3). After a fall, slightest motion of arms or neck extorts cries. Concussion to the spine. Cervical vertebra very sensitive to touch. Violent pains and inability to walk or stoop after a fall on coccyx.

Kali Carb (2) Backache, while walking she feels as if she must give up and lie down, after confinement, miscarriage, uterine, rheumatic or neuralgic backache, which feels as if back were broken or bruised during rest, not during movement. Sweat, backache and weakness. Weakness of the back and legs. Stitching pain in back at 3 am. has to get up and walk about to get relief, gnawing in coccyx. Sciatica, with pain in the hip bones as if bruised, drawing in the left thigh. Numbness of limbs. Limbs tired, cold. Worse < coition, cold weather, from soup and coffee, in morning at 3 am, lying of the left and painful side. Better > warm, moist weather, during day, while moving.

Lycopodium (2): Stiffness and tensive pain in neck and occiput, pain as form sprain in nape, with sensitiveness to touch. Burning, pressing and drawing in back, worse < by fanning back. Sensations if flesh were loose on lower part of the back. Pains and aches across the small of back, better > by passing urine. Stitching in back on breathing. Burning as from glowing coals between the shoulders. Limbs and extremities cold, with feeble circulation. worse < in afternoon from 4 to 8.

Mag Phos (1): Spasmodic pains in muscles with radiating pains. Sharp, shooting neuralgic pains better > by warmth. Cramps in the calves. Sciatica, inability to lie in bed at night, must stand all the time, paroxysm in violent lighting-like shocks , worse < right side, cold touch, night. Better > warmth, bending double, pressure, fiction.

Natrum Sulph (2): Concussion to the spine. Soreness up and down spine and neck, piercing as from knives between scapula and in middle of sacrum, while sitting in the evening> Pain in back as if ulcerating, all night, can only lie on right side, hepatic region sensitive to touch. Violent pains in back of neck and at base of brain. Opisthotonos. Sciatica, pains in some motions, always when getting up from sitting or when turning in bed, can hardly find a position which pain hip and limb is tolerable, > relief from changing position does not last long. Worse < Music, lying on left side, < dampness of basement, damp weather. Better, dry weather, pressure changing positions.

Rhus Tox (3*): Stiffness of nape, with pain as if a heavy weight were upon it. Pain as if the cervical muscles as if a sleep. Constrictive pain in dorsal muscles while sitting, better > by bending backward, worse < by bending forward. Stiffness and aching in lumbar region, worse > from motion and from lying on something hard. Spinal irritation from ovarian and uterine trouble, esp. if caused by straining, lifting or becoming wet. Tearing pain in back. Sciatica, caused by lifting and straining, stinging, burning, tearing pain, with a sensation of coldness and numbness. Worse < rest, first motion, Better > by continual motion.

Ruta (3): Pain in dorsal vertebrae as from a fall. Injuries to bones, periosteum and fibrous tissues. Lameness. Very acute pressive, drawing pain in right side of spine, opposite to liver, esp. on inspiration. Painful jerking in spine, worse < from pressure of hand, which causes aching beneath last short rib impeding respiration. Sciatica, pain deep in marrow of the bone, as if broken, arising from injuries and contusions. Worse < lying down, cold, wet weather.

Symphytum : Broken and penetrating wounds to the bones. Non union of fractures (calc-p.). Irritable bone at point of fracture.

Thuja (2): Drawing pain in small of back, os coccyges and thighs, preventing erect position, after prolonged sitting, pressive, bruised sensation in the back and loins early on rising, worse < on turning trunk or while standing. Better > when walking. Cramp-like pain in lumbar region after long standing when attempting to walk feel a if he would fall. Feels as if limbs are made of glass.

Zinc (1): Useful in disk problems and dislocations. Constant pain in back and limbs render like miserable. Pains transfer from one side to another. Tendency toward convulsion do to injury to the spine. Burning pains along whole of the spine < sitting. Sciatica, < when over heated, and exertion. Tearing, trembling, and lameness in limbs with fidgety feet, feet in constant motion. Worse < touch. .


BACK INJURIES - aesc., ARN., Bell-p., BRY., Calc., cic., HYPER., Kali-c., Lyc., mag-p., Nat-s., nit-ac., RHUS-T., RUTA., Thuj.

Lumbar remains sensitive to jar of walking - arn., BRY., Thuj.

dislocations - ARN., BRY., CALC., calc-f., caust., Coloc., hyper., lyc., nux-v., phos., RHUS-T., Ruta., stront-c., sulph., zinc.

disks, slipped, herniated., or ruptured - AESC., arn., AGAR., Berb., BRY., Coloc., HYPER., kali-c., mag-p., ruta., tarent., Tell., zinc.

lifting, ailments from - ARN., BRY., CALC., HYPER., Lyc., RHUS-T., ruta.

pain, after - ARN., BRY., calc., Con., HYPER., Kali-c., Nat-s., RHUS-T. Ruta., Thuj.

spasm - acon., arn., Ars., bell., bry. calc., Calc-p., cham., cic., Cimic., Coloc., Crot- c., hyper., Lach., kali-c., MAG-P., Mygal., Nat-m., Nat-s., Nux-v., oena., Phys., rhus-t. ruta., sep., stram., syph., tab.

spinal, injuries - asec., Apis., ARN., calc., Con., HYPER., Led., NAT-S., Nit-ac., Rhus-t., Ruta., Sil., tell., thuj.

concussion, from - Arn., cic., HYPER., NAT-S.

lies on back, jerking head backwards - cic., Hyper.

lifting, from - Arn., CALC., RHUS-T., Ruta.

lumbar region remains sensitive to jar walking - thuj.

sciatica, injuries from - arn, BRY., Coloc, Hyper., kali-c., led., lyc., MAG-P., Nat-s., RHUS-T., Ruta., zinc.

shock., from - Arn., HYPER., NAT-S., Nat-m., Nit-ac.

wounds, spinal - Calen., HYPER., ruta., symph.

generalities -

bruised , sensation as if - ARN., Bellis., bry., kali-c.

burning - kali-c., lyc.

drawing pains - bry., ruta., thuja.

extending , pain -

chest, to. arn.

sternum, from the thorax to. bry.

lameness - asec., ruta.

modalities -

< afternoon, 4 to 8 pm., LYC.

< cold, calc., kali-c.,

< excitement, arn..

< exercise. asec., arn..

< left side, bellis.

> lying on painful side, BRY. kali-c..

> motion. rhus-t., thuj..

< motion. bry., kali-c..

> rest. asec., arn.. Bry., kali-c.

< rest. rhus-t.

> warmth, calc., mag-p., rhus-t..

shock - arn., bellis.

soreness - arn., bellis., nat-s.

stiffness - bry, lyco., rhus-t.

stitching - bry., kali-c.

breathing, on - BRY., Kali-c.

weakness - asec., arn.

Disclaimer: This information is supplied for educational purposes only. It is not for the treatment of any individual person or disease. If you are suffering any particular complaint please consult a physician or call emergency services.

Bites and Stings

Animal bites can cause serious tissue damage as well as infection. Any time there is a bite by an animal there is a danger of rabies and tetanus. It is very important to capture the animal that has bitten so it can be put under observation for rabies. Clean the wound with soap and water and place it under running water for five minutes. After this place a sterile bandage over the wound. In homeopathy the remedy Lyssin (Hydrophobinum) is reputed to be a prophylactic for rabies as well as a remedy for the negative effects of a non rabid dog bites. This remedy is made from the saliva of a mad dog. Ledum and Hypericum are both reputed to be effective in the prevention and treatment of tetanus. Some individuals are allergenic to the sting of insects and may react with anaphylactic shock. The symptoms may include severe swelling of the eyes, lips, tongue and throat, hives, coughing and wheezing, severe itching, difficult breathing, stomach cramps, nausea and vomiting, anxiety, weakness, dizziness, bluish tinge to the skin, collapse, and unconsciousness.

Materia Medica

Apis (2*): This remedy is indicated when a bite or sting becomes swollen, edematous, with a red rosy hue, and stinging, burning pains that a > by cold and < by heat. Many feel that this remedy is a specific for bee stings as it is made from the honeybee. This remedy has been used for anaphylactic shock from bee and other stings. It is useful in the stings of jellyfish and centipedes. The individual may become drowsy, confused, and apathetic. They are also thirstless.

Arsenicum (2): Indicated when a bite has become infected by dead tissue or animal substances have remained in the wound causing sepsis. The lesion takes on a dark, black, unhealthy look and moves toward gangrene. The patient becomes restless anxious, fussy and is prostrated. It is useful in poisonous spider bites that take of a blackish hue.

Belladonna (2): This remedy is useful for bites and stings where there is rapid swelling and violent symptoms. There is redness, heat, throbbing, and burning, or redness spreading out in streaks. The face is flushed, eyes glaring, pupils dilated, the body fevered, and an excited mental state. There may even be delirium where the individual becomes furious, rages, and bites and strikes. It is often use in the bites of dogs and is reputed to be useful in the prevention and treatment of rabies (Lyssin).

Caladium (1): This remedy is recommended for those individuals who seem to have a sweet sweat that attacks flies. It is said to remove this tendency. It is also indicated in insect bites that burn and sting intensely in small areas such as flea and mosquito bites.

Carbolic Acid (1): Useful in bee stings to the face with swelling.

Hypericum (3): This remedy often follows Ledum if there is pain following the nerves upward from the site of the bite. It is useful in neuritis, tingling, burning and numbness. It is specific for injuries to places rich in nerves such as the fingers, toes and nails. Hypericum can be distinguished from Ledum by the fact that it is < by cold (Led. > cold). It is reputed to be useful in tetanus.

Lachesis (2): This remedy is useful when the is hot, bluish-purple, or purple-black swellings which have a tendency toward ulceration and the tendency for the seepage of dark blood. This is sometimes seen in centipede and spider bites. It is especially useful in the bites of poisonous animals, cats, dogs and snakes. The individual may become talkative and rapidly jump from on topic to another. They feel < after sleeping or on sleeping. Snakebites with great loquacity, flushes of heat, and religious insanity. The patient is talkative, over heated, restless uneasy and cannot stand anything tight around the neck. They are < after sleep or on sleeping.

Ledum (3*): A common remedy used in the case of bites of animal as well as puncture wounds. This makes it most appropriate for bites that leave puncture wounds, such a cat, dogs and rats. It is reputed to prevent tetanus and antidote poisons. It is useful in the bites of poisonous or enraged animals, cats, dogs, snakes, fleas, insects, bees, mosquitoes, rats, scorpions, and spiders. It is especially indicated when the part bitten feels cold but the person does not want the part covered or heated in any way. Ledum is cold but is > better by cold applications. The wounds may be bathed externally with Ledum tincture.

Lyssin (Hydrophobinum) (2): Prevention and treatment of rabies. Also antidotes effects of bite of non-rabid animals, esp. dogs. Convulsions: form dazzling or reflected light; from water or mirror, from even thinking of fluids of any kind; from slightest touch or current of air. Fear of becoming mad; exceeding apprehensive. < Heat of sun; < stooping. The sight and sound of running water or pouring water < aggravates all complaints.

Mercurius (1): Bee stings to the tongue.

Natrum Mur (2): This remedy is said to follow Apis when there are lingering symptoms after a bee sting. It is a chronic complement of Apis. It can also be used in insects bites which take on the appearance of hives. Salt water is also said to an effective external application to bites and stings.

Urtica Urens (1): Itching of the skin like stinging nettles. Red, rashes blotches with burning and itching. Useful in jelly-fish stings and bee stings to the face.

Staphisagria (1): Reputed to prevent the bites of mesquites in those who are extremely susceptible to them.

For infected bites refer to infected wounds


BITES from animal and insects in general - Apis., Arn., Ars., Bell., calad., calen., carb-ac., echi., HYPER., Lach., LED., merc. Urt-u.

anaphylactic shock - acon., APIS., Ars., carb-ac., Nat-m., Rhus-t., URT-U.

animals of a poisonous nature - Apis., Arn., Ars., bell., calad., HYPER., lach., LED., nat-m.

bluish-purple, or purple-black, hot swellings - Lach.

cats - HYPER., Lach., LED.

cat scratch fever - hyper., led.

cold, part bitten feels but is > by cold - LED.

dark, black, unhealthy look and moves toward gangrene - ARS.

dogs - Apis., ars., BELL., calad., Lach., Led., LYSS., Nat-m.

fleas - calad., hyper., Led., staph.

flies, itch and burn - calad.

injuries to places rich in nerves - HYPER.

leeches - lach.

mosquitoes - calad., led., staph.

modalities -

< by cold - Hyper.

> by cold and < by heat - Apis.

> better by cold applications although feels cold - LED.

nerves, pain , moves upward from the site of the bite - Hyper.

rats - hyper., led.

redness , heat, throbbing, and burning, or redness spreading out in streaks - Bell.

scorpions - hyper., led.

snakes - Apis., BELL Hyper., LACH., LED.

spiders - ars., apis., Hyper., Led.

stings of insects - APIS., arn., Bell., Calad., Carb-ac., HYPER., LED., Nat-m.

bee stings - APIS, arn., LED., nat-m.

bee stings to face - APIS., arn., Carbo-ac., HYPER., Lach., LED., Nat-m., URT-U.

face, to the, with swelling - carb-ac.

lingering symptoms after a bee sting - nat-m.

tongue - merc.

face with swelling - APIS., Carbo-ac., Hyper., Lach., Led., nat-m., urt u.

eye., acon - APIS., arn.,

tongue - acon., APIS., arn., bell., merc.

centipede - Apis, led.

black or bluish discoloration - ars., lach.

jelly-fish - Apis., hyper., urt-u.

scorpions - apis, led., hyper.

black or bluish discoloration - ars., lach.

wasp - apis., hyper., Led., vesp.

yellow jacket - apis., hyper., Led.

sweat, sweet, that attacks flies - Calad.

swollen , bite or sting becomes, edematous, with a red rosy hue, and stinging, burning pains that a > by cold and < by heat - APIS.

violent symptoms, rapid swelling - Bell.

Disclaimer: This information is supplied for educational purposes only. It is not for the treatment of any individual person or disease. If you are suffering any particular complaint please consult a physician or call emergency services.

Bleeding and Hemorrhages

Excessive bleeding is a very dangerous situation that needs medical attention quickly. Call 911 and your doctor immediately. Hemorrhages may involve both internal and external bleeding. It is very important to find the cause of the bleeding. Is the cause traumatic like that from an injured artery or vein, or does some internal pathological lesion cause it? Internal bleeding may be accompanied by dizziness and faintness, weak but rapid pulses, shallow breathing, and a cold, clammy skin. External bleeding is visible and is of two types, arterial and venous. If an artery is injured the flow of blood is bright red and spurts in time with the heartbeat. If a vein is injured the flow of blood will be steady and of a darker red color. The blood flow must be suppressed as soon as possible as there is a danger of the person going into shock (refer) Remove all foreign objects unless they seem to dangerous to remove and need surgical attention. Apply pressure directly over the site with a thumb or by squeezing the edges of the wound together. Cover the wound with a clean, sterile dressing. If the blood comes through the dressing do not remove it but apply more dressings and pressure. Elevate a bleeding extremity if possible. There are 13 major pressure points that an be used to control bleeding, For example if the injury is on the extremities apply pressure to the brachial or femoral artery to reduce blood flow. Pressure points on the head and neck must be used with the greatest caution. Refer to first aid works for more details on the use of pressure points. Keep the bleeding patient still and as calm as possible. Check the pulse every five minutes. If the pulse rate is increasing check for other sites of external bleed. If there is no external bleeding, the increase of the pulse may mean there is internal bleeding.

Materia Medica

Aconite (2): Acute hemorrhages when there is much anxiety, panic, fear, and restlessness with concomitant fever and thirst. The flow of the blood is bright red.

Arnica (2): If the bleeding is from a traumatic cause Arnica is the first remedy. This will help stop the bleeding, and prevent infections and shock. The patient feels sore, lame, bruised and does not want to be approached. Arnica is < injuries, shock, and jarring and > with the head lying low. They may be thirsty. The pulse is irregular and feeble.

Belladonna (3): This remedy is suitable for arterial injuries or hemorrhages where the blood is bright red, gushing, and of a sudden onset. The face is red and hot but the extremities may be cold. The pulse is full, rapid, and bounding. The blood coagulates easily and feels hot to the parts it passes. Congestion of the head, eyes, head, face, which are red and flushed. Great mental excitement. Patient is < any jar, draught of air, touch, or from rising, and are > by setting semi-erect or bending backward. Useful in uterine hemorrhages with bearing down pains. Suitable for plethoric types.

Bothrops (3): Bleeds from body orifices, from thrombosis, blood does not coagulate. Vomits black blood, black stools. Internal bleeding.

Carbo Veg (3): Continuous passive hemorrhage, patient wants to be fanned. Skin is cool, bluish, pulse is rapid and weak. Stagnant blood, decrease vital force due to loss of fluids. The patient is in shock and collapse.

China (3*): Intermittent profuse exhausting hemorrhages that nearly drain the patient dry or a passive oozing. The blood is dark and clotted and flows from any orifice. The loss of blood may be accompanied by ringing in the ears, severe anemia, and weakness. Is very useful in removing the weakness and anemia after major blood loss. Great irritability form nervous prostration, the patient may become apathetic, indifferent, disobedient, taciturn and despondent. China is worse < loss of vital fluids, periodically, cold, noise, mental exertion, after eating, bending over, < soft touch although hard pressure >. They are > by open air, wearing loose clothing, warmth and bending double.

Cinnamonium (2): Hemorrhages from slight causes such as a misstep, coming on suddenly, profuse bright red.

Crocus (2): Passive congestion where bleeding is dark, tenacious, black, tar-like, < from any motion. Hemorrhage from various parts, blood is black, viscid, clotting forming itself into long black strings hanging form the bleeding orifice Worse < morning, fasting, in the house, during pregnancy, Better > open air and after eating.

Ferrum Met (3): Great hemorrhagic tendency. Pallor of the face with alternating with flushing. Hemorrhage of bright red blood, often mixed with coagula, associated with a great deal of flushing, rapid and a little labored breathing, pulse increased in frequency and strength. After sever loss of blood, pale, bloated appearance, skin cool and pitting on pressure, particularly about the joint. Great lassitude and debility, cries easily, loss of appetite with aversion to food, constipation. Worse < during old weather and after midnight.

Ferr Phos (2): Bright red hemorrhages from any orifice. Often works well if no other remedy seems specifically indicated. Vomits bright red blood, nosebleeds, and bloody watery stools with undigested food menses every three weeks. The pulse is short, quick and soft. They are < motion, touch, jar, night, esp. 4-6 am, and are > lying down and cold applications.

Hammamelis (3): Useful in venous congestion, passive venous hemorrhages where the parts feel sore and bruised. The blood is usually dark. The patient exhibits no alarm or anxiety concerning the bleeding, great exhaustion and hammering headache. The individual is proud and wants the respect they feel is due to them shown by those around them. They are < injury, bruises, jar, motion, pressure and warm, moist air.

Ipecac (3): Bright red, gushing, profuse, steady flow of blood with concomitant nausea with hard labored breathing and fainting. Cold skin and sweat. Clean tongue with no thirst. The patient is irritable and holds everything in contempt or is full of desires for what they know not. They are < periodically, moist warm wind and lying down and > open air.

Millefolium (3): Bright red hemorrhages of lungs, uterus or bowel, of mechanical origin. No anxiety about the bleeding, no pain.

Phosphorus (3*): Hemorrhage from any part of the body, particularly the lungs and stomach. The blood is bright red and does not coagulate and flows in fits and starts. Small wounds bleed much. Hemophilia. The patient is normally friendly, warm, social, and sympathetic, but becomes indifferent to family and friends with the loss of fluids. They desire cold drinks and food. They are < touch, exertion, twilight, warm foods and drink and > by cold, open air, sleep, and washing with cold water.

Sabina (3*): Bright red fluid blood with dark clots. Pains extend from the pubes to the sacrum and down the thighs. Especially suited to protracted uterine bleeding or after abortion or parturition. Labor like pains. Profuse bright menses or bleeding between periods with sexual excitement. Tendency toward miscarriage in the third month. They are < pregnancy, climacteric, warm room, least motion and are > cold and cool air.

Secale (3): Passive, painless, dark, offensive hemorrhages in nervous, thin, scrawny women with formication and tingling in the limbs. Cold with desire to be covered. Slow oozing, dark, thin, persistent flow worse < motion.


BLEEDING, in general - Acon., Arn., BELL., BOTH., CARBO-V., CHIN., CINNM., Croc., Ferr-p., HAM., IP, PHOS., SABIN., SEC.

black, blood - Chin., Croc., Ferr., ham., sec.

brownish, blood - carbo-v., ferr.

clots - arn., Bell, Croc., Ferr., ferr-p., Ip., phos., SABIN., sec.

dark clots - CROC., jam., Sec.

venous - ham., sec.

fluids, partly - Sabin.

fainting, tinnitus with loss of sight coldness, even convulsion - Chin., ferr., phos.

mind -

anxiety, fear & panic - ACON.

apathetic, indifferent, disobedient, taciturn and despondent - China.

friendly, warm, social, and sympathetic, but becomes indifferent to family and friends with the loss of fluids - Phos.

great mental excitement - acon., BELL.

proud and wants the respect they feel is due to them shown by those around them - Ham.

pale blood - carbo-v., ferr., Phos.

passive oozing - carbo-v., Chin., ferr-p., ham., sec.

prolonged, worse by - Chin.

red, blood - ACON., Bell., carbo-v., cinnm., Ferr-p., Ham., IP., MILL., phos., sabin.

surgery, after, with coldness and prostration - Calen., Stront-c.

traumatic causes - acon., ARN., ham., Mill., tril.

Disclaimer: This information is supplied for educational purposes only. It is not for the treatment of any individual person or disease. If you are suffering any particular complaint please consult a physician or call emergency services.


A bruise is one of the most common types of injury. It occurs when there is a blow or fall that causes small blood vessels to break under the skin. The discoloration and swelling of the skin are caused by blood seeping into the tissue. The symptoms are pain, a redness that later turns blue, then green, then brown and yellow before fading away. Cold compresses or ice are useful immediately after the injury. This reduces local bleeding and swelling. If the bruise is on the extremities elevate the limbs above the level of the heart to decrease blood flow. After 24 hours apply moist heat. Heat dilates the vessels and increases circulation to the affected area. The proper homeopathic remedy greatly speeds the time of healing bruises and relieves the bad quickly.

Materia Medica

Acetic Acid (2): Shock causes great relaxation, with vertigo and fainting. Dry heat after much bruising or sprains. Eyes sunken and surrounded by dark rings. Emissions the next night.

Arnica (3*): The first remedy to give in bruising, as it will prevent pain and soreness and help the absorption of blood. The entire body feels bruised and aches. Arnica tincture should be use externally if the skin is unbroken.

Bellis (2*): Useful when it seems that an internal organ or bowel has been bruised. It is sometimes called the internal Arnica. It is also useful for bruises of bangs to the female breast.

(a). If Bellis is not sufficient it may be followed by Conium in bruises to the breast.

Conium (2): Indurations following bruises. Bruises to the glands with stony hardness. Injuries to the breast.

(a). Sulph-ac. follows well here.

Hamamelis (3): The entire body feelings bruised and sore after traumatic injuries. Follow Arnica if it does not remove these feelings. Can be use as a tincture on severe bruising esp. if the skin is broken.

Hypericum (2): Bruises that affect the nerves. Neuritis after bruising.

Ledum (3*): Bruises with dark purple ecchymosis. Discoloration long after injury. The injured part feels cold but is Better > by cold worse < by heat. Black eyes.

Phosphorus (3): Bruise appear for almost no reason. Easy bleeding under the skin. The sufferer does not even know when they got the bruise.

Ruta (3): This remedy is use for bruises to the bone and periosteum. It may also be used externally in tincture over the area.

Symphytum (2): Pain in the eye after a blow with an obtuse body. For traumatic injuries to the eye no remedy equals this. Bruises to the bones and periosteum that do not yield to Ruta.

Suphuricum Acid (3): Bad effects from mechanical injuries, with bruises and livid skin. Tendency toward gangrene following mechanical injuries. Prolonged ecchymosis, old bruise remains discolored. Prostration after injury


BRUISES, in general - Acet-ac., ARN., Bellis., Con., HAM., Hyper., LED., PHOS., RUTA., Symph., SUL-AC.

body , entire, feels bruised and aches - Arn.. Ham.

bone and periosteum bruises - RUTA, symph.

breast, bruised - bell-p., Con.

cold, bruised part feels - Led.

dry heat after much bruising or sprains - Acet-ac.

easy bruising - phos.

eye blow with an obtuse body - Symph.

indurations following bruises - CON.

internal organ or bowel has been bruised - Bell-p.

old bruise remains discolored - Sulph-ac.

shock causes great relaxation, with vertigo and fainting - Acet-ac.

speeds re absorption of blood - Arn.

Disclaimer: This information is supplied for educational purposes only. It is not for the treatment of any individual person or disease. If you are suffering any particular complaint please consult a physician or call emergency services.

Burns and Scalds

Heat, friction, or chemicals cause burns whereas hot liquids cause scalds. If burns are extensive there is a danger of shock as well as infection. Any burn that is bigger than the palm of the hand needs medical attention. Call the emergency services immediately. Do your best to remove the injured person from the source of the burn without hurting yourself. If a person is on fire push them to the ground and smother the fire with a heavy fabric. A first-degree burn affects the outer layer of skin and causes heat, redness and pain. A second-degree burn causes damage to the dermis layers below the skin and results in blistering. A third degree burn destroy both the upper and lower layers of skin as well the nerves endings. If there is much dead tissue in the burn it may easily become septic. This burn causes pain followed by numbness and loss of sensation. Second and third degree burns can be dangerous because the body may loose a lot of fluid through them as well as go into shock. If the victim appears to be going into shock refer to shock remedies and apply first aid.

Materia Medica

Aconite (2): Use immediately after the accident to counteract the nervous shock or when reaction has taken place, and there is dry, burning heat of the skin, head hot and painful, face is red, pulse hard, frequent and contracted. There is great restlessness, panic, and fear of death.

Arnica (1): Helps prevent sequels such as shock after severe, deep burns and prevent septicemia. Inflammation of skin and cellular tissue with extreme tenderness an pain. Patient does not want to be approach and tell everyone present they are all right and wants to be left alone.

Arsenicum (3*): Deep burns with vesicles and infected flesh that turn black showing tendency toward gangrene, inflammatory swelling, with burning, lancinating pains. Infection from dead tissue remaining in the wound. Great anguish and restlessness, changes place constantly. Fears death and being left alone. Thinks it is useless to take medicine. Prostration which may seem out of proportion with the situation. Colic after severe burns.

Calendula (2): This remedy is useful for minor first degree burns caused by fire or the sun. Calendula also prevents gangrene and promotes granulation, as well as prevents disfiguring scars. Prevents loss of blood and excessive pain. It is a good remedy to use to promote healing after specific acute remedies have remove the shock, pain and immediate symptoms. Use this remedy internally in potency and externally as a lotion.

Cantharis (3*): If used early it will prevent the formation of blisters. This is the most used remedy. Scalds, burns and sunburns with vesicular character, blisters, and superficial ulceration. Small vesicles coalesce to form larger blisters. Burns and scalds with rawness and burning better > by cold applications, followed by undue inflammation. Tetanic or epileptiform convulsions follow by coma. Extensive burns cause renal complications. Patient is worse < touch, approach and better > rest. Use internally and externally in lotion.

Carbollic Acid (1): Burns that ulcerate and tend not to heal.

Causticum (2): Useful for the ill effect of deep burns as well as old burns do not get well. Chemical burns and scalds. Intensely sympathetic, thinking of complaints aggravates them.

Rhus Tox (2): After burns and scalds with vesicles, bullae (large blisters), pustules. The burns are extensive but more superficial although there may be erysipelas with typhoid-like symptoms, sensorium becomes cloudy.

Sol (2): This remedy is made from potentized sunlight. It is useful in sunburn both as a preventative in those who are extremely sensitive to the sun and as well curative in overexposure. May be useful in reducing the amount of UV radiation in the skin.

Urtica Urens (3): For simple burns involving the skin, first degree burns. Intense burning and itching. Useful in chemical burns caused by poisonous plants. Use internally and externally.


BURNS, in general - Acon., arn., ARS., Calen., CANTH., carb-ac., Caust., Rhus-t., Sol., URT-U.

ailments from burns - carbo-ac., caust., pic-ac.

black, deep burns turns, gangrene - ARS.

blisters -

bullae (large blisters) - Rhus-t.

prevent from arising - CANTH., Kali-m.

small vesicles coalesce to form larger blisters - Canth.

chemical burns - Caust.

mind -

anguish and restlessness, changes place constantly - Ars.

fears death - Acon, Ars.

alone, and being - Ars.

nervous shock - Acon.

panic- ACON.

shock after severe, deep burns - Arn.

sympathetic, intensely, thinking of complaints aggravates them - Caust.

useless, thinks it is, to take medicine - ars.

old burns do not heal - carb-ac., Caust.

prevents infection and promotes granulation - CALEN.

disfiguring scars - Calen.

superficial burns that burn and itch intensely - Urt-u.

Disclaimer: This information is supplied for educational purposes only. It is not for the treatment of any individual person or disease. If you are suffering any particular complaint please consult a physician or call emergency services.


Choking can be induced by a wide variety of causes such as discharges like vomit, mucus, or blood and from a foreign object such as food. When a person is choking there will usually be a red face, difficult breathing, difficult speech, coughing, and they will clutch the throat. If the person is unconscious there will usually be difficult breathing and sounds as if they a choking. Often the obstruction will clear itself before serious hard can take place, but if not, the face will turn blue, and the person will become unconscious. All of this will take place in a few minutes so a speedy response is needed. The first thing to do is to try and clear the victim's mouth and throat of blood, vomit, mucus, or any foreign object that may have become lodged. If this does not work and the person is starting to suffocate, bend them forward or turn them on their side, and give them three of four sharp thumps on the back between the shoulder blades with the heel. Repeat this maneuver after a few seconds if it does clear the air passages on the first attempt. The percussion method will usually work if the throat is not severely obstructed.

If the percussion method does not work the next thing to do is the Heimlich maneuver, which is also called the "abdominal thrust". Bend the person forward, stand behind the victim, and place your arms around their abdomen from behind. Place the fist of your left hand just above the navel making special care not to put direct pressure on the xiphiod process or ribs. This small bone can be broken by crude technique that is done too high on the body. Grasp the fist with you right hand and pull in sharply thrusting in and upward beneath the breast bone. This produces a strong increase in pressure in the chest cavity causing forceful expiration that will dislodge the obstruction. Repeat this technique a few times if necessary. If this does not work, try to remove the obstruction with your fingers, or if you can see it, a tweezers. If this does not work, and the victim becomes unconscious, apply artificial respiration and try to kept the person alive until help comes. Use the homeopathic remedies for asphyxia (refer). If you cannot inflate the chest, and all else fails, put the victim in recovery position and use the remedies for those who are dying. The emergency services should be called as soon as possible.

Infants are always putting things in their mouths as well as just learning how to eat. Every mother and father worries about them choking daily. If a infant or a young child is choking try to clear the mouth of any obstructing matter. If this does not work hold the child face down over your lap, or upside down an thump their backs with less force than you would us as an adult. If this does not work perform the abdominal thrust with you the pads of two fingers on the stomach area instead of your fist. Be careful not to injure the child. If there is any soreness after using the Heimlich maneuver, give Arnica, and if it persist, have the individual examined for injuries.

Homeopathic remedies are effective in removing the residual pain after choking. In certain cases they may help to remove small bones, splinters, or small lumps of food that are lodged. They will help to heal any damage to the tissue

Materia Medica

Apis (2): Throat constricted with stinging pains. Uvula swollen, edematous, and sac-like. Fiery red margin around leathery membrane. Feeling as if a fishbone in the throat. The patient is intolerant of heat and better > by cold. Jealous, frigidity and hard too please.

Arnica (1): Useful in removing the mental and physical shock of choking. Soreness after removal of a foreign object, as well as any manipulation or procedure that was carried out. Simple uncomplicated cases.

Argentum Nit (2): Sensation as if there was a splinter in the throat on swallowing. Raw, rough and sore. Strangulated feeling. Patient is worse < warm in any form. Better cold and fresh air. (modalities opposite from Hep.) Hurried feeling as if time passes too slow. People who like to perform.

Causticum (1): Food feel as if it has lodge in the throat. Splinter-like feelings. Very sympathetic to the suffering of others.

Hepar Sulph (3*): When swallowing there is a sensation as if a plug or a splinter in the throat. Stitches in throat extending to the ear when swallowing. Impeding suppuration. Very chilly patient, worse < cold and better > warmth. (modalities opposite of Arg-n.. Very irritable, the slightest cause upsets him. Hasty speech.

Ignatia (1): Feeling of a lump in the throat that cannot be swallowed. Tendency to choke, globus hystericus. Strange symptoms; stitches when not swallowing, or between swallowing, better > swallowing solids. Choking fits from psychological causes.

Lachesis (3): Septic changes, throat is purple, blackish, dusky, very painful, especially on the left side. Feels suffocated, cannot bear anything tight around the neck. Feeling as if something is swollen that needs to be swallowed, worse swallowing saliva of liquids, pains into ears. Very talkative, constantly changes the subject.

Mercurius (2): Constant desire to swallow, salivary secretions greatly increased. Tongue swollen, flabby, teeth indented. Stitches into the ears on swallowing, fluids return through the nose. Sweats without relief. Creeping chilliness. Unstable temperature control, worse < both hot and cold. Mistrustful. Slow and hesitant in response.

Nitric Acid (2): Throat has white patches and sharp points, as from splinters, on swallowing. Hawks mucus constantly. Pains into ears. Very irritable, hateful and unforgiving. Headstrong and vindictive. Everything is somebody's fault.

Silica (1): Helpful in removing small foreign objects. Prickling as if from a pin in the tonsils. Parotid glands swollen. Useful in yielding, gentle, passive temperaments.


CHOKING - arn., Apis., Arg-n., caust., HEP., ign., LACH., Merc., Nit-ac., Sil.

bone, in throat sensation of a - apis., HEP., ign., lach., Nit-ac.. sil.

fishbone, as if a - Apis.

bread crumbs, sensation of - LACH., NIT-AC.

hawk > - LACH.

food, lodges in the - Caust., LACH., NIT-AC., sil.

globus hystericus, tendency to choke from emotional causes - IGN.

hair, throat, sensation as if - lach., nit-ac., Sil..

prickling as if from a pin in the tonsils - Sil.

splinter, as if from - Apis., ARG-N., caust., HEP., ign., Lach., NIT- AC., Sil.

breathing, when - arg-n.

moving, neck, when - arg-n.

extending to ear, on turning head - HEP.

yawning, on - HEP.

swallowing, on - Apis., Arg-n., HEP.

swollen uvula, edematous, and sac-like - APIS.

strangulated feeling - ARG-N.

swallow, constant desire to, profuse saliva - MERC.

tight, can not bear anything - LACH.

white patches and sharp points, as from splinters, on swallowing - Nit-ac.

Disclaimer: This information is supplied for educational purposes only. It is not for the treatment of any individual person or disease. If you are suffering any particular complaint please consult a physician or call emergency services.

Cold and Acute Coryza

The common cold may be caused by variety viruses such as the rhinoviruses and adenoviruses, influenza viruses. More than 95 rhinovirus serotypes have been discovered in relationship to coryza yet there is still no effective treatment in orthodox medicine. Homeopathy, on the other hand, works directly on strengthening the immune system allowing it to overcome the virus and establish more immunity to it in the future. Not all colds, however, are caused by viruses in the first place. Some acute coryza may have other causes, such as the elimination of waste products, specific allergens or pollution.

The incubation period is usually 18 to 48 hour after exposure after which the onset is often rather abrupt. The symptoms often start with a scratchy, itchy, or burning throat, followed by sneezing, a clear watery discharge, and varying degrees of malaise. This may be followed by a hacking cough, laryngitis, tracheitis with substernal tightness and burning discomfort, and mild bronchitis in those who are susceptible. In the adult a cold is usually a-febrile although it may cause a mild fever (100 to 102 F) in infants and small children. Complications include sinusitis, swollen glands, tonsillitis, ear infections, bronchitis, and secondary infections marked by purulent sputum.

A common cold usually follows four distinct stages that assist in choosing the correct remedies. The first is mark by the scratchy throat, clear discharge, sneezing, and malaise. The second is marked by a white creamy discharge, less sneezing and a tight, hacking or tickling, itching, irritating cough, sore throats, and fever and chill. The third is marked by a yellowish discharge,, loose coughs, and pain in the chest. The fourth stage is marked by greenish or brownish discharges, the coughing up of lumps and plugs, and soreness deep in the lungs. After this fourth phase, the coryza may dry up and convalescence begun, or complication arises that continue toward a chronic state. Bed red and plenty of fluids is advised for those who are strongly affected.

Materia Medica

Aconite (2): First stage. Coryza caused by cold, dry winds, dry at first with violent headache, roaring in ears, fever, sleeplessness, heat and sense of fullness in nares, and muscles sore all over body so that sneezing forces him to support chest. Fluent coryza with frequent sneezing and dropping of clear, hot watery discharge, inner nose swollen, red, interfering with breathing. Better > in cool room and open air.

Allium Cepa (3): Colds with streaming discharges from the eyes and nose, with headache and frequent sneezing. Profuse acrid discharges from the nose corroding the lip and nose and bland lachrymation from the eyes (reverse of Euphr.). Violent laryngitis, tickling in larynx. cough seems to split and tear the larynx, grasp larynx when coughing. Hot and thirsty. Worse < evenings, indoors, warm room. Better > in open air.

Arsenicum (3): Thin watery discharges from nose that excoriates the upper lip, while nose is stuffed up all the time. Always taking cold in the nose, from every change of weather, colds begins in the nose and drops to the chest. Always chilly, hovers round the fire, can't get enough clothes on. Chilly with burning, relieved by heat. Thirst for frequent drinks in sips. Restless, anxious, morbidity fastidious and exhausted.

Arum Triph (2): Nostril raw and bloody, person bores and picks at bloody surfaces, worse < morning. Continuous discharges of burning ichorous fluid from nose, excoriating Nostril upper lip and corner of moth, nose stuffed, can only breathe with mouth open. Bores and picks in nose till it bleeds, worse mornings. Sneezing, worse < night, can hardly talk on account of phlegm in back part of throat, Snuffles of babies.

Belladonna (2): Suppressed catarrh with maddening headache. Throat raw and sore, very red and shining. Hoarseness and painful dryness larynx. As if larynx inflamed and swollen, with snoring breathing and danger of suffocation. Acute catarrhal laryngitis. Cough with red, injected throat. Dry, tearing cough that scrapes throat. This remedy is characterized by redness, heat and dryness. Tend toward thirstlessness.

Bryonia (2): Often begins in the nose, sneezing, coryza running at nose, lachrymation, aching eyes, nose and head the first day, then trouble goes down posterior nares, throat, larynx with hoarseness and bronchitis which may end in pleurisy and pneumonia. Extreme dryness, dry spasmodic, hard, racking, expectoration scanty, lips dry and parched, thirsty for large drinks. Cough with stitches in chest, with headache as if the head would fly to pieces. Irritable, wants to lie still and be left alone, Cough worse < at night, after eating and drinking, entering warm room, on taking a deep inspiration. Worse < cold, dry weather.

Camphor (1): Useful at the very beginning of a cold before the catarrhal symptoms have begun. Feels chilled, can not get warm, yet wants to be uncovered. Can abort the entire process if given early during the chill. Fluent coryza on sudden change of weather, violent stitching or crawling, from the root of the nose almost to the tip.

Carbo Veg (3): Worse < warm moist weather, evening. Loss of voice every evening, rawness of larynx and pharynx.

Dulcamara (1): Colds from cold, wet weather and snow, from getting wet, or chilled when heated. Worse < sudden changes of from hot to cold. Dry coryza, sore throat, stiff neck and limb painful. More fluent in warm or house less fluent in cold air, cold room. Starts sneezing in a cold room, nose stuffs up in cold rain.

Eupatorium Perf (3) Coryza with deep aching in every bone, and lassitude. Fluent coryza with sneezing and hoarseness, weight over head and forehead, nose and eyes both streaming with water at intervals.

Euphrasia (3): Burning coryza, increasing in the evening, with fluent flow of tears and cough. Mild discharge from the nose with acrid tears from the eyes (reverse Euphr.), aversion to light, worse < at night while lying down. Cough worse < during the day, after windy weather.

Ferr Phos (2): Coryza at the very beginning, frontal headache, better > by nosebleed. Starts with the fever. Chill returning at the same time every day, while sitting at table, and 1 p.m..

Gelsemium (2). Catarrh during warm, moist, relaxing weather, with excoriating discharge form the nose, making the nostrils and wings of nose raw and sore. Frequent sneezing, sore throat, tonsils red and tumefied. Difficulty swallowing from paretic state of the muscles, great prostration, wants to be left alone. Dullness, heaviness, droopy eyes, muscular soreness, fever without thirst (reverse Bry.).

Hepar Sulph (3): Colds from the cold, dry weather (Acon., Nux-v.). Sneezing and running from the nose, first watery, then thick, yellow offensive. Sweating all night without relief (Merc.) Hoarse croupy cough, phlegm is loose, rattling and choking. Hypersensitive to touch, pain, draughts of cold air. Wants to strike anyone who lets cold air in the room, very irritable. Better > moist, wet weather ( reverse Gels.).

Ipecac (1): Colds with overwhelming nausea, no thirst.

Kali Bich (3). and other kalis. Catarrhs with great accumulation of ropy mucus and expectoration of solid chunks from posterior nares. Cough with expectoration of tough phlegm which can be drawn into long strings. Pressure and tightness at the root of the nose, sinusitis, loss of smell. Flow of acrid water from nose, excoriating the nostrils causing ulceration (Arum-t., Ars.). Yellowish and greenish discharge.

(a).Kali-m (1): Colds in the second stage with swollen glands, white coated tongue, and white or grayish discharges.

(b). Kali-i (2): Nose is red, swollen, and tender and the face is red. Discharge from the nose feels cold and is acrid and watery. Discharge is yellowish or greenish. Hot and dry, then, alternating drenched with sweat. Alternating heat and chill. Later stages of a cold.

(c). Kali-s (1): Coryza with thick yellow offensive discharges alternating with a watery flow. Follows kali-m well.

Mercurius (2): Frequent sneezing, copious discharges of watery salvia, swelling, redness and rough scraping soreness of nose, with itching and pain in the nasal bones on pressing. Fetid smell of the nasal mucus. Painful heaviness of forehead, night-sweats, chill and feverish heat, great thirst pain in the limb, worse warmth or old by dampness. Watery, swollen, flabby tongue showing indention of teeth, with thirst. Creeping chilliness. Painful teeth and jaws with swollen glands. Suspicious, cautious, introverted, hurried, and at times slow and hesitant. Worse from cold and heat.

Natrum Mur (2): Catarrh that is watery, or thick whitish, like white of egg "raw or cooked". Colds with abnormal quantity of secretion with paroxysms of sneezing. Fluent alternating with dry catarrh. Watery vesicles about lips and wings of nose, cold sore and herpes. Cough with bursting headache (Bry.). Urine spurt when coughing. Depressed, serious, feels weepy but only cries when alone, worse < consolation. Craves salt. Tongue is clean, watery, with small bubbles.

Nux Vomica (2): During the first stage, dryness and obstruction of the nose, with heaviness in the forehead and angry, impatient mood. Catarrh fluent in the morning and dry in the evening and at night, with dryness of the mouth without much thirst, worse < in warm air, better in cold air. Sneezing early in bed, scraping in the nose and throat, chills and heat alternate in the evening, with great heat of the face and head, acrid discharge from the obstructed nose, stoppage of the nose, particularly out-doors, but fluent indoors. Worse < exposures to dry, cold air, sitting on cold stones, etc.

Phosphorus (2): Fluent coryza, dullness of the head, sleepiness, especially during the day and after meals, blowing blood from the nose, alternating fluent and dry with frequent sneezing, dry, forming firmly adhering crusts. Profuse discharges, flowing down into faucets, neck swollen, eyes staring. Cold begins in chest and runs up nose. Chest tight, cough hard, tight dry, rack the patient, worse < open air. Thirst for cold water, desires cool food. Highly sympathetic, lively, expressive individuals who are often tall , thin, hungry and desire for cold water and cold foods.

Pulsatilla (3): Old catarrhs with loss of smell, thick, bland, yellow discharges, in nervous, yielding, timid, or passive temperaments. Better > in open air. Lips chapped and peel yet patient is thirstless. Chronic, thick, yellow, bland discharges or later yellow, green and offensive. Tearful, craves sympathy and is better by > consolation (reverse Nat-m.).

Sulphur (3): Constant sneezing, stoppage of the nose, fluent, like water trickling from the nose, nasal discharges acrid and burning. Dirty looking discharges. Often useful when colds are lingering in individuals who are intellectual, philosophical, eccentric and messy in appearance.


ACUTE CORYZA - Acon., ALL-C., Arum-t., ARS., Bell., Bry., camph., Eup-p., EUPHR., Ferr-p., Gels., HEP., kali-m., KALI-B., Kali-i., kali-s., Merc., Nat-m., Nux-v., Phos., PULS., Sulph.

abdomen , pain in, from coughing or sneezing - Bry.

alternating heat and cold - Kali-i.


acrid - All-c., Ars., Gels., Kali-i., Merc., Nux-v. Sul.

bland - Euphr., Puls.

offensive - Calc., Hep., Kali-b., Merc., Nat-c., Puls.

greenish - Kali-b., Kali-i. Merc., Puls.


easily chilled - Ars., Bry., Hep., Nat-m., Nux-v., Phos., Puls.

head, pain from coughing or sneezing - Bry., Nux-v., Phos.

modalities -

air, open

< Bry., Hep., Merc., Nat-m., Nux-v., Phos.

> Acon., All-c., Puls.


< cold air - all-c., Ars., Dulc., Hep., Nux-v., Phos.

< cold dry weather - Acon., Bry., Hep., Nux-v.

< cold wet - Calc., Dulc., Rhus-t., Nat-s.

< inhaling cold air - All-c., Hep., Phos., Rumex.


< wet - Calc., Dulc., Kali-i., Merc., Puls., Sul.

< warm wet - Gels., Carb-v.

> warm wet - Hep.

warm room

< All-c., Merc., Nux-v., Puls.

entering - Bry.

stages -

first - Acon., camph., ferr-p. Nat-m.

second- kali-m.

third - kali-s., Puls.

fourth - Puls.

sinus, frontal affected - ars., kali-i., lyc., Merc., sil.

sore throat - Merc., Nux-v., Phos.

sweating -

better > - kali-i.

worse < - Hep., Merc.

travels down - Ars., Bry., Carb-v., Ipec.

travels up - Phos.

Disclaimer: This information is supplied for educational purposes only. It is not for the treatment of any individual person or disease. If you are suffering any particular complaint please consult a physician or call emergency services.


A cough is a protective reflex that is an attempt to expel secretions, mucus, foreign particles, and other extraneous materials from the respiratory tract. A cough should never be suppressed by anti-tussive agents, demulcents, antihistamines, etc., as this merely represses the natural elimination of these products. Cough in itself is just a symptom and may have many causes such as colds, influenza and bronchitis or more serious complaints. A cough can be a sign of a serious chronic disease and TB is all too present worldwide. All such cases should be screened by medical professionals and the patient should be managed accordingly. This material is for the first responder and the treatment of acute diseases and coughs only. In such case some of the following remedies may prove useful.

Materia Medica

Aconite (1): Short, dry or barking cough, arising form constant tickling in larynx, excited by drinking. Stitches in the chest that hinders respiration. Coughs that are caused by cold, dry weather and winds and begin with a sudden invasion of a hot, dry, feverish state. Worse < lying on the side, eating and drinking, from cold dry winds or current of air, walking in open air, when assuming an up right position, deep inspiration and speaking. Great restlessness, fear and worry with tossing about.

Antimonium Tart (2): Cough with great rattling of mucus with little or no expectoration. Profuse mucus in the chest with feeble expulsive power. Violent cough after each meal, ending with vomiting of the food, cough with suffocating attacks, violent sneezing, tickling in air passages provoking cough. Nightly cough with expectoration of thick, yellow, tough mucus. Better > sitting upright, from expectoration, when carried in a upright position. Worse < after midnight, after eating, when angry, sleeping in damp cellars, warm in bed, every morning, rattling of phlegm in chest, lying down, with oppression. Drowsy, sleepy, despondent, fear of being alone but a child will not want to be touched without whining.

Arsenicum (2): Wheezing respiration with cough and frothy mucus. Air passages constricted, can not breath fully. Asthmatic type of cough. Great prostration and debility. Very sensitive to cold. Cough with scanty, difficult expectoration. Anxious and oppressive shortness of breath. Anxiety, restlessness, fussy with thirst for drinks little and often.

Belladonna (2): Dry spasmodic cough, worse < at night, wakes from sleep. Soreness in chest, children cry when coughing, Sensation as if there was down or dust in the throat causes constant tickling, with irresistible desire to cough. Redness and heat of the face, dilated pupil, glistening eyes, burning heat, acuteness of senses, throbbing headache, red injected sore throat. Mental state can be almost frantic, furious, children may strike and bite, or the person may sit calmly with no anxiety and fear.

Bryonia (2): Hard, dry, racking cough. coming from the gastric region, preceded by tickling or creeping in stomach or throat. Cough at night in bed, intense dryness of the mucus membranes and thirst for great quantities of water. Stitches in chest when coughing or breathing deeply (Acon, Bell.) Sensation when coughing as if head and chest would fly to pieces, must press his hand against the sternum for support. Coughs with involuntary discharge of urine, stitches in the chest, small of the back, Worse < by touch, motion, talking, laughing, eating and drinking, cough in bed at night, compelling one to spring up and assume erect posture at once. Better > rest, lying on the painful side. Patient is irritable, wants to be left alone.

Causticum (1): Dryness, rawness, hoarseness, aphonia, cough hard, and racks the whole chest. Chest feels full of mucus, feels as if only they could cough a little deeper it would raise up the mucus, obliged to swallow the sputum raised, inability to expectorate. Cough with involuntary emissions of urine. Much better > drinking cold water. Intensely sympathetic, sensitive, individuals who take a great interest in the welfare of others.

Drosera (3): Spasmodic, nervous and sympathetic cough, deep sounding, hoarse and barking, with pain in the hypochondrium, must hold the part with the hands. Cough with paroxysms following each other very rapidly, can scarcely breath, chokes. Harassing and titillating cough in children that commences as soon as the head touches the pillow at night. Worse < immediately on lying down, after midnight, warmth, drinking, laughing, singing, weeping.

Hepar Sulph (3): Croupy cough, with loose, rattling phlegm in windpipe. Rattling, choking cough, worse < after midnight. Severe laryngeal catarrh, with roughness and pain in the upper part of throat. Can not bear to be uncovered, least exposure of cold excites cough (Rumx). Anxious, hoarse, wheezing respiration. Worse < cold, dry weather. Better > in warm, moist weather. Suits thin, irritable, impatient, chilly, oversensitive individuals

Hyocyamus (2): Dry spasmodic cough, especially at night when lying down, relieved by sitting up, from itching in the throat, as if uvula were to long. suited to hysterical females and young girls.

Ignatia (2): Dry spasmodic cough in the evening, feels as if there is fumes or dust in the throat pit. The longer they cough the more irritation they feel. Suited to nervous, young people or women with hysterical tendencies. Cough due to emotional difficulties such as grief, unrequited love, and sadness.

Ipecac (1): Spasmodic, asthmatic suffocating, shaking, cough with sweat on the forehead. Child becomes blue and stiff, wheezing, rattling respiration, great weight and anxiety in the chest, worse < least motion, better open air. Loss of breath with cough with inclination to vomit without nausea. Intense nausea with chest complaints with clean tongue.

Kali Bich (2): Loose cough, with rattling in chest. Cough with thick, heavy expectoration of bluish, yellow, or white lumpy mucus. Cough with expectoration of tough, stringy, mucus that adheres to the parts and can be drawn out in long strings. Catarrhal laryngitis, coughs have a brassy sound. Suits far, light-haired persons, or fat, chubby, short-necked children disposed to croupy affections.

Kali Carb (2): Cough, wheezing, asthmatic, must lean forward with head on knees. Cough with cutting or stitching in chest with respiration and between the breaths (Bry, stitching on breath only). Sputum of small, white, round lumps that fly from the mouth when coughing or hawking. Edema, above the eyes, morning, disappearing during day, constipation. Suits conservative, rigid, possibly dogmatic individuals, who dislike change. Never quiet or contented, desires to be with people but treats them outrageously.

Nux Vomica (3): Dryness cough, caused by a rough, scraping sensation in throat. Cough, with pain in head, as if skull would burst, or a sensation as if bruised in region of stomach. Constipation, large, hard difficult stools with ineffectual urging. Desires to eat during the cough. After abuse of cough mixtures. Worse < after eating, mental efforts, on awaking, smoking, drinking, eating. Better > warm drinks. Suits anger, impatient, irritable, ambitious driven individuals.

Phosphorus (3): Dry cough, arising from tickling in the throat and chest, excited by reading aloud, talking, laughing, drinking (Bry., Dros., Puls.). Dry tickling in the evening, with tightness across the chest. Trembling of the whole body with the cough. Sputum frothy, bloody, rust colored, purulent, white and tough, cold mucus, tasting sour, salty or sweet. Can not lay on left side or with head low, pains in the chest compel them to sit up. Desire for cold water and cold food. Suits tall, slender individuals, who are open, bright, sympathetic, suggestible, and lively in the beginning of an illness but become slow, tired and apathetic as the disease advances. Worse physical and mental exertion, twilight, change of weather, in evening, lying on left or painful side, during thunderstorm. Better > lying on the right side, cold food, cold open air, sleep.

Pulsatilla (3): Dry cough at night and loose cough in the day, yellowish, greenish, or bitter expectoration. Dry cough at night, going off when sitting up, reappearing when lying down. Dryness of the mouth with thirstless. Suits soft, gentle, sensitive, tearful persons, who crave sympathy and comfort and need reassurance. Worse < in warm, closed rooms and craves open air even if chilly.

Rumex (2): Dry cough from tickling in upper sternal fossa. Laryngo-tracheal cough, with is teasing and persistent, worse < cold, patient must cover the head or mouth with covers and breath warm air to stop the cough. Tickling in the throat pit causing dry, teasing cough. Extremely sensitive to cold air. Worse < lying down, cool, cold air. Better > warmth, keeping mouth covered.

Spongia (3): Cough, dry sibilant, like a saw driven through a pine board, dry barking, rasping, ringing, wheezing, whistling, everything is perfectly dry, no mucus rales. Worse < sweets, cold drinks, smoking, lying with head low, dry cold winds, talking, reading, laughing, swallowing. Better > eating or drinking warm things.

Stannum (2): Loose cough, with heavy, green, sweet or salty sputum. Sensation of great weakness and emptiness in the chest, worse < from talking, laughing, reading aloud, singing. so weak they can hardly talk. Sad, despondent, feels like crying all the time, but cry makes her worse.

Sulphur (2). Night cough, suffocating at night, wants the doors and windows open. Congestion of blood to the head and chest with burning chest, head, face and soles of the feet at night, must stick them out from under the covers. Worse < bathing.


COUGHS - acon., Anti-t., ars., Bell, Bry., caust., DROS., HEP., Hyos., Ign., ip., Kali-b., Kali-c., NUX-V., PHOS., PULS., Rumex., Spong., Stann., Sul.

barking - ACON., anti-t., BELL., DROS., HEP., Kali-b., phos., Rumx., SPONG., stann., sulph.

concomitant -

congestion of blood to the head and chest - Sul.

head and chest, as if, would fly to pieces, must press his hand against the sternum for support - Bry.

head, as if skull would burst, or a sensation as if bruised in region of stomach - Nux-v.

hypochondrium, pain, must hold the part with the hands - Dros.

stitches in the chest, small of the back - Bry.

deep - Dros., HEP., Spon., stann.

dry cough - ACON., ARS., BELL., BRY., caust., dros., Hep., HYOS., IGN., Ip., Kali-b., KALI-C., NUX-V., PHOS., RUMEX., SPONG., Stann., SULPH.

dry cough from tickling in upper sternal fossa. - Rumx.

dry spasmodic cough in the evening - ign.

everything is perfectly dry - SPONG.

hard, dry, racking cough - Bry.

short, dry or barking cough - Acon.

spasmodic, dry cough esp. at night when lying down - Hyos.

eating from - Ant-t., Ars., bell., Bry., Hep., Ip., KALI-B., NUX-V., Rumx., sulph.

expectoration -

inability to expectorate - Ant-t., Caust.

small, white, round lumps - Kali-c.

tough, stringy, mucus which adheres to the parts and can be drawn out in long strings - KALI-B.

yellow, thick, tough mucus - Anti-t.

exhausting - ars., Phos..

hollow - Acon., ant-t., BELL., CAUST., Ign., Ip., nux-v., Phos., SPONG.

loose expectoration - ant-t., Ars., dros., hep., kali-c., kali-bi., Phos, PULS., spong., Stann., sul.

rattling -

great, of mucus with little or no expectoration - Anti-t.

loose cough, with rattling in chest - Kali-b.

loose, rattling phlegm in windpipe - Hep.

mentals -

drowsy, sleepy, despondent - Anti-t.

fearful - Acon.

frantic, furious, children may strike and bite - Bell.

grief, unrequited love, and sadness bring on cough - IGN.

open, bright, sympathetic, suggestible, and lively - Phos.

quiet or contented, never, desires to be with people, but treats them outrageously - Kali-c.

irritable, wants to be left alone - Bry.

restlessness -

fear and worry with tossing about - ACON.

anxiety, fussiness with thirst for drinks little and often. - ARS.

sad , despondent, feels like crying all the time, crying agg. - stann.

soft , gentle, sensitive, tearful persons, who crave sympathy - PULS.

sympathetic - Caust, Phos, Puls.

intensely sympathetic - Caust.

paroxysms following each other very rapidly, can scarcely breath - DROS.

spasmodic cough - bell., DROS., Hyos., Ign., ip.

thirst -

cold water - caust, Phos.

great quantities of water - Bry.

sip, frequent - Ars.

thirstless - PULS.

tightness across the chest - PHOS.

urine, involuntary emission of - bry., Caust.

vomiting - Ant-t., bry., Ip., nux-v., Puls.

weakness and emptiness in the chest, can hardly talk - Stann.

wheezing - ars., kali-c.

respiration with cough and frothy mucus - Ars.

Disclaimer: This information is supplied for educational purposes only. It is not for the treatment of any individual person or disease. If you are suffering any particular complaint please consult a physician or call emergency services.


Dislocations are when a bone is when a joint is forcibly knocked or twisted apart. This is accompanied by nausea, inability to move the joint, swelling, and bruising and deformity. It is sometimes hard to tell a dislocation from a fracture. The most common dislocations are the shoulder and jaw. Support the affected joint with pillows or blankets, etc., and call 911. Arnica is useful for the immediate shock and trauma; Bryonia is useful for the acute affects; Rhus-tox. is useful during the rehabilitation phase, and Calcarea. to remove any chronic affects.

Materia Medica

Arnica (2): and Aconite (1): Give Arnica immediately to remove shock and pain. Aconite is useful when there is fear, heat, fever, and panic, etc. Refer first aid materia medica.

Bryonia (2*): Useful after Arnica when the joint is hot, red, swollen, with stitches and tearing pains which a < the slightest motion. Effective after the joint has been reduced but the acute inflammation remains and the joint is very painful to move. < Heat, motion, morning, exertion, touch. Worse > cold, lying on the painful side to support it, pressure, rest. The patient is irritable and wants to be left alone.

Calcarea Carb (3): This remedy often follows Rhus-tox. as it helps remove the chronic affects of dislocations. Sharp, sticking, as if the parts were wrenched and sprained. Worse < from mental or physical exertion, cold in every form, standing. Better > dry climate lying of painful side, and motion. Follows Rhus-t. well, acts as a chronic complement. Especially adapted to phlegmatic temperaments.

Natrum Carb (3): Easy dislocation and spraining of the ankles. Foot bends under, Heels and Achilles tendon affected.Great weakness of the limbs, esp. in the mornings.

Rhus Tox (3*): Helps the joint heal after it has been reduce when the joint is stiff and painful on first movement but is relieve may continual motion. The joint limbers up with motion and warmth. Tearing pains in the tendons, ligaments, and fascia. The individual is restless and continual changes places. It has a direct affect of the jaw and shoulders. They are worse < at rest, cold wet, rainy weather, and after rain, night. Better > Warm, dry weather, motion, walking, change of position,, rubbing, warm applications, from stretching out the limb. Complementary to Bryonia. It often follows it in dislocations.

Ruta (3*): Specially useful in dislocations of the Tarsal, carpal, wrist, ankles and elbows and shoulder joints. This remedy acts directly on the flexor tendons, periosteum and cartilage. Where there is a tendency to form deposits in the periosteum, tendons, and about the joints, esp. the wrist. There is a sensation of lameness and a bruised, achy feeling. Bad affects of straining and lifting. Worse < lying down, rest, cold wet weather. Adapted to sanguine temperaments.

Disclaimer: This information is supplied for educational purposes only. It is not for the treatment of any individual person or disease. If you are suffering any particular complaint please consult a physician or call emergency services.


Birth and death are the entry and exit to this world. In western culture death has been a subject that is avoided at all cost. There is so much emphasis on preserving life in western medicine that little thought is given to the process of death. In the orient the process of death is studied with the same enthusiasm as the processes of life. Over the many years that I ran free clinics in north India I learned much about the subject from the yogis and yoginis. I have witness how they die, and I can tell you from personal experience, it is vastly different than western people. I have seen more than one approach death sitting in a meditation posture with their minds complete focused on their inner experiences. For them death is a gate to another dimension and they do their best to pass through it consciously. The yogis have a scripture that record the process of the death before the breath ceases, after its cessation, as well as after the spirit leaves the body. This may sound ridiculous to some in the skeptical west, but with the study of the near death experience by psychologists, hypnotist and physicians, the subject is beginning to open up.

When a person is approaching death it is best to make them as comfortable as possible and keep the environment quiet and supportive. In the same way that we have birthing coaches at the start of life, it is best to have a death coach present during death to guide the person in the right direction. A individual with a good knowledge of creative visualization is often the most equipped to help those in the death transition. The family should be instructed not to hold on to the dying person and to say things like "please don't die" or " we can't go on without you" as this only makes the situation worse. A state of prayer and quiet contemplation, or meditation should be taken up by all those present including the attendant health practitioners.

In emergency situations where medical procedures are being carried out to try and save life, care should still be given to the mind of the sufferer. Talk to them as if they can hear you because subconsciously they can. Tell them what you are doing and why in a calm a reassuring manner as you carry out your procedures. Do not say things around an unconscious patient that you would not say to them if they were conscious. In homeopathy there are remedies that relieve the pain associated with death and help the person die. This may be called "homeopathic euthanasia", but the remedies do not kill the patient or assist in suicide. The remedies just reduce the pain and mental suffering and help the person let go at the right time. If the patient is capable of recovery, these same remedies may initiate the process. Death is something we will all have to face some day so the best time to prepare for it is while we are alive. As an old Himalayan yogi once said to me, "Death is a door to enlightenment, better take advantage of it!"

Materia Medica

Aconite (2): Fear of death, but believes is will happen soon, predicts the time. Great anxiety, fear and worry. Panic and terror. Fears the future and what it while bring. Anxious restlessness and tossing about. Delirium, characterized by unhappiness, worry, fear, raving, sufferer is rarely fully conscious. Dry, burning heat, fever, and thirst.

Alumina (1): Confused as to his identity. Suicidal tendency on seeing a knife or blood. Low-spirited, fears loss of reason. Old people who lack vital heat, or prematurely old, with debility. Worse < periodically, in afternoon, morning of awaking, warm room.

Ant-T (2): The death rattle, great rattling of mucus but very little is expectorated. Coughing and gasping consecutively. Edema and impending paralysis of the lungs. Drowsy and comatose condition.

Arsenicum (3*): Great anguish and restlessness with great prostration. The patient is very weak but still wants to get and walk the floor although they can not. The suffer fears death, and of being alone. Thinks it useless to take medicine. Fastidious, wants everything done a certain way. Suicidal. Worse < at night. after midnight, cold drinks. Better > warmth, from the head being elevated.

Cocculus (1): Time travels too quickly, absorbed in reveries. Profound sadness. Sensations of hollowness, or emptiness, as if parts had gone to sleep. Heavy and stupid. Can not bear contradictions. Worse < eating, after loss of sleep, open air, touch, noise, jar, after emotional disturbances.

Cuprum Met (1): Fixed ideas, malicious and morose. Uses words not intended. Spasmodic affections, cramps, and convulsions. Worse < contact. Better > drinking cold water.

Latrodectus Mactans (3): Anxiety, screams with the pains. Extreme breathlessness, gasping respiration, fears losing his breath. Skin cold as marble. Heart attacks.

Opium (2): The dying person wants nothing. Unable to understand of appreciate his suffering. Complete loss of consciousness. Painlessness of all complaints. Heavy, stupid, sleep with irregular, noisy breathing. Frightful fancies, daring, gay and bright. Hot, damp, skin. Worse < heat, during and after sleep. Better > by cold things.

Pulsatilla (1): Tearful, sentimental, has a hard time letting go of loved ones. Wishes to be held and like sympathy. Fears to be left alone. Religious melancholy. Must have open air or they feel suffocated. Suits passive, changeable females or gentle men. Worse < heat, closed warm rooms. Better > open air, cold application, cold food and drinks.

Rhus Tox (2): Extreme restlessness, with continual change of position (ars more anxious and prostrated). Sensorium becomes cloudy. Great apprehension of the night, wants to get up out of bed. Dreams of great exertion. Thought of suicide. Worse < during sleep, cold, night, at rest. Better > warm, motion, change of position.

Tarentula Hispania (3): Averse to company but want some one present. Sensitive to music. Extreme restlessness, must keep in constant motion even though walking aggravates. Destructive impulses, moral sense relaxed. Lasciviousness reaching almost to insanity. Ungrateful and discontented. Worse < motion, contact, noise. Better > open air, music, bright colors, rubbing affected parts.

Veratrum Album (2): Delusions of impending misfortune. Attack of pain, with delirium driving them to madness. Cursing and howling all night. Violent mania alternating with refusal to speak. Collapse, extreme coldness, blueness, and weakness. Cold perspiration on the forehead. Worse < at night. Better > warmth.


DYING, agony, while - Acon., alum., Ant-t., ARS., cocc., cupr., Lat-m., puls., Rhus-t., Op., TARENT., Verat.

Mind -

anguish and restlessness with great prostration - ARS.

company, averse to, but want some one present - Tarent.

confused as to his identity - ALUM.

cursing and howling all night - tarent.

delirium driving them to madness - Tarent.

drowsy and comatose condition - ANT-T.

fear - ACON., Alum., ARS.

being alone - Ars.. Puls.

breath, losing his - Lat-m.

fastidious, wants everything done a certain way - Ars.

fixed ideas - cupr.

lasciviousness - tarent.

malicious and morose - cupr.

misfortune, delusions of impending - VERAT.

music, sensitive to , it > - TARENT.

nothing, wants - OP.

panic and terror - ACON.

predicts the time - Acon.

reveries, absorbed in - Cocc.

restlessness - Ars., Rhus-t., Tarent.

sadness, profound - COCC.

screams with the pain - Lat-m.

suicidal - Alum., Ars., Rhus-t.

tearful, sentimental, has a hard time letting go of loved ones - PULS.

time travels too quickly - COCC.

ungrateful - Tarent.

useless, thinks it, to take medicine - Ars.

violent mania alternating with refusal too talk - Tarent.

Disclaimer: This information is supplied for educational purposes only. It is not for the treatment of any individual person or disease. If you are suffering any particular complaint please consult a physician or call emergency services.


Earaches are fairly common in children from 6 months to 7 or 8 years old. There are three types of ear affections, those of the external, middle and inner ears. Some earaches are infections whereas others are caused exposure to cold, windy weather. Many reoccurring earaches are caused by dairy and wheat sensitivities or allergies. It is important to restrict these foods when there are ear problems. The Eustachian tubes may also become block causing pain, a stopped up feeling, hearing loss, and pressure in the head. Whenever there is a discharge from the ear, the eardrum has been ruptured so there may be temporary loss of some hearing. This will be restored by proper treatment. The following remedies are most useful in treating acute attacks. They may remove the tendency for such problems. Chronic reoccurring earaches should be treated with constitutional remedies. These remedies should be use to prevent any further problems from arising.

Materia Medica

Aconite (2): Useful in early acute stage. External ear hot, swollen, red, meatus red and narrowed, painfully sensitive. Earache with sharp pains, worse < at night. Acute pain, caused by exposure to dry, cold winds. Bright red cheeks, high fever, dry skin, rapid pulse, with thirst for cold drinks. Child holds the ear and is restless, anxious, fearful. Worse < violent emotions, fright, shock; cold, dry winds; night in bed; pressure and touch. Better > open air and by a warm sweat. Suits plethoric, sanguine and nervous types

Belladonna (3): Acute infections of the middle ear, sudden onsets, sharp, shooting, cutting pains in and around the ear. Great heat, dilated pupils, throbbing of arteries in the throat, eardrums, head and body, sweats on covered parts. Tympanic membrane is red, bulging with predominate blood vessels. Pain makes the sufferer almost delirious, rolls head from side to side, jerks during sleep, child cries out in sleep. The patient is either delirious or has very little anxiety or fear, no thirst with fever (acon, thirsty). Worse < drafts, hair cuts or washing head; noise, jar, touch, motion, pressure; after taking cold or cold air. Better > bed rest, sitting semi-erect. Suits plethoric sanguine types.

Capsicum (2): Soreness of the mastoid area of the temporal, mastoid threaten by inflammatory action, pain and swelling behind the ear. Deep pain within the ear worse < night, suppurative infections with itching deep in ear. Chronic suppuration with bursting headache, chilliness, ears are hot, red, and pain goes to the throat, discharge is thick, yellow and purulent. Sub-acute inflammation of the Eustachian tube with great pain and dryness with heat in the throat. Aching in one or both ears when coughing. Excessively peevishness, peppery deposition, homesickness. Worse < open air, uncovering, draughts. Better > from heat, while eating. General lack of cleanliness of body, suits individuals with lax fiber, diminished vital heat, plethoric, sluggish, nature; pseudo-plethoric phlegmatic. Red face yet cold to touch.

Chamomilla (3): Violent stitching pains in ear which cause screaming and great tossing about. Earaches with tearing pain, extorting cries, the patient becomes almost furious and can not bear the pain. Children are very irritable, fretful and must be carried all the time. The ears are hot, red, or one cheek red and hot, the other cold and pale. Fever with hot, sweaty head and thirst. Worse < anger. cold air, bathing, change of weather, dentition, puberty, milk. Better > lying on painful side, dry climates.

Ferr Phos (2): Dull, heavy, full feeling in head from dilation of blood vessels, face flushed, feels swollen, meatus and tympanic membrane are red and infused with blood. Useful in the first stages of inflammation with redness or if there is hemorrhages of blood. High fever with a lack of accompanying symptoms, thirst is not marked. Better > by quiet and recumbent position, Worse > night (4 to 6 A.M.), noise, cold air, by sudden or continued motion which aggravate the beating and hammering. Not as violent as Acon or Bell yet is attended by pulsations and heat.

Hepar Sulph (3): Extreme sensitiveness to contact, dread of contact out of proportion to the actual pain. Canal filled with white, cheesy, bloody pus, and surrounded by irritated, scurfy skin with little pustules in meatus and auricle wherever the pus has touched. In advanced stages the discharge is green, thin, offensive, and smelly. Sore throat, with sharp stitching pains that extend to the ears when swallowing. Worse < cold, uncovering, touch, lying on painful parts. Better > heat, head wrapped up. Suits, irritable, bad tempered individuals who sweat without relief and are very chilly and hypersensitive to the slightest cold draft.

Kali Mur (2): Catarrh of middle ear, retracted tympanic membrane, thick white mucus, tongue coated white or grayish-white, swollen Eustachian tubes with swollen cervical glands. Ears problems due to flying or rapid ascend and descend, snapping noises in the ears.

(a). Kali Bich (3): Discharges of thick, yellow, stringy, mucus or pus. Inflammation of the middle and inner ear.

(b). Kali Phos : Discharges of watery, dirty, brown, fetid pus with easy bleeding.

(b). Kali Sulph : Discharges of an orange yellow, sticky nature. Useful after Pulsatilla where the remedy does not complete the cure.

Mercurius (3): Ear infections with swollen parotid glands, offensive breath, moist mouth with swollen tongue showing the indentations of the teeth and thirst. Acrid, thick yellow-green, blood streaked, or fetid bloody discharges. Pains in the ear extending to the face and teeth. Excoriation and ulceration of the meatus, ulceration of the tympanic membrane that bleeds on the slightest touch, ulceration of concha. Constant cold sensation in the ears, creeping chilliness, sweat much without relief, sensitive to cold and heat, great weariness, prostration and trembling. Suits individuals who are slow in answering questions, memory weakened and loss of will power. Mistrustful and weary of life.

(a). Mercurius Iod . Flav . Sudden sharp pains in the right ear, throbbing, boring from within outward.

(b). Mercurius Iod . Rub . Left Eustachian tube affected. Ears close for a few moments at a time.

(c). Mercurius Dulc . Middle ear infections, closure of Eustachian tube, ear troubles in scrofulous children, membrane tympani retracted, thickened and immovable. Pallor, flabby, bloated and turgid flaccidity.

Pulsatilla (3): Inflammation of the external ear, heat, redness, sensation as if something was being forced out of the ear, or of a plug with defective hearing. Discharges of bland, inoffensive, yellow or yellowish greenish pus or mucus. Suits fretful, whiny, tearful individuals who seek sympathy and are better > by consolation. Adapted to warm constitutions who are worse < warmth and closed rooms and seek fresh open air (even if chilly). Thirstless even with dry mouth. Worse < warmth, warm air, closed rooms, evening, rest. Better > by cold, fresh open air, uncovering, gentle motion, erect posture and weeping or being held and consolation.

Silica (3): Itching of Eustachian tube and in ears, the child bores into its ears when asleep, causing discharge of blood and pus. Stopped up feeling in the ears, passing off when yawning or swallowing. Offensive, watery, curd-like discharges with soreness of inner nose and crust on upper lip. Necrosis of ear bones, mastoid (comes in after Caps.) or perforations of the drum that refuse to heal. Suits chilly, yielding, nervous, excitable individuals who seem to lack grit and have a tendency to foul foot sweats or sweat on the head during first sleep. Obstinate children who do not outwardly object to what they are told but just tend to ignore advice and do what they want. Worse < cold air, drafts, uncovering, new moon. Better > warmth, wraps to the head, wrapping ear.

Sulphur (3): Much itching in the ears, changing to pain when attempting to scratch them. Dirty, offensive, sometimes sour-smelling discharges. Children who are averse to washing, feeling as if there is water in the ear. burning. Suit to those who with heat on the vertex, palms or burning feet with a tendency toward skin itching eruptions. Fever with hot head and cold feet. Ill effects of suppression of discharges from the ears.


EARACHES - Acon., BELL., Caps., CHAM., FERR-P., HEP., Kali-b., Kali-m., kali-p., Kali-s., MERC., merc-d., Merc-i-f., Merc-i-r., PULS., SIL., SULPH.

bright red cheeks, high fever, dry skin, rapid pulse - Acon.

discharges -

bland, inoffensive, yellow or yellowish greenish pus or mucus - PULS.

dirty, offensive, sometimes sour-smelling - Sulph.

fetid, bloody discharges - Merc.

green, thin, offensive, and smelly - Hep.

offensive, watery, curd-like discharges - Sil.

orange yellow, sticky nature - Kali-s.

thick -

yellow and purulent - Caps.

yellow-green, blood streaked- Merc.

yellow, stringy mucus or pus - Kali-b.

watery, dirty, brown, fetid pus with easy bleeding - Kali-p.

white -

cheesy, bloody pus - Hep.

thick mucus - Kali-m.

dull, heavy, full feeling in head from dilation of blood vessel - Ferr-p.

fever with a lack of accompanying symptoms - Ferr-p.

heat, dilated pupils, throbbing of arteries in the throat, eardrums, head and body, sweats on covered parts - BELL.

mind -

anxiety or fear, little - Bell.

child holds the ear and is restless, anxious, fearful - Acon.

delirious, rolls head from side to side, jerks during sleep, child cries out in sleep - Bell.

fretful, whiny, tearful individuals who seek sympathy and are better > by consolation - Puls.

furious, can not bear the pain- CHAM.

irritable -

bad tempered - Hep.

fretful and must be carried all the time - Cham.. peevishness, peppery deposition - Caps.

homesickness - Caps.

worse < violent emotions, fright, shock - acon.

yielding, nervous, excitable individuals who seem to lack grit - Sil.

pains -

aching in one or both ears when coughing - Caps.

acute pain, caused by exposure to dry, cold winds - Acon.

Eustachian tube pain, dryness and heat in the throat - Caps.

extending to the face and teeth - Merc.

extreme sensitiveness to contact, dread of contact out of proportion to the actual pain - HEP.

hot -

swollen, red, meatus red, narrowed, painfully sensitive - Acon.

red, and pain goes to the throat - Caps.

inflammation of the external ear - PULS.

itching in the ears changing to pain when scratching - SULPH.

sharp pains, worse < at night - Acon.

soreness of the mastoid area - Caps.

sore throat , with sharp stitching pains that extend to the ears when swallowing - Hep.

tearing pain, extorting cries, the patient becomes almost furious and can not bear the pain - CHAM.

violent stitching pain cause screaming and great tossing about - Cham.

thirst - acon., merc.

thirstless - Bell., Puls.

no thirst with fever - Bell.

tympanic membrane -

red , bulging with predominate blood vessels - Bell.

red and infused with blood - Ferr-p.

retracted - Ferr-p.

ulceration , bleeds on the slightest touch - Merc.

stages -

early acute - Acon., Bell., ferr-p.

Disclaimer: This information is supplied for educational purposes only. It is not for the treatment of any individual person or disease. If you are suffering any particular complaint please consult a physician or call emergency services.

Electrocution and Shocks

A strong electric shock or a lighting strike may stop a person's heart and breathing, as well as cause severe burning. First of all, the first responder must turn off the current in the case of electrical shock. Electricity is extremely dangerous as it may ground out through any available object so the first responder must be very careful not to become the next casualty. If you cannot turn off the current try to push the victim away from the electrical source with a non-conducting object such as a broomstick or a chair. Be very careful that there is no water or any source of dampness in the area as this is an excellent conductor of electricity.

High power cables and power lines are usually fatal on contract and can arc several feet through the air. Do not approach such dangerous situations! As soon as you have switched off the electricity or removed the individual from the source of the shock check the breathing and heart beat and give artificial respiration and CPR if necessary (refer). After the pulse and breathing are restored, place the victim in the recovering position (refer). Use the remedies under asphyxia until the vital signs are stabilized and then give remedies for electroshock and burns (refer) as needed. The same response is use in the case of lighting strikes. Call the emergency services.

Materia Medica

Arnica (1): Good for "shocks" in any form. A good remedy for a simple shock where there is an aching, bruise, numb feeling and mental surprise. The person says they are all right but they hold there arm or hand, etc..

Hellaboris (1): Complete unconsciousness. Sees, hears, feels imperfectly. Falling of the lower jaw, grinding of the teeth, chewing motions, and sensorial depression. Greatly swallows old water, even though unconscious. Convulsive tendencies.

Morphinum (1): Dream-like state. Vertigo from the least movement of the head. Trembling, twitching, jerking, convulsions.

Nux Vomica (1): Irritable and angry. Can not stand noises, odors, lights, does not want to be touched. Convulsions with consciousness, < touch and moving. Lighting strikes.

Phosphorus (2*): This remedy is often used routinely if no other remedies is called for by specific symptoms. Great susceptibility to electrical shock, even a small shock can cause nervous symptoms, such as violent palpitations with anxiety, tightness in the chest, or vertigo with fainting. etc..

Comments . In a sense these five remedies from a layered response to shocks, from mild to severe. Arnica for the shock itself, especially if simple. Phosphorus for the shocks that produce nervous symptoms. Nux Vomica for shocks that cause convulsions and spasms with consciousness. Morphinum for shocks that cause convulsion and spasms with a dream-like semi conscious state. Helleborus for shock that produce convulsions and spasms with complete unconsciousness


ELECTROSHOCK, electricity agg - arn., hell., morph., nux-v., Phos.

ailments from - hell., morph., phos.

burns - canth.

convulsions -

complete unconsciousness, with - Hell.

consciousness, with - Nux-v.

dream-like state, with - Morph.

lightening strikes - morph, Nux -v., op. phos.

blindness from lighting - phos.

simple shocks - Arn.

susceptibility, great, to electric shocks - Phos.

unconsciousness, complete - Hell.

Disclaimer: This information is supplied for educational purposes only. It is not for the treatment of any individual person or disease. If you are suffering any particular complaint please consult a physician or call emergency services.

Eye Injuries

Injuries to the eyes are always dangerous due to the sensitivity of the structures. If there is any question as to the severity of the injuries see a doctor. In major injuries give Arnica for shock, gently cover the eye with a clean gauze pad, and call 911 or drive the victim to the hospital. Small foreign bodies such as dust, sand or grit can be washed from the eye with gently running water and then bathed in Calendula solution. Larger objects can be wiped off the eyeball with a clean handkerchief that is dipped in Calendula. It is sometimes helpful to lift the lid to stimulate tear flow to clean the eye of foreign substances. If pain persists after removal of the foreign object, and the eye become red, inflamed, and feels as if there is something still in it, give Aconite. If the pain continues for more than 12 hours seek medical attention. The specific remedies for eye injuries are listed below.

Materia Medica

Aconite (3*): Pain from scratched cornea following removal of foreign bodies. Sensation as if there is sand in the eye. The first stage of inflammation, prior to exudation, of conjunctive cornea or iris, or after injuries or surgical operations. Eyeball sensitive to motion. Lids swollen, hard, and red. Aversion to light. Profuse watering after exposures to dry, cold winds, reflections of snow. Eye injuries that cause fear, restlessness and panic and hot, dry fevers with thirst, etc.. Worse < night, warm room, cold winds. Better > open air.

Allium Cepa (2): Ophthalmia after operation or trauma with great pain. Excessive non-excoriating lachrymation but bland nasal discharge (rev. of Euphr). Person looks like they have been cutting up onions. Burning of the margins of the lids. Worse < evenings, warm room.

Arnica (3*): Traumatic ophthalmia. Retinal hemorrhages from injuries or naturally. The eyes fell sore, aching, bruised, and have tearing, shooting pains. Double vision from trauma and head injuries. The eyes are very bloodshot. Often used as the first remedy to relieve shock and to prevent the undesired effects of injury. Worse < night, jarring, touch. Better > warmth, lying.

Calendula (3): Traumatic conjunctivitis, keratitis and iritis. Wounds of lids and brows. Useful as a lotion where there are foreign bodies in the eyes.

Cantharis (3 for burns). Inflammation of eyes caused by burns, burning in eyes and glowing heat as from coals. Biting sensation as if salt were in the eyes.

(a). for chemical burns, Causticum.

Cicuta Virosa (2): Spasmodic affection of the eyes, strabismus occurring after a fall or blow. The eyes are sensitive to light, letters go up or down or disappear, or colors of rainbow around them. Objects appear double or black, pupils dilated in concussion of the brain, or contracted in spasmodic affection. Worse < touch, draughts, concussion, tobacco smoke.

Euphrasia (2): Acrid, profuse lachrymation that may have concomitant bland discharge from the nose (rev. of All-c.). Useful in inflammations after injuries where the lids are red and swollen and thick, yellow, acrid, discharges. Blurring of the eyes > by winking. Worse < evening, indoors, sunlight, light and night. Better winking and in the dark.

Colocynthis (1): Glaucoma, with sever burning, cutting and sticking pains, extending to the head and around the eye. Feels as if the eye will fall out. Worse < night, stooping. Better > pressure, walking in a warm room. Glaucoma is very dangerous as well as painful and may cause blindness. The person will need immediate emergency treatment by a doctor.

Crocus (1): Lancinating pains in the eyes after surgical operations. Obstinate painful spasms of eyelids, most violent at night. Feeling as if a film of mucus were over them, presses the lids tightly together form time to time. Constant winking with suffusion of eyes in tears.

Hamamelis (3): Inflammation and ulceration of conjunctiva and cornea, if caused by a blow or burn. Traumatic iritis, with great pain at night and hemorrhage into interior of eye.

Heper Sulph (1): Useful when there is suppurative ophthalmia from an injury. Purulent discharges and splinter-like pains. Deep sloughing ulceration of the cornea, with intense photophobia, profuse lachrymation, throbbing aching shooting pains, better by warmth. Lids are spasmodically close, sensitive to touch and bleed easily upon opening. The patient is very chilly and irritable. Worse < dry cold winds, cool air, slightest draught, touch. Better > wrapping up head, warmth, and after eating.

Hypericum (3): Old injuries, pain and irritation of eye from injury several years before. Useful in cases where the nerves of the eyes seem affect and there are neuralgic pains.

Ledum (2): Puncture wounds to the eyes. Contusions with extravasations of blood into lids. Ecchymosis (bruising) of the conjunctiva. Hemorrhages after surgery. Burning of the lids and a feeling as if there is sand in the eyes. There is severe pain on attempt to open lids, sensation as if head and eyes were pressed asunder. Great lachrymation and nocturnal aggravation. The injured parts feel cold and are better > by cold. worse < heat, warmth, motion, night. Better > cold, lying down.

Silica (1): Useful when there a splinters and foreign object in the eye. If given early it can remove imbedded objects in the eyeball without pus formation.

Staphisagria (2): Pain from laceration and incised wounds of the globe or cornea. Sharp, clean cuts to and around the eyes. Useful after surgical operations. Worse < using the eyes, pain prevents reading or working by artificial light.

Sulphur (1): Pains as if there is a splinter or some other foreign body sticking in the eye. Sometime useful after Aconite when a foreign body has been remove yet some pain still remains. The edges of the eyes are redder than natural and there is biting, burning pains or a sensation as if there were sand in the eyes. May be useful when well selected remedies do not act. Worse < becoming heated. Better > open air.

Sulphuric Acid (1): Interocular hemorrhage due to trauma. Useful when old bruises and black eyes remain discolored.

Symphytum (3): Pain in the eye from a blow, trauma, or from orbital fractures. Pain in the eye form a blow with and obtuse object. One of the greatest remedies for traumatic injuries to the eye.


EYES, Injuries - ACON., All-c., ARN., calc., calc-s., CALEN., Euphr., HAM., hep., HYPER., Led., sil., Staph., sulph., sul-ac., SYMPH.

black eyes, ecchymosis - Acon., ARN., Bell., CACT., Con., Ham., Lach., LED., Lyc., Phos., Sul-ac., SYMPH.

blow to - arn., led., Symph.


injury after - ARN.

light, by - Calc., graph., mang., phos.

artificial light - aur-m, chin., lyc., mang., nux-m., phos.

entering light form darkness - Dig.

sun - Lith.

lighting stroke - Phos.

snow - Acon., Cic.

sunlight, sleeping in - Con.

burns - CANTH., Ham.

chemicals, of - Caust.


contusion, after - Arn, Con.

operation after - arn., CALEN, Seneg.


ecchymosis and injuries - Acon., Arn., Ham., lach., led., nux-v.

inflammation, traumatic - Acon., Arn., bell Calen., canth., euphr., Ham., led., sulph.

erysipelatous, from bites of insects - Led.

foreign objects - ACON., ARN., Calc., calen., Puls., SIL., sulph.

irritation of conjunctiva - Acon., sul.

sand and dust - Sul.

glare of fire or bright lights - Acon., canth., glon., merc.

inflammation, after injuries - ACON., ARN., calc., calc-s., CALEN., Euphr., Ham., Hep., HYPER., LED., Puls., sil., Staph., Sulph., sul-ac., SYMPH.

iritis, traumatic - Acon., Arn., bell., Ham., led., rhus-t.

old injuries of several years pain - Hyper.

opacity, from wounds - Euphr.

operations, bad effect from -Acon., arn., asar., bry., croc., ign., Led., rhus-t.. seneg. sront-c., thuj.

burn pains after - Staph., Zinc.

orbits, injuries to - Acon., Arn., ham., symph.

fractures to - SYMPH.

paralysis of lid after injuries - led.

redness, after injuries - ACON., Arn., Euphr., Hep., sil.

retina - Acon., Arn., bell., Ham., lach., led., phos.

hemorrhages of retina from trauma - Acon., Arn., bell., bothrops., croc., Crot-h., Ham., lach., Led., phos., sul-ac., symph.

scratched, cornea - acon., Calen., HYPER.

splinters in - ACON., Calc., Calen., HYPER., Sil., Sulph.

strabismus, dependent of injuries - Cic.

vaccinations, inflammation after - Thuj.

wounds, from cuts, surgery, etc. - acon., arn., CALEN., euphr., hyper., STAPH.

hemorrhage in chamber after iridectomy - led.

lacerations - Staph.

Disclaimer: This information is supplied for educational purposes only. It is not for the treatment of any individual person or disease. If you are suffering any particular complaint please consult a physician or call emergency services.


Fainting is a temporary loss of consciousness caused by interference of the blood flow to the brain due to emotions, pain, hunger, low blood pressure, hypoglycemia, hyperventilation, heat exhaustion, pregnancy, lack of fresh air, over heating and weakness. It may also be concomitant to other more serious illnesses such as internal or external bleeding, stroke, or some hidden pathology. If a faint last more than a few minutes, or is becoming more frequent, seek medical attention. Some individuals a prone to fits of fainting, especially those of a hysterical, nervous temperament.

When a person faints it is necessary to check to see if they are breathing, or have injured themselves while falling. If they are breathing, loosen any tight clothing, and put them in the recovering position (refer). When they have regain consciousness give them the emotional support they need and let them sip some cold water. If the person remains unconscious for more than a few minutes they may be suffering from a dangerous illness and need medical support. Call you doctor or 911 immediately. Monitor the victim's pulse and respiration every five minutes and keep a close eye on their breathing. Be prepared to give artificial respiration (refer) or CPR (refer ), if necessary, until help arrives.

Materia Medica

Aconite (3): Violent palpitation of heart, congestion of blood to head, buzzing in ear, fainting as soon as patient raises himself from recumbent position, with chills and deathly paleness of face, which was previously red. Vertigo, < worse on rising and shaking head. Fainting due to fright.

Champhora (2): Icy surface, sudden sinking, filiform pulse. Face may be red while lying, but, if raised up, turns pale and patient faints. Although icy cold, he throws off clothing as soon as he is strong enough to move, even if still unconscious. Vertigo with tendency toward unconsciousness, feeling as if they are going to die. Icy coldness of the whole body. Worse < motion, night, contact, cold air.

Carbo Veg (2): Fainting after sleeping, while yet in bed, or after rising in morning. Fainting from dehydration. Faintness with great weakness, on slight exertion, with palpitations of heart, afterwards sleepy. Sluggish, fat and lazy. Aversion to darkness. Worse < cold, damp weather.

Chamomilla (3): Fainting with dizziness, darkness of sight, hard hearing sensation of qualmishness and faintness in pit of stomach. Hot sweaty forehead. Fainting caused by severe pain. Fainting from giddiness, anger, hysteria, sudden emotion. Impatient, intolerant of being spoken to, snappish. Worse < by heat, anger, open air, wind, night. Better > from being carried.

China (3): Fainting from dehydration and loss of blood. Dizzy when walking. Apathetic, indifferent, and despondent. Worse < from loss of vital fluids.

Cocculus (3): Faint from lack of sleep, jet lag, motion sickness. Vertigo, nausea, especially when riding in a car, on shipboard, or on rising. Worse < eating after loss of sleep, open air, smoking, riding , swimming, touch, noise, jar, afternoon, menstrual period, and after emotional disturbances.

Coffea (1): Suitable to sensitive persons, and if the symptoms cause by fright fail to be relieve by Aconite. Fainting due to over excitement. Unusual activity of mind and body. Worse < sudden emotions, joy, narcotics, strong odors.

Digitalis (3): Vertigo and dim vision precede the faint, pulse very slow, nausea and deathly weakness in epigastrium. Heaviness of head, sensation as if they would fall backward. Fainting with heart problems. Worse < when sitting erect, after meals and music. Better > when stomach is empty, in open air.

Elaps (1): Remedy made from Coral-snake. Disposition to faint, especially on stooping or vomiting mucus, sensation as if all the blood collected in head, with cold hands.

Hepar Sulph (3): Paroxysm sets in during evening, preceded by vertigo. Hypersensitive, fainting from even minor pain. Very chilly. Slightest cause irritates him. Worse < cold, dry winds, cool air. Better > wrapping up the heat, form warmth, after eating.

Ignatia (3): Fainting brought on by intense emotions or emotional shock. Fainting in crowd room,, before menses, fright. Hysteria and over excitement. The affects of grief and worry. Can not bear tobacco smoke. Worse < morning, open air., after meals., coffee., smoking..

Ipecac (3): Fainting with persistent nausea and vomiting, from loss of blood or vital fluids. Worse < periodically, most, warm weather, lying down.

Lachesis (3). Tendency to faint in women, apparent death, neither pulse nor breathing perceptible after a pain in heart, from fright or grief. Asthma, vertigo, pale face nausea, vomiting, pains and stitches in cardiac region cold sweat, spasms, trismus, stiffness and swell of body, etc.. Fainting from closed rooms., menopausal period, during menses., before menses., hysteria., over excitement. Worse < after sleep.

Laurocerasus (2): Long lasting faints, no reactive power, face pale-blue, surface cold. Fluids force down throat, roll audibly into stomach. As if faint is attendant upon some poison in system. Regain color very slowly, fainting from cardiac weakness.

Moschus (3): The fainting set in at night, or into open air, with pulmonary spasms or succeeded by headache. Hysteria and nervous paroxysms, fainting fits and convulsions, catalepsy. Much nervous trembling and frequent fainting. Vertigo on least movement, sensations as if falling form a great height. Uncontrollable laughter, sexual hypochondriasis. Weak pulse with fainting. Worse < cold. Better > in open air, rubbing.

Nux Moschatas (3): Marked tendency to fainting fits, with heart failure. Strange feeling with irresistible drowsiness. General inclination to become unconscious during acute attacks. Stagger on trying to walk. Changeable nature, laughing and crying. Bewildered sense, as in a dream. Cold extremities, extreme dryness of mucous membranes and skin. Worse < motion, jar.

Nux Vomica (3): The fainting sets in principally in the morning, or after meal. Suitable for pregnant females or persons worn out by mental labor or addicted to hard liquors. Generally when nausea, pale face, scintillation's before the eyes or obscuration of sight, pains in the stomach, anguish, trembling and congestion of blood to the head or chest are present, followed by great debility and restlessness. Worse < morning, mental exertion, after eating, touch, spices, stimulants, narcotics, dry weather, cold. Better > from a nap, if allowed to finished it, in evening, while at rest, strong pressure.

Opium (2): Fainting from fright. Depressed nervous system, drowsiness, stupor, painlessness, sluggishness, and lack of vital reaction. Eyes half closed, red, bloodshot, with contracted, insensible pupils. Worse < heat, during and after sleep. Better > cold things and walking.

Phosphoric Acid (2). Debility, producing a nervous exhaustion. Mental debility leads to physical weakness. The faint set in after a meal. Useful when Nux-v. fails. Listless, apathetic., indifferent. Effects of grief and mental shock. Worse < exertion from being talked to, loss of vital fluids, sexual excesses. Better > keeping warm.

Pulsatilla (3): Fainting in a closed or crowded room. The patient seeks the open air, always feels better there, even if they feel chilly. Thirstless, peevish and thirsty. Suits mild, gentle, yielding dispositions. Worse < from heat, rich food, after eating, towards evening, warm rooms. Better > open air, motion, cold application, cold food and drinks even though they are not thirsty.

Sulphur (3): Faintness about noon or 11 a.m. she can not wait for her meal. Flushes of heat, head on the top of the heat, dislike of water, sinking feeling at stomach about 11 a.m., dry hair and skin, and cat nap sleep. Hot sweaty hands and burning of the feet. Worse < at rest, when standing, from alcoholic stimulants, periodically. Better > lying on the right side, drawing the affected limbs up.

Tabacum (2): Weakness and faint spells, nausea, giddiness, deathly paleness, cold perspiration, dilated pupils and trembling of limbs. Pulse intermittent pulse. Confusion of mind, vertigo, or falling down. Pulse is weak and soft. Worse < opening eyes, evening, extremes of heat and cold. Better > uncovering, open fresh air.

Veratrum (3): The faint set in after the least motion, or are preceded by great anguish or despondency, or attended by spasms, lockjaw, convulsive motions of the eyes and eyelids etc.. Cold perspiration on the forehead. Extreme coldness, blueness, and weakness. Delusions of impeding misfortune. Worse < at night, wet, cold weather. Better > walking and warmth


FAINTING - ACON., Camph., Carbo-v., CHAM., CHIN., COCC., coff., DIG., elaps., HEP., IGN., IP., Op., LACH., Laur., MOSCH., NUX-M., NUX-V., Phos-ac., PULS., staph., SULPH., Tab., VERAT..

blood, loss of - Acon., carbo-v., ip., lach., CHIN., verat..

closed room - Acon., ip., Lach., PULS., Tab..

crowded room - Ign., Nux-m., nux-v., PULS., sulph.

dehydration - Carbo-v., CHIN., IP., nux-m., nux-v., PH-AC., Verat.

giddiness - cham, hep.

menopausal period - ACON., chin., cocc.

Disclaimer: This information is supplied for educational purposes only. It is not for the treatment of any individual person or disease. If you are suffering any particular complaint please consult a physician or call emergency services.


Fever is the elevation of the body temperature above normal range of temperature is around 98.6 F (37 C). The rectal temperature is around 0.5 to 1 F (0.3 to 0.6) higher. The "thermostat" for fever regulation is in the hypothalamus of the brain. Fever may be remittent (a daily rise and fall of temperature); continued (temperature constantly stays above normal); intermittent (temperature falling to normal or below each day, then rises again); hectic (marked by temperature swings, chills and sweat); and relapsing (fever alternates with one or more days of normal temperature).

Fever is a symptom not a disease; therefore, discovering its cause is a high priority. This is most difficult during the onset as there are few concomitant symptoms. Simple remittent fevers are often related to colds, coughs, flu, and other simple infections. Please compare the information in those chapters for confirmatory symptoms. Continued fever is common in scarlet fever, typhus, typhoid, pneumonia, etc.. Intermittent fever is related to diseases like malaria. Hectic fever is seen in septic conditions like a localized infection from TB, internal abscesses, and blood poisoning. Relapsing fever is seen in diseases like tick borne-born and louse-born relapse fevers.

Fever may also be concomitant to several chronic constitutional syndromes. Any fever that is over 101 F for more than a sort period of time needs to be assessed by a medical professional. Any fever that rises suddenly to high temperatures, such 103 to 104, needs immediate professional help, as this can be a sign of a serious condition. The remedies given here are for simple, uncomplicated fever, as any other type of fever may need professional attention.

Materia Medica

Aconite (3): Colds, inflammatory, and simple remittent fever. Useful at the onset of fevers, especially if they are caused by exposure to dry cold winds, chilling the body after heating and check perspiration. The onset is sudden and accompanied by general dry heat, red face, burning, intense thirst, and a full bounding pulse. In some cases there may be immediate chill immediately followed by a hot head, red face which spreads to the entire body. This remedy suits plethoric, robust individuals who become fearful, anxious and restless with agonized tossing about with fever. Wants to be uncovered. Worse < evenings, night and midnight, in a warm room, when rising from bed. Better > by a critical sweat, open air.

Antimonium Tart (1): Gastric and intermittent fever. Coldness, trembling, and chilliness. Copious cold clammy sweat with great faintness. Tongue is coated thick white, with red edges. Gastric and bilious concomitants, nausea comes in waves, retching and vomiting. Patient is increasingly weak, sweaty, becomes drowsy and relaxed with lack of reaction. Great rattling of mucus in the chest when breathing. Pulse extraordinarily accelerated form the slightest motion. Vertigo alternates with drowsiness, great despondency. Worse < warmth, warm rooms, warm wraps, warm weather, sour things and milk. Better < belching, expectorating, vomiting, eructation, lying on right side, and sitting erect.

Arsenicum (2): Colds, flu, hectic, septic and continued fevers. Fever worse < midnight and 2 AM. Externally cold internally burning, chills irregular, shaking, craves hot drinks but drinks in sips. Burning pains relieved by heat. Shortness of breath, wheezing and fears suffocation. Anxiety, restlessness with great exhaustion with nightly aggravation. Continually changes places. Thinks it is useless to take medicine. Worse midnight or after midnight, 11 PM to 2 AM, periodically, very 14 days, yearly, ices, cold drinks or foods, vegetables, watery fruits, bad meat, food, exertion. Better > company, heat, warm drinks and food, warm wraps, hot applications, motion, sweating, open air, lying with head elevated. Head feels better > by cold but limbs are > by heat.

Belladonna (3): Colds, inflammatory and simple remittent fevers. Intense heat, very high fevers with a hot head, flushed face, glistening red eyes, dilated pupils, throbbing carotids dry heat and burning but little or no thirst. Violent, sudden onset with a tendency toward delirium and spasm. Heat may steam out of the body with a sweat that does not relieve. Some may have a hot head yet cold feet and extremities. Fever accompanied by spasms, shocks, jerks, twitching, starting in sleep, and convulsions. Desires to escape, hallucinations, frightful images, and furious responses. Worse < touch, motion, noise, draught of air, looking at bright, shinning objects, 3 PM, night, after midnight, while drinking, uncovering the head, summer heat, lying down. Better > Rest, standing or sitting erect, warm room.

Bryonia (2): Very useful in flu, simple remittent, colds and continued fevers. Fever with intense, dull, stupefying headache with sensations as if the head would burst at the temples, sharp pains over the eyes, faintness on rising up, and dry lips and mouth with tongue coated white in the center, and great thirst for large amount of cold water at fairly long intervals. Chill with hot head and red face, dry cough with stitches, rheumatic pains all over the body that are worse < motion and better > rest. Sour oily sweat after slight exertion. Pull is full, hard, tense and quick. Irritable, wants to be left alone, everything put him out of humor. Worse < least motion, raising up, stooping, coughing, exertion, deep breathing, becoming hot in room.

Ferrum Phos (2): Colds, inflammatory and simple remittent fevers. Useful in early stages of fever where it stands midway between sthenic remedies like Acon. and Bell. and asthenic remedies like Gels. and Bapt. Simple fever without concomitant symptoms and of unknown origins esp., in those who are nervous, sensitive, and anemic with false plethora and easy flushing. Full, soft, round flowing pulse, less bounding than Aco. and less flowing then Gels. Drowsiness with rush of thoughts, eyes half open in sleep, and prostration. Worse < night, 4 to 6 AM, motion, jar, cold air, checked sweat. Better > cold application, lying down.

Gelsemium (3): Useful in colds, flu, simple remittent and continued fevers. Chills run up and down the back, or chill alternates, or is mixed with heat. Fevers marked by aching, tiredness, heaviness, weakness and soreness. The patient is dull, drowsy, dizzy, droopy eyed, faint and trembles. Great muscular weakness, relaxation, lack of co-ordination and prostration. Thirstless with the heat. Wants to half recline, be held, or lie down quietly. Apathy and indifference regarding his illness answer question slowly. Desire to be left alone because they feel so tired. Worse < humid weather, spring, dampness, 10 AM, motion, bad news, thinking about his ailments. Better > sweating, reclining with head held high, bending forward, profuse urination.

Mercurius (2): Flu, colds, gastric and hectic fever. Profuse perspiration without relief. Sweat oily, foul, our or with sweetish penetrating odor on head and chest, stains things yellow. Creeping chilliness or heat and chill intermixed. Tongue, moist, swollen, flabby, yellow, indented with increased saliva and bad smell. Intense thirst for cold drinks. Slowness in answering questions, irresolution, constantly changes his mind. Worse < at night, sweating, drafts, taking cold, lying on the right side, when heated, extremes of cold and heat, cloudy, damp weather. Better > moderate temperature, rest.

Natrum Mur (1): Colds and Intermittent fevers. Chill between 9 and 11 AM. Heat with violent thirst which increases with fever. Heat with the most intolerably violent head pains, shuddering over the back, and sweat in armpits and on soles of feet. Fever blisters around the mouth. Irritable, gets in a passion over trifles, depressed worse < by consolation. Worse < alternate days, periodically, 9 to 1 AM. Better > open air, cold bathing, sweating, rest, going without regular meals, rubbing.

Nux Vomica (2): Flu, colds, gastric fevers. Chilly, must be covered at every stage of fever. The body is burning hot, esp. face, yet can not move or uncover without feeling chilly. Aching in the back and limbs with gastric symptoms and constipation. Perspiration, sour on one side of the body only. Very angry, sensitive to all impression, can't bear noises, odors, light, etc. Sullen, irritable, and faultfinding. Worse < morning, after eating, touch, mental exertion. Better > from a nap, if allowed to finish it, in evening, while at rest.

Phosphorus (1): Remittent and Hectic fevers with small, quick pulse, viscid night-sweats. Heat comes up from the spine, palpitations with anxiety, patient craves cold, iced drinks. Strong ebullitions of blood and throbbing of carotids, heat flying all over the body, but first the hands. Fever towards evening, with anxiety, on going to bed, in bed, at 5 PM, then heat with thirst and internal chilliness, then heat and sweat all night. Excitable, impressionable, anxious and restless toward evening and twilight. Desires company and sympathy, fearful when alone. Worse < change of weather, wind, cold thunderstorms, lightning, putting hands in cold water, getting wet, twilight, lying on left or painful side, on back, emotions. Better > lying on right side, cold food, cold, open air, washing with cold water, sleep, massage, eating, in the dark.

Pulsatilla (2): Simple fevers, colds, flu. Chilly yet averse to heat in warm stuffy rooms with pain, on lying down at night. Chilliness or heat without thirst. One-sided pains, sweats, coldness and numbness. Dry heat of body in evening, with distended veins and burning hands, that seek cool places, at night in bed, night and morning. Fever with heat of one part and chill of another, perspiration usually profuse during the night. Suitable for mild, gentle, yielding, emotional, tearful persons who crave sympathy and feels better from consolation. Worse < warm stuffy rooms, in bed, getting feet wet, evening, night, at twilight, rest, beginning motion, eating rich foods, fats, ice cream, pork, eggs. Better > cool fresh air, gentle motion, cold applications, uncovering, erect posture, cold foods and drinks though not very thirsty.

Rhus Tox (2): Colds, flu, hectic, inflammatory and continued fevers. Chilly, as if cold water were poured over him followed by heat and inclination to stretch the limbs. Sweat < during the pain with sleepiness. Yawning with stretching during a chill. Easily chilled, worse < least uncovering with pain in limb. Rheumatic pains, tearing, shooting, stitching, worse < rest and first motion and better > by continual motion. Continued fevers, typhoid like, with dry brown tongue, sordes, loose bowels, and great restlessness. Extreme restlessness with continual change of position. Great apprehension at night, can't remain in bed. Mind and senses becomes cloudy. Worse < cold, wet rainy weather, after rain, at night, exposure to wet, cold, air, draught and storms and at rest. Better > continued motion, heat, hot bath, warm wrapping, rubbing warm application, warm dry weather.

Sulphur (2): Remittent fevers. Frequent flushes of heat, violent ebullitions of heat throughout entire body, dry skin and great thirst. Constant heat on top of heat, hot, burning, sweaty hands, burning of the soles at night, wants to put them out from under the covers. Ascending affects, rushes of blood, flushes of heat, vertigo, etc. Night sweats on the nape and occiput. Useful after other remedies when fever seems to burn the patient up, the tongue is dry and red. Patient is first sleepless and restless but soon becomes drowsy. Worse < at rest, standing, stooping, warmth of bed, washing, bathing, morning, 11 AM, night, periodically, suppressions. Better > dry, warm weather, lying on right side, drawing up limbs.


- ACO., Ant-t., Ars., BELL., BRY., Ferr-p., GELS., Merc., Nat-m., Nux-v., Phos., Puls., Rhus-t., Sulph.

Disclaimer: This information is supplied for educational purposes only. It is not for the treatment of any individual person or disease. If you are suffering any particular complaint please consult a physician or call emergency services.


Fractures of the bones are always very traumatic experiences. A simple fracture involves solely the bones, whereas a compound fracture causes the skin to be broken. In a complete fracture the bone is entirely broken, whereas in an incomplete fracture, the bone is cracked. The most serious fractures are those to the skull and spine. Do not move the victim more than necessary as it may cause further injury. Severe bleeding must be dealt with immediately (refer) and loss of consciousness (refer) should be attended to before the fracture. Cover the broken skin or protruding ends of the bone with sterile gauze. A ring dressing may be place over the site of the compound fracture and secured with a bandage to kept it from being touched. Call the emergency services immediately.

If the accident has taken place in an isolated area, such as the wildness, immobilize the affected part to prevent further injury and bleeding. Bandage the arm against the chest, one leg to the other, or make a split if the person must be moved. Give Arnica immediately to prevent shock, relieve pain and stop bleeding, or Aconite is there is fear and panic. If there is shock refer to the remedies specific for this condition. If a compound fracture becomes infected refer to section on infected wounds.

Materia Medica

Aconite (1): The victim is fearful, restless, and panicky. Sudden, acute, violent invasions of heat, fever, chills call for this remedy.

Arnica (3): Give Arnica as soon as possible to prevent shock, relieve pain, stop bleeding, and hinder infection.

Calcarea Carb (1): This remedy is useful where there is defective development of bone, especially in cold, fat, flabby, sweaty individuals who have excess of poor quality tissue demonstrating mal-assimilation of calcium. The bones are soft and there may be non union of fractures.

Calcarea Flourica (1). Useful in cases where there is malnutrition of bones. Indurations of stony hardness threatening suppuration. Suppuration of the bones after compound fractures, ulcers with thick yellow pus.

Calcarea Phos (3): Very useful in non union of fractures. This remedy can be used in the biochemical 6x potency as a routine remedy to promotes rapid healing of the bones. Numbness and crawling. Easily bored. Always wants to go somewhere.

Calendula (2): Useful in compound fractures to prevent infection and promote healing of tissues. May be given after Arn. has removed the immediate shock and pain. Use both internally and external on open wounds.

Eupatorium Pere (2): In folk medicine the herb, Thoroughwort, is called "bone-set" as it was used to relieve severe bone pains. Bruised feelings, as if broken, all over the body. Intense aching pains in the bones call for this remedy. Worse < periodically Better > by conversation and getting on the hands and knees.

Hypericum (2): Preventative to tetanus in compound fractures. Spasm after every injury. Useful in fractured skulls, bone splinters, and injuries to the spine. Fractures with much concomitant nerve damage and crush injuries. Relieves pain after operations and other invasive medical procedures.

Ruta (3): Useful in fractures where there has been much damage to the tendons, ligaments, and periosteum. All parts of the body are painful and feel as if they are bruised. Injured bruised bones. Has a direct effect on the wrist and ankles. Feeling of intense lassitude, weakness and despair. Worse < lying down and from cold, damp weather. Complementary to Calc-p. which may follow Ruta once the bruised pains have been relieved.

Silica (2): Useful in removing bone splinters. Adapted to individuals who have pipe stem bones, are cold, chilly, hugs the fire, wants plenty warm clothing, hates drafts, cold hands and feet. Suitable for gentle, yielding temperaments who appear to lack "grit" mentally and physically.

Symphytum (3). Comfrey is called "Knitbone" in herbology. Useful in non-union of fractures and irritable bones at the point of injury. Irritable stump pain after amputation. This remedy is use routinely for fractures


FRACTURES - ARN., calc., calc-f., CALC-P., Calen., Eup-per., Hyper., RUTA., Sil., SYMPH.

Ailments from - calc-p., ruta., symph.

Compound fractures - ARN, Calc., Calen.., RUTA, Sil.

Easy fracture, brittle bones - calc., CALC-p., Sil.

Slow healing - CALC., calc-f., CALC-P., Calen., RUTA., Sil., SYMPH.

Shock of the injury - ARN, aco.

Splinters, bone, to remove - SIL.

Disclaimer: This information is supplied for educational purposes only. It is not for the treatment of any individual person or disease. If you are suffering any particular complaint please consult a physician or call emergency services.


Frostbite is caused when a part of the body, usually the hands, feet, nose, ears, etc., are frozen. Many times the victim is unaware that his extremities are frozen, as it is a painless condition until they begin until they begin to thaw out. At first the parts have a dull red color that is caused by imperfect circulation. If the conditions advance, the parts become livid, tallowy paleness, marble looking, insensible, motionless solid to the touch, and reduced in bulk. Individuals who have poor circulation are the most easily affected. Get individual to shelter as soon as possible and cover him with warm blankets and warm them with body heat.

To not try and warm the part quickly with artificial heat. In the old homeopathic books they speak of rubbing the parts first with snow or ice water until a slight degree of warm is restored. After a time this is followed by the use of cold water on the parts. As soon as circulation is restored the parts may be covered with a blanket. In a sense this is an example of a homeopathic cure, i.e.. ice for a frozen part. This may be helpful if one is high on a mountain or deep in the wilderness with no source of heat. Otherwise, a very gentle warming is effective. Call for medical backup immediately as there is a danger of gangrene if the deeper tissues are affected.

Materia Medica

Agaricus (3): If no other remedy is specifically indicated, use this remedy. Burning and itching on both hands, as if frozen. Parts hot, swollen, red. Pain and inflammation of frostbitten toes. Shooting in fingers and toes,. Redness, burning itching of ear, as if they had been frozen. Frostbitten nose itches. Chronic inflammation of the nose after exposures. Paroxysm of yawning. Talkative and fearless.

Arsenicum (1): Tendency toward gangrene, with blackish vesicles. The person is restless, anxious, and fussy.

Nux Vomica (1): Superficial inflammation, with bright-red swelling with burning itching, or when the tumefied parts crack and bleed. The patient is extremely irritable and angry, fights the situation.

Petroleum (2): Chilblains, itching and burning like fire. Heel painfully swollen and red. Feet tender and bathed in foul moisture, especially when inflammation sets in during very cold weather. Bleeding deep cracks. Thinks death is near and must hurry to settle his affairs.

Pulsatilla (2): Swelling , bluish, hot, attended with throbbing pains and intense itching, especially on sole of feet after getting warm in bed. Suitable for passive, gentle, emotional individuals who crave open free air.

Rhus-T (1): Burning itching in the chilblains during afternoon and evening, when not scratching there is a itching in them, obliging him to scratch. Blotches after scratching. Intolerable itching, especially at night. The individual is restlessness, with continued change of position.

Sulphur (1): Redness and swilling of chilblain, with tendency to suppurate. Chilblain is thick and red, with cracks on joints. Itching worse < in warm bed.

Zinc (2): Chilblains on hand, itching and swelling violently. Fidgety feet.


FROSTBITE - AGAR., ars., nux-v., Petr., Puls., Sil., rhus-t., sulph., Zinc.

ailments from - agar., zinc.

blackish vesicles - Ars.

burning and itching on both hands, as if frozen - AGAR.

cracks -

bleeding cracks - nux-v.

bleeding, deep cracks - Petr.

fidgety feet - zinc.

gangrene , tendency toward- Ars.

mind -

angry and irritable - Nux-v.

death, thinks it is near, must hurry to settle his affairs - Petr.

fearless - AGAR.

passive, gentle, tearful, crave open fresh air - PULS.

restless, anxious, and fussy - ARS.

restlessness, with continued change of position - Rhus-t.

talkative - Agar.

nose - Agar.

frostbites easily - zinc.

intolerable itching, especially at night - Rhus-t.

superficial inflammation, bright-red swelling with burning itching - Nux-v.

suppurate, tendency to - Sul.

Head Injuries

Anytime there is a loss of consciousness after a head injury there is a danger of brain damage. A concussion is usually the result of a blow to the head. The symptoms may include temporary loss of consciousness, shallow breathing, a cold, clammy, pale skin, nausea and temporary loss of memory. a compression is a serious condition which involves internal bleeding causing pressure inside the skull. It may develop as much as 24 hours after the injury. The pupils of the eyes may dilate to different degrees, breathing become noisy, the pulse may be full but slow, there may be fever without sweat, one side of the body may become paralyzed, and the person may become unconscious. Check the victim's pulse and respiration and use artificial respiration and CPR if necessary. If they are unconscious put them in the recovery position (refer) and treat them for shock (refer). Call the emergencies. Monitor the victim's pulse and respiration.

Materia Medica

Arnica (3): Give Arnica immediately to relieve shock, pain, and swelling accompanying the injury. Helpful in reabsorbing blood within the skull to prevent compression. Arnica fears being approached. If there is sudden onset of fever, restlessness, fear and panic give ACONITE (1) instead.

Belladonna (2): Useful when there is much heat, redness, throbbing, and fullness in the head. The face is red, flushed, hot, pupils dilated, and there may be twitching of the muscles. The victim may become delirious, frantic, furious, and even bite, strike and try to escape. Sudden outcries. The head pain is worse < light, noise, jar, lying down and better > by pressure and sitting semi-erect.

Cicuta Virosa (2): Convulsion from concussion to the brain. Sudden shock go through the head. Stares persistently at objects. Useful in spasmodic nervous disorders, tetanus, epilepsy, and convulsions after head injuries. Vertigo after head injuries. Hemorrhages from the ears. Everything seem strange and terrible, confounds the present with the past, feels like a child. Worse < from touch, draughts, concussion, tobacco smoke.

Helleborus (3): Sees, hears, and taste imperfectly with muscular weakness the move toward complete paralysis. Complete unconsciousness. Eyeball turn upward, squinting, vacant look, falling of the jaw, chewing motions, automatic motions of one arm and leg. Worse < evening until morning, from uncovering.

Hypericum (3): Useful in fractured skulls with concomitant injuries to the spine. Bone splinter. Spasms or epilepsy after head injuries. Worse < closed room, touch Better > bending the head back.

Natrum Sulph (3): Ill-effects of falls and head injuries. Vertigo after head injuries. Mental symptoms and personality changes after head injuries. The person may become suicidal, must exercise restraint.


HEAD Injuries - acon., ARN., Bell., Cic., HELL., HYPER., NAT- S.

convulsions due to injury - CIC., HYPER.

eyeball turn upward , squinting - Hell.

face -

vacant look, falling of the jaw, chewing motions - Hell.

red, flushed, hot, pupils dilated - Bell.

fractured skull - calc-p., Hyper., SYMPH. (refer fractures)

fever - Aco., BELL.

hemorrhages from the ears - Cic.

ill-effects of falls and head injuries - Nat-s.

mind -

delirious, frantic, furious, bites and strikes - BELL.

fear and panic - ACON.

fears being approached - ARN.

mental symptoms for head injury - NAT-S.

strange and terrible, everything seems, confounds the present with the past, feels like a child - Cic.

stares persistently at objects - cic.

sudden outcries - Bell.

suicidal, must exercise restraint - Nat-s.

modalities -

worse < -

< closed room - Hyper.

< concussion - cic., hyper.

< evening until morning - Hell.

< light, noise, jar, lying down - Bell.

< draughts - cic.

< uncovering - Hell.

< tobacco smoke - Cic.

< touch - Cic., Hyper.

better > -

> bending the head back - Hyper.

> pressure - Bell.

> sitting semi-erect - Bell.

reabsorbing blood to prevent compression - ARN.

unconsciousness, complete - Hell.

Heart Attack

Angina pectoris is a dull pain felt in the center of the chest that may radiate down the left arm and up into the neck and jaw accompanied by dizziness, nausea, sweating, and difficult breathing. These symptoms are usually worse < on exertion and by excitement. Unlike a true "heart attack" the pain usually is better > when resting. Angina is caused by arteriosclerosis that has diminished the flow of blood to the muscle. A heart attack occurs when the heart muscle itself has been damaged by a lack of oxygen. This usually happens when one of the arteries leading to the heart is block by a blood clot (coronary thrombosis). This results in cardiac infarction, which is the dead of part of the heart muscles.

The victim usually experiences pain in the center of the chest that radiates down both of the arms and into the neck and jaw, breathlessness, dizziness, sweats, chills and nausea. The pain are sometimes described as being crushing, agonizing, bursting or viselike. In severe case the individual will stop breathing, collapse and loss consciousness. The action taken in the first 3 minutes may make the difference between life and death. Apply CPR immediately (refer) and call the emergency. When the patient begins to breath place the individual in recovery position and give a remedy for asphyxia as needed.

Materia Medica

Aconite (3): Attacks of intense pain extending from the heart down the left arm, with numbness and tingling of fingers and fear and anxiety that he will drop dead in the street. Nervous and confused in a crowd. Palpitations with anxiety, cardiac oppression, and syncope. Palpitations < when walking, lancinating stitches prevent the patient from assuming the erect position or taking a deep breath. Panic attacks.

Arnica (3): Strain to the heart muscle, producing uncomplicated hypertrophy, with swelling of hand from any exertion, hands turn red when hanging down. Heart feels as if tightly grasped by the hand the whole chest feels sore and bruised and cannot bear the clothing to touch it. Pulse is full and strong. Tells everyone he is fine and does not want to be approached. Often the first remedy to use, especially if the heart attack has been brought on by exertion.

Cactus (3): Sensation of constriction of the heart, feels as if it were compressed or squeezed by an iron hand. Heart pains come on slowly, gradually increase then gradually subside. Angina pectoris, with suffocation, cold sweat and ever-present iron band feeling. Blood clots. Pulse feeble, irregular quick, without strength. Melancholic, taciturn, sad, and ill humored. Worse < about noon, lying on the left side, walking, going upstairs. 11 a.m. and 11 p.m.. Better > open air.

Digitalis (2): Sudden sensation that the heart stood still. Pulse very small, slow, feeble, intermitting every third, fifth and seventh beat. Feels as if the heart would stop beating if she moved. Blueness, coldness and suffocation. Despondency, fearful, anxious for the future. Worse < when sitting erect, after meals, music. Better > when stomach is empty, in open air.

Kalmia (2): Sharp, severe pains about heart taking way the breath with shooting down into stomach and abdomen with slow pulse and numb feelings in left arm. Pains often travel downward in heart attacks. Rapid and visible beating of the heat, paroxysms of anguish with great breathlessness, pains in limbs, stitching lower part of chest, right sided face ache. Worse < when bending over Better > by sitting erect.

Lachesis (3): Great loquacity, jumps from on subject to another. Fits of suffocation and fainting, especially when moving, pulse weak, intermittent, stitches in left side of chest. Can bear nothing tight around the neck or waist. Horrible, smothering feeling about the heart awaking him from sleep and compelling him to leave the bed, dread of going to sleep on account of marked aggravation. Pain begins on the left and extends to the right. The face is purple, mottled puffed. looks swollen and bloated. Worse < sleep, and on going to sleep, left side, and heat.

Lactrodectus Mactans (3): The bite of this spider simulates a heart attack. Constriction of the chest muscles, with radiation to the back. Gasping breath. Violent, precordial pain extending to the axilla down the arm and forearm to fingers with numbness of extremity. Pulse feeble and rapid. Skin as cold as marble. Fears losing his breath. Use this remedy if no other is specifically indicated.

Laurocerasus (2): Sensation as if the heart would turn over, causing him to gasp for breath, worse when lying down. Spasmodic tickling cough in cardiac patients. Breathlessness worse < from lying down, motion, stooping, eating, drinking, or warmth.

Naja (2): Sense of oppression in chest, as if a hot iron had been run into it and a big weight put upon it. Angina, threatened paralysis of the heart, body cold, pulse slow, weak, irregular and tremulous. Angina pains extending to the nape of neck, left shoulder and arm with anxiety and fear of death Can not lie on left side, but has great > relief of pain and breathlessness when lying on right side. Worse < from stimulants. Better > walking of riding in open air.

Spigelia (2): Great breathlessness at every change of position. Breathlessness, must lie on right side with head high. Sharp, shooting pains from the heart to the back, radiating form the heart down the arm, over the chest, and down the spine. Great weakness of the body after walking, Great oppression or anxiety about the heart. Craving for hot water which > ameliorates. Fear of sharp pointed things such as needle and pins, afraid of injections and acupuncture. Worse < from touch, motion, noise, turning , washing , concussion. Better > lying on right side with head high, inspiring.

Tarentula (2): Heart suddenly ceases to beat, with fear of death and constant want of air. Trembling and thumbing of the heart as from a fright. Palpitation with precordial anguish, sensation as if heart twisted and turned around. Heart attack from seeing others in trouble. Extreme restlessness. Worse < motion, contact, noise, seeing others in trouble. Better > in open air, music, bright colors, rubbing affected parts.


HEART, attack, angina pectoris - ACON., apis., arg-n., ARN., ars., aur., CACT., carbo-v., Dig., Glon., iod., Kalm, LACH., LAT-M., Laur., Naja., nux-v., phos., rhus-t., Spig., verat., Tarent.

Mind -

anguish with great breathlessness - Kalm.

anxiety he will drop dead in the street - Acon.

anxious for the future. dig., spig.

despondency, dig.

fear -

death, during - ACON., ars., cact., DIG., Naja, Phos., tarent.

losing his breath. - Lat-m.

sharp pointed things such as needle and pins, afraid of injections and acupuncture - Spig.

fine, tells everyone he's is - ARN.

loquacity, great, jumps from on subject to another - LACH.

melancholic, taciturn, sad and ill humored - Cact.

panic - ACON.

restlessness, extreme - TARENT.

Pain -

extensions -

angina pains extending to the nape of neck, left shoulder and arm with anxiety and fear of death - Naja.

downward, pains often travel, in heart attacks - Kalm.

left arm, extending from the heart to, with numbness and tingling of fingers - ACON.

left to right - LACH.

violent, precordial pain extending to the axilla down the arm and forearm to fingers with numbness of extremity - LAT-M.

come on slowly, gradually increase then gradually subside - cact.

hand -

squeezed by an iron hand, as if - CACT.

tightly grasped by the hand, as if -arn.

left sided - LACH.

sore and bruised, chest feels - ARN.

Stopped, sensation as if - Arg-n., Aur., Cact., DIG., Lach., tarent.

stop beating, feels as if the heart would, if she moved - DIG.

Heat Stroke

Heatstroke is caused by excessive fluid loss and mineral loss through sweating. This leads to a state of severe dehydration and weakness that is accompanied by headache, dizziness, nausea, rapid noisy respiration, cramps and muscle twitches. The victim usually feels hot, has a flushed face and dry skin. If the person temperature rises about 104 F. (40 C. ) there may be collapse, convulsions and unconsciousness. Heat stroke is more common in individuals who are of ill health, weak, or fatigued by overexertion. Drinking alcohol also is a predisposing cause.

The sufferer should be removed from direct sunlight and taken to the nearest cool place. Undress the person and wrap them in a cold wet sheet and fan them until the temperature drops. If there is no sheet, sponge bath the person with cold water instead. Full immersion in cold water may be too radical of a change for the body to bear and may produce reactions. Give the person water to drink in frequent, small amounts. Use oral re-hydration mixture if it is available or add 1/2 teaspoon of salt to 1 pint of water. (0.5 liter). Be careful not to give put too much salt in the water as it may cause vomiting and further dehydration. When the individual has cold down cover them with a clean, dry sheet. Call the emergencies services if the temperature begins to rise again. If there is collapse and unconsciousness put them in the recovering position (refer). Give artificial respiration If there is cessation of breathing and CPR if there is heart failure. Monitor the victim's condition closely until help arrives.

Materia Medica

Aconite (1): Burning heat, especially head and face, with burning dryness of skin excessive thirst. Redness of eyes and cheeks. Restlessness anxiety, fear of death. Nausea, vertigo and headache, worse by warmth. At first the heart works harder, then loses force and gains in rapidity, especially where patient was exposed to the immediate heat.

Agaricus (2): Vertigo in bright strong light, sunstroke when occasioned by exercise in the sun. Muscular trembling, spine sensitive to touch, great weariness and prostration.

Amyl Nitrite (3): Congestive stage of sunstroke. Anxiety, as if something will happen, longing for fresh air. Head feels full to bursting, pulsations in temples, rushing of blood upward. Eyes protrude, bloodshot, with red face. Tumultuous action of the heart. Constant stretching of the limb for hours.

Anti Crud (2): Can not bear the heat of the sun. Exhausted by the least work in the sun, with night-sweats. Constant desire to sleep. Concomitant gastric symptoms with tongue coated thick white as if whitewashed.

Arnica (2): Exhaustion and torpor from the continued effect of sleep after exposure to heat. Burning in the head while remainder of the body cool, or at least not hot. General sinking of strength, he can hardly move a limb.

Belladonna (3): Headache, with feeling of fullness and sensation as if everything would issue through the forehead, worse < when stooping, moving or by the least emotion. Great anguish and restlessness. Great irritation of the cerebral nerves. Rage. Great fearfulness, tendency to start, convulsive movements, and dread of things around or near one. Disposition to weep and scream. First stage of sunstroke.

Cactus (2): Vertigo with sanguineous congestion to the head. Pressing pain in head as if a great weight lay on vertex, increased by taking and noise. Difficulty breathing, continued oppression and uneasiness, chest as if constricted with an iron hand, > breathing fresh air.

Camphora (2): Severe headache, congestion of brain, fainting, delirium convulsions. Skin icy-cold, covered with cold sweat, sinking of the vital force. Embarrassed respiration and circulation, with coldness of the surface and extremities tremors and cramp in muscles, cold sweat, especially about head and neck.

Gelsemium (2): Depression from heat, delayed reaction. Vertigo, dilation of pupils, dimness of sight, dull, confused headache spreading form occiput over whole head. No thirst, no appetite.

Glonoinum (3): Throbbing, burning, pulsating, headache with surge of blood to the head and heart. Shocks in the head synchronous with pulse. Losing consciousness preceded by vertigo, nausea, violent headache, flushed face and cold body. Thirsty. Effects of sunstroke, sun headaches, increases and decreases with the sun. Worse < sun. open fire, jar, stooping, lying down, left side.

Lachesis (3): Chronic sequel to sunstroke. Talkative delirium, feeling of horror and weak memory. Constriction of throat, difficult swallowing, can't bear the neck to be touched. Palpitation, heart feels as if constricted, can bear no pressure, convulsions, moaning during coma, pulse variable.

Natrum Carb (3): Never well since a sunstroke, chronic sequels. Inability to think, head feels stupefied and aches when in the sun. Dazzling flashes or black spots before the eyes, dimness of sight. Palpitations, trembling of hands, debility form the least exertion. Restless, unrefreshing sleep. profuse sweat from every exertion. sensitive to the presence of certain individuals. Worse < sitting, music, summer heat, mental exertion. Better > moving.

Opium (2): Coma, with perfect unconsciousness, eyes glassy, half closed, face pale. Tetanic rigidity, obscuration of sight, involuntary urination and defecation, irregular and unequal pulse.

Veratrum Album (3): State of collapse and shock. Cold sweat on the forehead. Headache with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and pale face. Neck too weak to hold up head.

Veratrum Viride (2): Sunstroke, full head, throbbing arteries (bell., glon.). Faintness and blindness from sudden motion when rising for lying. Convulsions and paralysis. Tongue yellow with red strike in center. Vomiting and persistent diarrhea.


HEATSTROKE, sunstroke - acon., Agar., Arn., AML-N., Ant-c., BELL., Cact., Camph., Gels., GLON., LACH., NAT-C., Op., VERAT., Verat-v.

burning heat head and face, with burning dryness of skin excessive thirst - Acon.

head while remainder of the body cool, or at least not hot - Arn.

bursting , head feels full to, pulsations in temples,

rush of blood upward - Amy-n.

chronic effects - lach., Nat-c.

coma , with perfect unconsciousness - OP.

concomitants -

chest as if constricted with an iron hand, > breathing fresh air - Cact.

diarrhea, nausea, vomiting with pale face - Verat.

gastric symptoms, tongue coated thick white as if whitewashed - Ant-c.

palpitations, heart feels as if constricted, can bear no pressure, convulsions, moaning during coma - Lach.

vomiting and persistent diarrhea - Verat-v.

convulsions - Bell., Lach., Op., Verat-v.

Mind -

anguish, great - Bell.

anxiety - acon.

as if something will happen, longing for fresh air - Amy-n.

fear -

death, of - ACON.

great fearfulness, tendency to start, dread of things around or near one - Bell.

individuals, sensitive to the presence of certain - Nat-c.

rage - BELL.

restlessness - Acon., Bell.

talkative delirium, feeling of horror and weak memory - Lach.

weep and scream, disposition to - Bell.

muscular trembling, spine sensitive to touch, great weariness and prostration - Agar.

shocks in the head synchronous with pulse - GLON.

skin icy-cold, covered with cold sweat, sinking of the vital force - Camph.

sleeping in the sun - acon., Bell.


Hypothermia is usually caused by over exposure to natural elements, such as freezing weather, cold water, snow, ice, and high altitude conditions. During this condition the temperature of the body drops below 95 F. (35 C.) Infants and the elderly are the most susceptible to hypothermia. An infant will appear drowsy and limp and refuse to feed even if the hands and feet do not feel cold. As the temperature drops the victim becomes dreamy, unresponsive, apathetic, and reluctant to move. The extremities become cold and the entire body loses its warmth. There also may be cramps, numbness and paralysis. If the temperature drops down to 77 F. (25 C.) there is little chance of recovery as the body will enter the state of collapse and the breathing and heart beat will cease.

If the patient is not breathing give artificial respiration immediately. If you are sure the heart has stopped beating use CPR. Call the emergency service and monitor the victim's condition until help arrives. Take the person to a warm place and give them frequent sips of sweet, warm drinks. Warm the person gently as radical heating may overstrain the heart. Place well wrap warm (not boiling) hot-water bottles against the person body and wrap the person in warm blankets. Hold an infant against the body under warm cover with a warm hot-water bottle. Slowly warm the patient up and feed them warm fluids.

Materia Medica

Anti Tart (1): Sensation of coldness running through the blood vessels. Face cold blue pale, covered with cold sweat. Incessant quivering of chin and lower jaw. Chills and contractures and muscular pains. Trembling of the whole body, great prostration. Drowsiness, debility and sweat. Rattling of mucus in the chest but very little is expectorated.

Arsenicum Album (3): Faintness, icy coldness and great exhaustion, worse < after the slightest exertion. Collapsed cold, face with a pale death-like color, pinched-up bluish nose with mouth wide open. Coldness of the stomach. Sensation of coldness in the chest. Legs feel so heavy, can hardly raise them. Look of anxiousness and agony on the face. Ars. patients are usually thin, nervous and wiry.

Calcarea Carb (2): Icy coldness in and on the head, especially on the right side. Very sensitive to the least cold air, great liability to take cold, internal chilliness. Calc. patients are fat, flabby, cold, perspiring, and sour.

Camphora (3). Icy coldness of the whole body, low blood pressure, sudden sinking of strength, pulse small and weak. Victim will not be covered even though icy cold. Face pale, haggard, anxious, distorted, bluish and cold. Cold tongue, cold breath suspended respiration. Numbness, tingling, coldness and cramps of calves. Icy cold feet, cold tongue, and cold pale livid skin.

Carbo Veg (3): The patient is almost lifeless, icy cold but the head is hot, breath is cold, oppressed and quickened, air hunger must be fanned, pulse imperceptible. Face is pale, blue, hippocratic, cold with cold sweat. Body becomes blue, icy cold, blood seem to stagnate in the capillaries. The typical patient is sluggish, fat, and lazy.

Cuprum Met (3): Icy coldness of the body with spasmodic affection, cramps, convulsions beginning in the fingers and toes. Coldness of the hands, cramps in the palms, calves and soles. Face is blue-red or blue, lips and nails blue. Great coldness and blueness with collapse. Suited to fair-headed people.

Secale (3): Great external coldness yet a subject experience of heat, does not wan to be covered. Icy coldness of the extremities. Fingers and feet bluish, shriveled, spread apart or bent backwards, numb.

Veratrum Album (1). Collapse, with extreme coldness, blueness, and weakness. Cold sweat on the forehead, pale face, rapid, feeble pulse. Icy coldness of the tip of the nose and face. Face very pale, blue, collapsed, cold. Skin, blue, clammy, inelastic, cold as death. Sensation of a lump of ice on the vertex. Sits in a stupid manner, noticing nothing.


Hypothermia, icy coldness of the body - ant-t., ARS., Calc., CAMPH., CARBO-V., CUPR., SEC., verat.

Disclaimer: This information is supplied for educational purposes only. It is not for the treatment of any individual person or disease. If you are suffering any particular complaint please consult a physician or call emergency services.

Iatrogenesis (Reactions caused by drugs, operations, and invasive procedures)

Statistics show that many who visit a physician suffer symptoms due to drugs or invasive medical procedures. Some of these procedures may be needed at the times, but unfortunately, the outcomes are often ignored. Many of these people end up in hospitals or back in the doctor's office, but are given little true help. Homeopaths have studied reactions to allopathic drugs for 190 years and documented a iatrogenic phenomenon called the suppression syndrome. The suppression syndrome goes far beyond the normal concept of "side-effects" and records the acute, latent and chronic states caused by unskillful medical intervention and immunizations. This theory forms a fundamental part of homeopathic philosophy and has been empirically confirmed many times in practice. This is a deep study that is an integral part of constitutional homeopathy. For our study we will be taking up the acute reactions that are encountered due to common medical practice.

Materia Medica

Arnica (2): This remedy is useful before and after medical procedures that such as surgery, invasive testing or dental work. It prevents the mental shock and trauma as well as potential infections.

Aconite (2): Fear, anxiety of panic before or during a medical procedure. They are fearful of death and predict the time of their death. Sudden invasion of hot, dry fever. The patient is very restless and thirsty. Wounds or stitches become sensitive with "Acon" fever symptoms.

Avena Sativa (3) : narcotics). Withdrawal from morphine, heroine, and other opiates. Usually use in tincture or low potencies. A very good "tonic" after nervous debility after exhausting diseases.

Bellis P (3) after operations). First remedy in injury to deeper tissues, especially after major operations. Traumatism to pelvic organs. Soreness of the abdominal walls. Injury to nerves with intense soreness and intolerance of cold bathing. Arn. may be given before the operation and Bellis after the operation.

Calendula (3): Promotes rapid healing of damaged tissue and prevents infection. Comes in after Bell-p. has removed the deep trauma. The trio of Arn., Bell-p., and Calendula are often used routinely during convalescence after surgical intervention.

China (2): Helps restore fluid balance and strength after excessive bleeding or loss of vital fluids through burns, discharges, vomiting, diarrhea, sweating, etc.. Useful after gall bladder removal.

Hypericum (3-dental): Injury due to dental work. Nerve feels as if it is exposed. Bleeding after extraction. Pain in an injection site that radiates upward alone the path of the nerve. Acute side-effects of immunization.

Ipecac (1): Persistent nausea in which vomiting does not relieve, especially after chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Clean white tongue with gastric complaints.

Ledum (3): Acute pain in an injection sight. Part feels numb and cold. Acute side-effects of immunizations.

Nux Vomica (3): Useful where there has been excessive use of cathartics, liver pills, herbal patent medicines, stimulants, tonic, etc.. Also useful in over use of allopathic medicines and narcotics. Addictive personality. The sufferer's digestive system is upset, they are irritable and angry and constipated.

Phosphorus (3): ailment from anesthesia). An excellent remedy to remove the side-effects of anesthesia. Also useful for excessive bleeding after a tooth extraction or surgery.

Staphisagria (2): Useful in pain surgical lesions, after operations of the female organs, and the use of urinary catheters.

Thuja (3 - immunization). Proven very useful in the side-effects of immunizations and vaccines.


anesthesia, ailments, from - Acet-ac., am-c., Carb-v., Chlf., hep, ph- ac., PHOS.

antibiotic, worse from - apis, ars., chin., lyc., nat-p., Nit-ac., thuj.

chemicals, hypersensitive to - apis., ARS., Coff., med., Merc., nat- c., Nit-ac., nux-v., PHOS., psor., sul-ac., sulph.

chemotherapy, treatment, side-effects of - ars., CAD-S., chin., Ip., nux-v.

digitalis, abuse of - chin., dig., nit-ac.

drugs, abuse of - ars., AVEN, hydr., Ip., NUX-V., Puls., Sulph.

weakness, from drugging - aven., carb-v., laur., Mosch., Op.

purgatives, abuse of - aloe., hydr., Nux-v., op., sulph.

herbs, abuse of - camph., NUX-V.

immunizations, side-effects, acute reactions, from - acon., apis., arn., bell., calen., cic., hep., HYPER., LED., pyrog., Thuja.

preventative, for side-effects - Hyper., Led., sil., sulph., Thuja., vario.

radiation, sickness of, side effects of - ars., CADM-S., calc-f., chin., fl-ac., Ip., nux-v., phos., rad-br., SOL., x-ray.

sensitive, wounds, with fever - Acon.

surgery, complication, from- acet-ac., Acon., ARN., BELL-P., CALEN., Carb-v., Chin., Chlf., Op., Phos., Piloc., STAPH., Stront-c.

adhesions, after - calc-f., calen., sil.

bleeding after- calen., Phos.

cancer - Coca.

colic, after lithotomy or ovariotony - Staph.

fistula, operation of, berb, calc., calc-f., calen, caust, graph., sil., sulph., thuj.

gall bladder surgery, after removal- CHIN., lyc.

healthy granulations, to promote healing, prevent infection - CALEN.

hernia , for pain in abdomen, after - Hyper.

inflammation , from., acon., Anthr., arn., ars., Bell., bell-p., calc-s., CALEN., Hep., hyper., Pyrog., rhus-t., Sil., Staph.

intestine , paralysis of after laparotmoy - Op.

joints - bry., calen., hyper.

mastectomy, after - calen., bell-p., x-ray.

orifices, on - calen., coloc., Staph.

sensitive, wounds painfully, fever - Acon.

skin is drawn tight over the wound, when - kali -p.

stretching of tissue, with - staph.

teeth -

extraction, bleeding, after - arn., calen., ferr-p., Phos.

pain, after - Hyper., staph.

filling, pain, after - ARN., hyper., merc., Merc-i-f., NUX-V., sep.

injury from dental work - HYPER.

nerve, as if exposed - Cham., coff., Hyper., Kalm.

neuralgic pains - BELL., CHAM., COFF., Coloc., hyper., MAG- P., Nux-m., Sil.

wounds, of CALEN., Staph.. (refer to infected wounds).

Comments. For more details on the remedies refer to the Materia Medica of First Aid or larger works for more information. For specific problem, such as infected wounds, refer to their specific sections if relevant. A few of the most commonly used remedies are listed below for easy reference.


Influenza is a acute viral miasm that affects the respiratory system and produces generalized aches and pain, especially in the limbs and back; malaise; prostration; fever; coryza, headache; with photophobia and retrobulbar aching; and inflamed respiratory mucous membranes. The incubation period is around 48 hours. The symptoms begin with sore throat with substernal burning; nonproductive cough; and coryza. Cough usually becomes severe and productive and causes pain in the chest. The soft palate, posterior hard palate, tonsils and throat become reddened and painful. The eyes water easily and the conjunctiva may be mildly inflamed. Sweating and weakness may continue for weeks. Complications include bronchitis; pneumonia; breathlessness; spitting of blood; pulmonary edema; encephalitis; and death.

Old people; babies; those confined to bed; or with chronic pulmonary or heart disease are the most at risk. Susceptibility to influenza seems to be increased in those who have psora and TB miasms. Influenzinum, a nosode made from the flu virus, can be used as a prophylactic during epidemics. Baptisia has also been used for this purpose. The "remedy epidemicus" can be found by using the totality of symptoms in several cases of the present epidemic.

Materia Medica

Aconite (2): Inflammatory symptoms, high fever, dry skin; dry, violent, racking cough, with or without oppression; stitches in chest after exposure to cold winds. Early stages with rapid onset. Much restlessness, anxiety and fear.

Arsenicum (3). Sudden onset of suffocation at night. Influenza in children with sudden onset and much prostration; child looks as if it had been sick a week. Violent sneezing with blood-tinged discharge; profuse watery discharge from nose, corroding nostrils making upper lip sore, worse < at night, after meal. Spasmodic cough, with desire to vomit or vomiting and expectoration of watery mucus. Running eyes, excessive photophobia; inflamed eyes with ulcers on cornea. Anxiousness and restlessness with much weakness. Thirst for warm drinks in sips. Worse < after midnight.

Bapistia (3): Great languor, rapid prostration, soreness of the body, bruised feeling, heaviness, numbness, aching of muscles, want to lie down, chilly in open air. Lifeless body but restless mind, tosses and turns, mottled, dark face, besotted look, putrid smells, foul discharges. Confused, dull, indifferent, delirious, thinks he is broken or double. Can only swallow liquids, gags on solid food. Worse < open air, cold wind, autumn; < hot weather, humid heat, fog, indoors; < pressure, walking, pressure.

Bryonia (3): Dryness of mucus membranes, stitching, tearing pains, worse < on motion, Headache on coughing, on stooping as if all the contents of head would issue through forehead. Aversion to light, esp. sunlight. Constriction and stitches in the chest, worse < on moving or coughing. Frequent sneezing, often between cough. Fluent coryza, watery or greenish discharge. Mouth dry, lips cracked, with thirst for large amounts of cold water. Dry hacking cough < smoking or talking, when coming from the open air into a warm room. Rheumatic pains in extremities. Sleepy, heavy, lethargic, irritable, wants to be left alone, desire for things that are rejected when offered, talks of business. Worse < motion, deep breathing, stooping, becoming warm, warm room, eating and anger. Better > lying on painful side, pressure, rest, quiet, cold things, drawing up knees, sitting up.

Causticum (2): Immediate sensation of weakness and paresis in all extremities, loss of muscular strength., unsteady when walking, easy falling. Cough with sensation as if can't cough deep enough to raise mucus. Feels better after a sip of cold water. Cough causes escape of urine. Cough is incessant, short, hollow, from crawling, tickling with much mucus in the throat, causes soreness in chest. Aphonia, difficulty speaking, contraction of the esophagus, painful sore throat. Pain in the hip while coughing. Thick yellowish or greenish discharge, nostril ulcerated. Coryza dry by day fluent at night. Burning, rawness, soreness, tearing, and drawing pains. Very sympathetic, thinking of complaints < aggravates them, hopeless, despondent, ambitionless, mentally fatigued. Child does not want to go to bed alone, least thing makes them cry. Worse < clear fine weather, dry cold air, winds, drafts, extremes of temperature, stooping, 3 to 4 AM. Better > cold drinks, damp wet weather, washing, warmth of bed, and gentle motion.

Chelidonium (1): Shortness of the breath with tightness of chest, loud mucous rales in bronchi. Violent pain in forehead above eyes, drawing in nape and occiput. Photophobia with lachrymation. Dryness of the nose, tongue, and throat; great dry heat in face, thirst, with dry mouth, or thirstlessness, no appetite. Delirium mostly at night followed by lethargy with continues through the day. Anxiety and restlessness. Aversion to conversation. Despondent. Feels like cry with ill humour for no reason. Liver complications, biliousness, yellowness of eyes and skin, aching pain at inferior angle of the right scapula. Worse < right side and right lung.

Eupatorium Perf (3): Violent deep aching pains in the bones, as if broken. Bruised sore feeling of the muscles of chest, back, and limbs. Flowing coryza, sneezing, hoarseness, with roughness of voice, hacking cough in the evening, with soreness in chest. Restlessness, and moaning with constant change of position although he wishes to stay because it hurts to move. Lassitude. Worse < cold air, periodically, 7 to 9 AM, or third or fourth day. < Lying on part, motion, coughing, sight or smell of food. Better > conversation, by getting on hands and knees, lying on face, sweating and vomiting bile.

Gelsemium (3): The patient is apathetic, dull, dizzy, drowsy, droopy, heavy, tired, aching, weak, and sore. Trembling of the limbs with lack of muscular co-ordination. Want to lie down and be left alone. Face is hot, flushed, with a heavy besotted look, droopy eyelids, lower jaw dropped, putrid breath, the tongue is thickly yellow coated and trembles when protruded. Chills go up and down the spine. Dryness and heat with thirstlessness. Soreness of throat, pain in left tonsil, extending to soft palate, along left nostril, sensation as if stream of scalding water rushing along nasal passage on every inspiration while right nostril is stuffed up. Continuous accumulation of irritating mucus in throat, hard, painful cough with shooting pain into ear when swallowing. Never well since flu. Worse < emotions, bad news, damp, humid weather, heat of sun, summer, 10 AM, periodically, thinking of the ailment.

Influenzinum (1): Used as a preventive during epidemics or never well since a case of influenza. General feeling of chill, headache, eyes heavy and sensitive to movement, diffused pains, general stiffness, lingering fever, weakness, anorexia. Post-grippe neurotic, depressive feelings.

Mercurius (2): Rheumatic pains in the head, face, ears, teeth and extremities with sore throat, swollen glands, and excessive salivation which may wet the pillow during sleep. Tongue moist, yellow coated, flabby, showing indention of the teeth. Weariness, prostration and trembling with profuse sweat that does not relieve. Intense thirst for cold water. Sensitive to heat and cold. Fluent coryza, acrid watery discharge with sneezing. Dry hacking cough as though head and chest would burst. Dry at night, in daytime expectoration of thin, acrid purulent, yellow mucus often mixed with blood. Creeping chilliness, < in the evening and night. Groaning and moaning with the pains. Irresolute, constantly changing their minds. Dissatisfied, complains about everything, his relations, surrounding, etc. Weakness of the memory, forgets everything, thinks he is losing his reason. Worse < at night, sweating, lying on right side, heated, from cold or heat, changing weather, cloudy, damp cold, drafts, wet feet. Better > moderate temperature, rest.

Nux Vomica (2): Rough, raw, and hollow cough, scraped feeling in throat, with mucus rales and thick expectoration. Violent headache as if the brain were bruised, cough brings on bursting headache, heaviness of head, vertigo, pains in loins, constipation, loss of appetite, nausea and desire to vomit. Sleeplessness or restless sleep, with anxious dreams. Can't sleep after 3 AM until towards morning, awakes feeling wretched, better > after a nap. Stitches and pain in chest as if raw, fluent coryza by day but dry at night. Body burning hot, esp. face, yet can't move or bear uncovering without feeling chilly. Very irritable, angry, and impatient, complaining, faultfinding, wants to be left alone. Cannot bear the slightest noises, odors, or light. Worse < early morning, cold, open air, drafts, wind uncovering. Better > from a nap, free discharges, wrapping head, hot drinks, lying on the side.

Oscillococcinum (1): Useful if given at the first onset of the flu. Anxiety, paleness, and chill. Fixed ideas and obsessions, fear of dirt, infection, of being polluted, must wash his hands often and is afraid to shake hands because of fear of pollution or contagion. Fears storms. Obstinate, agony, anxious without any motive. Sensitive to meteorological changes. Stuffed nose,, nasal obstruction, sneezing serous discharges followed by muco-purulent. Pain in frontal or maxillary region. Nasal voice, aphonia, dry painful cough. Muco-purulent expectoration with humid cough. Worse < by milk and eggs. Better > heat and rest.

Phosphorus (3): Intense bronchial and painful laryngeal affection, affecting the voice and rendering speech almost impossible. Dry, tickling cough, with tightness across the chest, worse < evening and before midnight. Coryza alternating fluent or dry, with frequent sneezing. Hard, dry, tight racking cough. Whole body trembles with cough. Sputa rusty blood-colored or purulent. Gone feeling and faintness in region of stomach, painless diarrhoea. Craves cold, iced drinks and foods. Burning in all parts of the body and limbs, violent congestions, flushes of heat, rushes of blood, and hemorrhages. Open, friendly, sympathetic people who become weak, needy, anxious, restless and fidgety when ill. Fears being alone at twilight. Worse < change of weather, wind cold, thunderstorms, lightening, lying on the left or painful side. Better > lying on right side, cold food, cold, open air, eating, dark, massage, being magnetized.

Pyrogen (2): Abnormal balances between pulse and temperature, pulse decreases while temperature increases or pulse increases with temperature decreases. Pulse abnormally rapid, out of proportion to temperature. Profuse sweat, bed is soaked, yet temperature does not drop. Offensive smells and discharges, septic states when blood is disorganized, heart weak and muscles prostrated. Aching, bruised, sore, bone pains. Prostrated yet restless, bed feels hard. loquacity, thinks and talks faster then ever before, talks or whispers to herself in sleep, can not tell if they are dreaming or awake. Sensitive, anxious and confused. Worse < cold, damp, sitting, moving eyes. Better > heat, motion, heat, pressure.

Rhus Tox (3): Flu after exposure to wet, damp weather or getting wet. Stiffness in muscles and joints < first motion but > by limbering up. Tearing, shooting, stitching pains < at night, can not rest in any position, severe aching of the bones. Restless, sore, bruised and stiff. Copious coryza with redness and edema of throat, sneezing and coughing, edema of glottis, puffed, translucent uvula. Pharynx and larynx feel intolerably raw and rough, full of vesicles. Dry cough < from evening till midnight or from uncovering the body. Mind and senses become cloudy. Extreme restlessness with constant changing of position, great apprehension at night, can not remain in bed. Worse < after midnight, jar, riding, ice cold drinks, side lain on, drenching, uncovering parts, during rest. Better > limbering up and continual motion.


Influenza - Acon., All-c., Arn., ARS., Ars-i., BAPT., BRY., Calc., Camph., Carc., Caust., Chel., Dulc., Euph., EUP-PER., Ferr-p., GELS., Med., Merc., Merc-i-r., Naja., Nux-v., Ph-ac., PHOS., Pyrog., RHUS-T., Sabad.

Ailments, from- Abrot., Ars., Bry., cadm-m., Calc-p., GELS., Ph-ac., Psor., Scut., Tub.

Weakness after - Abrot., Bapt., BRY., Carc., Con., Chin., GELS., Kali-p., Ph-ac., Scut., X-ray.


Poisoning most often happens from chemicals and toxins that are found around the house or garage. It is extremely important to find out what kind of poison is involved and call a Poison Control Center, a hospital emergency room, a doctor, or paramedic for instructions. When you call these health professionals be sure to give them the name of the suffer, name of the poison, how much was taken, when it was taken, whether or not the victim has vomited, and how much time it will take to get the victim to the hospital. Give the victim as much water as possible to dilute the poison and cause the person to vomit if instructed to do so by the medical professionals.

Do not induce vomiting when a person has swallowed a strong acid or alkali such as a toilet bowl cleaner, bleach, detergent, etc.. If vomited they may cause further damage to the throat and esophagus. Petroleum products, such as gasoline, kerosene, furniture polish, or paint thinner should also not be vomited as they may enter the lungs and cause pneumonia. Under certain circumstances a poison control center worker or doctor may suggest a first aid emetic. The safest emetic is syrup of ipecac. An adult or children over 12 years may be given 2 tablespoons of ipecac. If a teenager is of low body weight give them a smaller dose. A child between the age of 1 to 11 should be given 1 tablespoon and an infant under 1 year only 2 teaspoons. This is to be followed by 1 to 2 glasses of water or milk.

If vomiting does not begin in 15 to 20 minutes one more does may be given. After this do not repeat this method. Vomiting may be induced by tickling the back part of the throat with your finger if no ipecac is available or does not work. We the person vomits keep the face down with the head lower than the rest of the body so they will not choke. Seek medical attention and take whatever has been vomited with you to the hospital in container. Remember you ABC's, keep the airways open, and maintain breathing and circulation with artificial respiration and CPR, if necessary. An unconscious patient should not be given fluids or emetics. Place the victim in the recovery position and keep a close eye on the ABC's until help arrives. If you have to take the victim to the hospital, place them in recovery position while traveling.

Food poisoning

A common cause of poisoning comes from food. Acute food poisoning may be caused by botulism, salmonella, or staphylococcus bacteria. Not everyone who eats a impure meal will become sick unless the contamination is very great. Each individual has a different susceptibility. Water that is contaminated with bacteria is also another major source. Acute food poisoning may be caused by botulism, salmonella, or staphylococcus bacteria.

1. Botulism is usually cause by improperly made home-can food. The symptoms include dizziness; dizziness, headache, blurred vision or double vision, muscle weakness, difficulty swallowing, talking and breathing. the symptoms usually appear within 12 to 36 hours.

2. Salmonella poisoning is usually caused by eating eggs, milk, raw or undercooked meat, poultry and fish. Salmonella poisoning can be very serious for infants, the elderly, and the chronically ill. The symptoms include; abdominal cramps, diarrhea, fever, chill, headache, vomiting, weakness. The symptoms usually appears from 4 to 14 hours.

3. Staphylococcus poisoning is caused by eating foods that have been properly refrigerated. It is often caused by meats, eggs, mild, cream-filled bakery goods, tuna and potato salad. The symptoms include; Abdominal, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. The symptoms usually appear in 2 to 6 hours.

Keep the victim lying down and warm. After the vomiting is over give the person warm, mild, fluids. Seek medical attention if necessary.

Materia Medica

Arsenicum (3*): Attack begins with watery stool that develop into discharges of blood and mucus. Involuntary discharges of fetid foul. smelling matter, with great prostration. Great exhaustion after stool, face sunken, pale an feature distorted, burning thirst yet intolerance of water. Bowel movement preceded by restlessness, anguish, and pain in abdomen, stools pappy, yellow, bloody, greenish, or more frequently, blackish, accompanied with vomiting, pain, excessive abdominal pain, burning in the rectum, tenesmus, followed by burning in the anus, palpitation, trembling of limbs and prostration. Vomiting and purging at the same time, small, dark offensive with exhaustion. Worse < at night and after eating and drinking. Worse < before, during and after stool.

Baptisa (1): Adynamia, fetid, exhausting diarrhea excoriation. Stools dark, offensive, nauseous and even bloody, with colic and tenesmus or painless. Pain of hepatic region, esp. around the gall bladder. Papescent stool, with large quantities of mucus. Diarrhea from noxious effluvia. Diarrhea from bad water. Thinks he is broken or double and tosses about the bed trying to get pieces together, Delirium., wandering, muttering, falls asleep while being spoken to. < Humid heat, fog, indoors.

Carbo Veg (2): Diarrhea from rancid fats. Hot, moist, offensive flatus, with painful dragging towards sacrum and thence the abdomen. Meteorism with loud rumbling, better > from passing wind upward and downward. Feces escapes with flatus. Collapse, pulse weak, and intermittent, with cold breath. Wants to be fanned.

China(1): Food poisoning from fish. Diarrhea, particularly after meal, at night, painless, early in morning. Undigested, frothy, yellow, painless, with undigested food, worse < night, after meals, from fruit, milk, beer, hot weather.

Colocynthis (2): Food poisoning with atrocious griping, cutting pains, relieved by doubling up and hard pressure. Gastroenteritis, Dysenteric stools renewed each time by the least food or drink; jelly-like stool. Very angry and irritable. Ailments from anger. Cramps in calves. Contraction of all muscles.

Ipecac (2): Persistent nausea with all complaints, vomiting which does not relieve. Violent colic and tenesmus. Tongue is clean without coating, mouth moist with much saliva, with paleness and twitching of face. Stool almost black and fermented like frothy molasses. Worse < evening, tenesmus after stool. Constant nausea and vomiting. Dysentery with tenesmus, straining pain so great it nauseates, little thirst.

Nux Vomica (2): Stools small, slimy, bloody, with urging before stool but ceasing after stool until the next stool begins. Frequent ineffectual urging, diarrhea alternates with constipation. Stool frequent, small, corrosive, offensive, thin, and brownish-green. Back ache as if the back was broken. Worse < before the stool but better > after it passes.

Podophylum (2): Gastroenteritis with colicky pain and bilious vomiting. Stool is water with jelly-like mucus, painless profuse, gushing offensive. Diarrhea watery in the morning followed by solid stool later in the day. < in early morning, hot weather, during dentition. Constipation alternating with diarrhea or headache alternates with diarrhea. Adapted to bilious humour. Worse early morning, hot weather, during dentition.

Pulsatilla (2): No two stools alike, sour, green, then again bloody, one stool fetid another odorless, one containing fecal matter, the next blood. Before, rumbling and cutting colic, pain in small of the back. During chilliness in pain in the sacrum. After chilliness in the back, colic as form flatulence and smarting of the anus. Worse at night, after fat food, pork, fruit, ice-cream, tobacco, cold drinks. Worse in general in a warm room. Better > open air or a cool place. No thirst with putrid taste in the mouth. Suits tearful, passive, yielding females or gentle, soft men.

Urtica Urens (2): Ill effects of eating shell fish. Diarrhea characterized by large secretion of mucus.

Zingiber (1): Complaint from drinking impure water, Taste of food remains for long, especially bread and toast, Abdomen feels heavy like a stone. Acidity. Heaviness when awakening in stomach with wind and rumbling, great thirst and emptiness. Colic, diarrhea, extremely loose bowels. Diarrhea from drinking bad water with much flatulence, cutting pain, relaxation of the anus. Cramps in soles and palms. Frequent desire to urinate. Urine thick, turbid of strong odor, suppressed.


FOOD POISONING - ARS., bapt., Carb-v., chin., Coloc., Ip., Nux-v., Podo., Puls., Urt-u.

bad water - Ars., bapt., zing.

fish, spoiled - ars., Carb-v., chin., Puls.

shellfish - ars, Podo, URT-U.

spoiled, fatty, rich foods - ars., Carb-v., chin., nux-v., PULS.

meat - ARS., Carb-v., chin., puls.

Common Poisons and Homeopathic Remedies.

In poisoning it is best to call the emergency medical services as soon as possible. The following are some common poisons and toxins and their homeopathically related remedies. Please refer to the Materia Medica of First Aid or larger works on homeopathy for the exact symptomatology. The affects of poison and toxins have been treated by making potentized remedies from the causative poisons. The use of such remedies, however, should be guided by the display the symptoms of the provings or the intercurrent isode characteristics to be effective.

ACETON; Nail polish, paint solvents.

ACIDS; Battery acids, sulfuric acid. These give off irritating fumes and cause burns. Remedies - CAUST., Cantharis. (refer to burn section.)

ALKALIES; Ammonia, quicklime, Drano. These cause chemical burns. Remedies - CAUST. (refer to burn section)

ARSENIC; Mouse, rat and ant poisons. Remedies - Ars., Carbo-v., Ferr, HEP., Ip.., Merc., Phos., verat.

ALUMINIUM ; Pots and pans. Remedies - Alum., Bry., cadm-m., camph., cham., ip, Plb., puls.

BLEACH (chlorine)

CARBOLIC ACID (creosote); produces burns. Remedies - Canth, Caust., kreo.


CARBON MONOXIDE; car and engine exhaust. Remedies - acon, bell., bry., Carbo- v., op..

CLEANING FLUIDS; Benzene, kerosene, gasoline, carbon tetrachloride, etc., inhaled or ingested. Remedies - Petro.

COPPER ; Bordeaux mixture, blue vitrol, garden sprays. Remedies - camph., cupr., Ip., lyc., Merc., nux-v., op., Puls.

Copper vessel - Hep.

DETERGENTS; with phosphate. Remedies - lach., nux-v., Phos.

FLOURIDES; Ant and mouse poisons.

IODINES; Tincture of iodine, Lugol's solution. Remedies - Ars., Hep., Iod., Op., Phos., Sec.

LEAD; Paints, may be inhaled in dangerous amounts. Remedies - ALUM., Bell., CAUST., Coloc., kali-i., Nat-s., Plat., plb., Sul-ac., Sulph., TUB., sulph.

NARCOTICS AND BARBITURITES; Demerol morphine, codeine, phenobarbital, econal, amytal, nembutal. Remedies - Aven., Bell., camph. CHAM., COFF., Ip., LACH., NUX-V., Puls., Sep., Valer.. Use NUX-V. if no other remedy seems specifically indicated.

MERCURY, poisoning. Dental fillings - AUR., CARB-V., HEP., KALI-I. LACH MERC., NAT-S., NIT-AC., PHYT., STAPH., SULPH.


PHOSPHORUS; Roach and rodent poisons. Fumes have a pungent garlicky odor. Remedies - lach., nux-v., phos.

SALT; sodium chloride. Abuse table salt. ars., carb-v., Nat-m., phos., sel.

SEWER GAS; fumes from septic tank, out houses, broken sewer lines. Remedies - anthr., Bapt., phyt., pyrog., Tub.

STRAMONIUM; Thorn-apple poisoning. Remedies - acet-ac., Bell., Hyos., nux-v., stram., nux-v., tab.

STRYCHINE; Rodent poisons. Remedies - cham., cur., eucal, kali-br., Nux-v., phys.

SULPHUR; Sulphates are found in many products. Calc., Merc., PULS.

TAR; on the skin. Remedies - bov., zinc.

TURPENTINE; Remedies - ter., nux-v.


Shock is a serious condition in which the blood flow to the vital organs becomes inadequate due to loss of vital fluids, or a sudden drop of blood pressure. Hyovolemic shock (shock due to loss of vital fluids) is caused by external and internal bleeding, burns, perforation of the gastrointestinal track, vomiting, diarrhea, kidney disease, and inadequate fluid intake. Cardiogenic shock is caused by insufficient cardiac output such as is seen in heart attacks. Shock due to vasodilatation is caused by cerebral trauma or hemorrhage, hepatic failure, sepsis, or drugs or poisons. The symptoms include lethargy, confusion, and somnolence. The hands and feet are cold, moist, blue, pale and the skin is clammy. There nausea, thirst and faintness. The breathing is rapid and shallow and may be accompanied by anxiety. The pulse is weak, fast and thread-like. Anaphylactic shock is an allergenic reaction to certain allergens or a insect sting such as that of a bee. This reaction will usually be accompanied by swelling of the throat and difficult breathing.

In the case of shock the first responder should check the pulse and respiration and look to see if there are any external injuries. Hemorrhages should be stop, air passages cleared, and artificial respiration (refer) or CPR (refer) given if necessary. Lay the victim on their back if possible and raise the feet to improve the circulation to the heart, lungs and brain. Turn the head to the side with the chin raise to kept air passages open. Loosen any tight clothing, cover the person, and do not give them anything to drink. If the victim becomes unconscious or vomits put them in the recovering position (refer). Call the emergency services. Monitor the pulse and respiration and keep the air passage clear if there is vomiting.

Materia Medica

Acetic Acid (1): Great relaxation, with vertigo and fainting. Dry heat after much bruising or sprains. Eyes sunken and surrounded by dark rings. Weakening emissions next night. Antidote to anesthetic vapors.

Aconite (3): Injury with fright, followed by fever, fear of death and misfortune, great restlessness, cannot be pacified. Septic shock. All the senses are excessively keen. pulse tense, thread-like and worry, chilly when uncovered, fainting when rising from recumbent position, cold feet.

Arnica (3): Useful in preventing shock and collapse. After an injury, sickness of stomach or vomiting form shock < worse motion, rising, wants head low. Wants the body covered warmly, the whole body is cold, except the head and face that are warm and hot. Bruised feeling all over body. Slow weak pulse. Fears the approach of others.

Arsenicum (1): Tendency toward collapse, as in cholera, skin dry, cold or moist, pinched or livid. Great restlessness, thirst for water little and often, vomits drink as soon as swallowed. Wants external heat and can not bear a breath of air, Better > perspiring and pain returns as soon as sweat stops.

Calcarea Carb (2): Constant feeling of heat and coldness, with or without shivering. Withered skin and emaciation. Constant anxiety about his affairs. Patient sweats from mental exertion. Septic shock form bone and other suppuration. Marked fear, cold, damp feet, easy sweating from any exertion, cold hands and feet. Adapted to phlegmatic constitutions.

Camphora (3): After injuries or shock when the whole surface of the body cold and clammy. Face is pale and bluish, lips blue, tendency to diarrhea form shock and exhaustion. Pulse feeble. Nervous anxiety with stupefaction of mind, feeling of great exhaustion and weakness. Respiration few and sighing. Nervous anguish.

Carbo Veg (3): Collapse with hippocratic countenance, cadaverous stools, stagnate circulation, coldness of surface. Breath absolutely cold, and still the patient wants to be fanned, though apparently dying. Frequent scarcely perceptible pulse. Loss of vision and hearing. Fat, sluggish lymphatic constitution.

Chamomilla (2): Groans all the time, can not stand the pain. Worse < talking or touch. Cold moist skin, seat on forehead and extremities cool, pain burning and if torn, better > warmth. Irritable and snappish.

China (2): After exhausting hemorrhages, pale countenance and threatening collapse, fainting with ringing in the ears, deafness and eructation. Heat in cardiac region, feels the blood coming warm from the heart. Nervous agitation, anxious, can hardly breathe.

Cuprum Met (2): Spasmodic symptoms and cramps. Rolling from one side to the other , at intervals trying to take a deep breath. Frequent thread-like pulse.

Digitalis (3): Cardiac shock, great cardiac debility with very slow pulse. Faintness and weakness with sweat, bluishness, inactivity of pupils, optical illusion.

Gelsemium (1): Great distress and apprehension at the memory of a former accident. Overpowering fear with fatigue. Unconscious anxious muttering. Tendency toward diarrhea with fear and aching limbs. head, arms, back and legs feel too heavy to lift, feels easier and drowsy resting on the couch.

Helloborus (1). Shock from an blow or fall on the head. Drowsiness, one pupil larger than the other, semi-consciousness, breathing heavy and slow. Pulse full and easily compressed. Worse 3 to 6 p.m.

Hepar Sulph (1). Low pain tolerance, a little pain causes fainting, preceded by vertigo, then headache, involuntary deep inspiration, internal shivering from below upward. Very irritable and excitable, nervous trembling. Limbs feel weak and bruised.

Hypericum (3): Fractured skull, head and spinal injuries. Injuries of feet and hands. Tetanus, darting pains in back, contraction of muscle from injuries to nerves. Desire to urinated but can not. Great nervous depression.

Ipecac (2): Hemorrhages of bright red blood causes fainting. suffocating feelings, prostration, pallor, nausea, vomiting diarrhea. Pupils dilated, chilliness, cold hands and feet, which are dripping with cold sweat. Persistent nausea.

Lachesis (3): Shock apparently strikes the heart. Cardiac shock, pain in the heart and sensation of suffocation, wants to tear everything away from the throat from anguish. Rapid gasping and incessant sighing. Very talkative. Worse < sleeping, or after waking.

Natrum Mur (2): Chronic affects after injuries and shock. Great thirst, threatening collapse, with intermittent pulse. Worse < consolation, 11 a.m., lying on left side, with heart throbbing.

Nux Moshata (2): Constant drowsiness, even in a chill, stupid and sleepy. Peculiar prostration of old people who tire very easily. Dry tongue and mouth, but no thirst.

Opium (3): After a fright. Breathing rapid, irregular, eyes bloodshot, fixed, and unequal. Injuries of brain, strokes, shock, concussion with unconsciousness.

Psorinum (1): Protracted cases, with despair of recovery, from the sequels of shock and nervous exhaustion.

Strontium Carb (1): Surgical shock. Similar to Carb-v..

Tabacum (2): Cold sweat and constant deadly nausea. Giddiness. Vomiting worse < from motion, better > after vomiting. Body cold, especially legs, pulse irregular, small .slow, feeble. Great relaxation.

Veratrum Album (3): Cold sweat mostly on the face and forehead, vomiting , diarrhea, thirst, profuse seat, extreme pain, with delirium and terror. Chilliness increase by drinking, intense desire for old water. Features deathlike, thread-like pulse, internal bleeding, visceral hemorrhages, and the abdomen feels cold.


SHOCK, traumatic - Acet-ac., ACON., ARN., Ars., Calc., CAMPH., CARB0-V., Cham. Chin., Cupr., DIG., Gels., hell., hep., HYPER., Ip., LACH., Nat-m., psor., Staph., stront-c., sulph., Tab., VERT.

better > perspiring, pain returns as soon as sweat stops - ARS.

blood or fluid loss, from - Carbo-v., Chin., stront-c.

breath absolutely cold, and still the patient wants to be fanned - Carbo-v.

bruising and sprains, after - Acet-ac.

cardiac shock -

great cardiac debility with very slow pulse - DIG.

shock apparently strikes the heart - LACH.

chronic affects -

after injuries and shock - nat-m.

protracted cases, despair of recovery - psor.

cold sweat - calc-c., tab., verat.

cold sweat mostly on the face and forehead - VERAT.

drowsiness, constant- Nux-m.

dying , apparently - Carbo-v.

fainting when rising from recumbent position - ACON.

fractures, after - acon., Arn., bry., stront-c.

hemorrhages -

exhausting - CHIN.

bright red blood causes fainting - Ip.

injuries of brain, concussion with unconsciousness- OP.

mind -

agitation, nervous, so anxious can hardly breathe - china.

anguish, nervous -camph.

anxiety - calc., camph.

constant, about his affairs - Calc.

nervous anxiety with stupefaction of mind - camph.

distress and apprehension at the memory of a former accident - GELS.

fear - ACON, Arn., calc., Gels.

fear and fright - ACON.

fears the approach of others - ARN.

overpowering fear with fatigue - Gels.

groans all the time, can't stand the pain - CHAM.

irritable and snappish - Cham.

mental shock - Acon., apis., Arn., Gels., Ign., OP., ph-ac.

prevention of shock and collapse - ARN.

restlessness, great - Acon, Ars.

cannot be pacified -Acon.

talkative, very - LACH.

terror - Verat.

unconscious anxious muttering - gels.

pain tolerance low a little pain causes fainting - hep.

persistent nausea - IP., Tab.

Better vomiting - tab.

Not better vomiting - ip.

respiration few and sighing - camph.

septic shock - ACON., Ars., calc.

advanced stages - Ars., calc.

stages - Acon.

spasmodic symptoms and cramps - CUPR.

surgical - acon., arn., Calen., camph., carbo-v., OP., pyrog., Staph., STRONT-C., verat.

antidote anesthetic vapors - acet-ac.

tetanus - HYPER.

thirst for water little and often, vomits drink as soon as swallowed - ARS.

whole surface of the body cold and clammy - CAMPH.

Sore Throats

Materia Medica

Aconite (2): Early stages with violent fever, dry heat, burning, burning thirst, dark redness of affected parts, burning, choking, creeping and contraction of throat. croup from cold dry air beginning before midnight, child wakes and grasps throat. Dry cough with barking hoarse croup sound during exhalation from spasm in larynx. Worse < being chilled by cold winds, dry weather, pressure, touch of bed, noise, light, dentition, lying on affected side, inspiration of tobacco smoke, warm rooms, sleeping in the sun, evening and night. Better > rest, from a warm sweat. Great fear, anxiety and restlessness. Fear the future, predicts the time of death, etc.

Apis (3): Edema of mucous membranes of throat and bag-like swelling of uvula, fiery red, shining, glazed and puffy, with blisters in clusters filled with clear lymph on back of throat. Inability to swallow from great swelling of the throat, internally and externally. Stinging, burning, rawness, stitching pain between acts of swallowing. difficult breathing and swallowing, pain in throat extends to the ears. Worse < warm drinks, swallowing solids, sour or hot substances. Better > cold drinks. Rawness and scalding around margin of tongue. Insidious cases coming on without suffering, No thirst, wants to be uncovered, sensitive to clothing about neck, allergenic edema of face and eyelids, rose-colored rash on skin. Worse < heat in any form, touch, pressure, right side, sleeping, in close heated rooms, late afternoon, after 4PM, suppressed eruptions, Better > open air, uncovering, cold bathing, cool air, motion, slight expectoration. Restlessness, fidgety, and anxious.

Belladonna (3 *): Violent fever, burning heat, bright-red throat, great dryness of mouth and throat, shooting pains in throat on swallowing, turning the head or breathing. Constriction and oppression impeding swallowing, speech and respiration, spasms of throat when trying to swallow. Enlargement of cervical glands and stiff neck. Inability to swallow liquids, thirstlessness or thirst but to pain to drink so drinks in sips. Worse < right side, check sweating, drafts, haircut, washing head, taking cold, lying down, touch, jar, noise. Better > sitting semi-erect, light covering, bending backward, bed rest. Delirious, starts at the approach of others, desire to escape, acuteness of all senses.

Cantharis (2): Throat feels on fire, inflamed and covered with plastic lymph, with bloody expectoration, symptoms come on with great rapidity. gangrene of the throat, water drunk returns through the nose, shooting pains when swallowing, esp. liquids, from constriction and intense pain at back of throat. Tenacious mucus. Intense thirst but will not drink due to pain. Concomitant painful burning urination and exhaustion. Worse < while urination and after, drinking, cold water, or coffee, touch, esp. larynx, bright objects, sound of water. Better > rest, warmth, rubbing, warm applications. Strong sexual desire, anxious restlessness ending in rage, acute mania.

Hepar Sulph (2): Pricking sensations, as if from pins, splinters or fish-bone sticking in the throat, extending to the ears when yawning or swallowing. Smarting, roughness and rawness of fauces worse < when swallowing solid food. Heat and scraping in throat, with constant expectoration of yellow, tenacious mucus, impeding suppuration. Vomiting, in morning with dry, deep cough, worse in evening, when it becomes violent and agonizing. Pressure as from a plug, with danger of suffocation. Swelling of tonsil and cervical glands, ulcers in throat cause breath to smell like old cheese. Great sensitivity to atmospheric changes. Worse < cold, slightest drafts, cold dry winds, cool air, drafts, least uncovering. Better > by heat, damp weather, wrapping up head. Irritability, hasty, the slightest cause makes them angry.

Kali Bich (2): Soreness as if something sticking in the throat, accumulation of tenacious mucus that causes gagging, constant hawking, mucus, Discharges of touch stringy mucus which adheres to parts and can be drawn out in long strings. Uvula relaxed, elongated, edematous, bladder like. Ulcers in fauces, discharging cheesy lumps of offensive smell. Pseudo-membranous deposits on tonsil and soft palate. Mapped tongue, red, shining, smooth and dry. Tenacious mucus in pharynx, with tendency to hoarseness and tickling cough, throat pains more when putting out tongue, sharp. shooting pains in left tonsil, extending toward the ear, better > by swallowing. Ropy, stringy, fetid discharge from posterior nares and fauces. Worse < cold, damp, open air, spring, undressing, morning, 2-3 AM, after sleep, hot weather, suppressed catarrh. Better > heat, wrapping up, motion, pressure. Mentally ill-humored and low-spirited, listless, indifferent, and aversion of mental and physical exertion. Anxiety arising from chest. Fear of people, avoids society.

Kali Mur (1): Sore throats with swollen glands, grayish white exudate, grayish of white patches on the tonsils, gray or white coating on the base of tongue. Follicular tonsillitis, loss of voice, hoarseness. Dryness and redness, burning, stinging pains, after abuse of mercury (from filling of volcanic smog). Tough, white mucus with similar secretion from posterior nares, great efforts to dislodge it by snuffing and hawking. Worse < open air, cold drink, drafts, lying, night dampness, fatty rich foods, during menses. Better > cold drinks, rubbing, letting hair down. Thinks they must stave, discontented, discouraged, sits in silence, irritable and angry at trifles.

Lachesis (3): Throat mottled, bluish, bluish-red, livid purple. Dryness of mouth and throat with no thirst or with aversion to water, pain extend to ear, cervical glands swollen and suppurating. Much saliva and stringy mucus, tongue swollen, stiff, trembles and catches on teeth when protruded. Pains begin or are worse < left side or begin on the left and go to the right (opposite Lyc.). Patches and membranes go from the left to right and down larynx. Much choking and swallowing, esp. during sleep. Constriction and difficult breathing, worse < arousing form sleep or after sleep. Pains worse < by warm drinks better > by cold drinks (opposite Lyc.). and empty swallowing, pains travel to the ears. Better > swallowing solids rather than liquids. Throat worse < from slightest external pressure, heat, empty swallowing, left side, warm bath, retarded discharges. Better > appearance of discharges, open air, cold drinks. Great loquacity, jealous and suspicious, feels they are under super human control, fears going to sleep.

Lycopodium (3): Swelling, pain, and suppuration of throat and tonsils starting on the right and going from the right to the left (opposite Lach). Chronic enlargement or ulceration tonsils, fauces brownish-red, hawking of bloody mucus or hard, greenish-yellow phlegm, feeling as if a ball rose form below into the throat, feeling as a hard body in esophagi. No thirst or thirst with disgust for drinks or better > from hot drinks and worse from cold drinks (opposite Lach). One side of neck stiff and swollen, glandular swellings, throat feels constricted, nothing can be swallowed. Worse < eating to satiety, cold drinks, awaking, right side, right to left, 4 to 8 PM, hot air, bed, warm applications, pressure of clothes, wet stormy weather, wind. Better > hot drinks, warm food and drinks, erucations, after midnight, cold applications. Headstrong and haughty when sick, averse to company yet wants someone in the next room. Angry when arising.

Mercurius (3*): Great soreness, dryness, rawness, and burning, stitches into ear on swallowing. Obliged to swallow constantly because of profuse salivation yet throat feels dry. Swelling of the parotid and cervical glands. Tongue moist coating, yellow, flabby, teeth indented, feels as if burnt with ulcers, lengthwise furrows, putrid breath. Lancinating pains in neck and tonsils, extending to the ears, esp. right side, pressure in esophagi and larynx, worse < when eating, drinks can't pass epiglottis and are forced back through nose. Great thirst for cold drinks with moist tongue. Sneezing, coryza, violent cough, tonsil dark-red or greenish-red, studded with ulcers. Chilliness toward evening or alternating chill and heat, sweating without relief. (Suitable for volcanic smog). Worse < night, wet, damp, lying on right side, wet feet, perspiring, heated, warm room, bed, sensitive to drafts to head, changes of weather, cold, damp weather, heat and cold. Better > moderate temperament. Slow in thought and speech yet some can be hasty. Irresolution, constantly changes their minds, weak memory, lose of self confidence.

Mercurius Cor. (2): Throat intensely inflamed, red, painful, preventing swallowing and causing suffocation, uvula swollen, elongated, dark-red, tonsil swollen and covered with ulcers. Prickly in throat as from needles, cutting in the throat as from a knife, retching and vomiting on attempting to swallow, worse < when depressing the tongue. Cervical glands hard and swollen. Pain in post-nasal area with sharp pains to ear. Worse < after urination and stool, swallowing, night, cold, fall, hot days, cool nights. Better > rest. Can not sleep because of anxiety and restlessness. Stares at the person who talk to him and does not understand them. Difficult thinking, disturb speech, stupid.

Mercurius Cyn. (1): Necrotic destruction of soft parts of palate and fauces. Diphtheria of larynx and nose, septic diphtheria membrane is thick and gray. Throat feels raw, sore, cutting pains on swallowing, redness of fauces. Mucous membranes broken down, ulcerated. Worse < on swallowing, speaking, after eating. Great excitement, fits of passion, fury, talkativeness.

Mercurius Iod. Flav. (2): Sore throat, dry, swelling begins on the right side, or goes from the right to the left (Lyc). Easily detached patches on inflamed pharynx and fauces. Constant desire to swallow, tenacious mucus, hawking causes gagging, sensation of a lump. Tongue thickly coated yellow at base, bright yellow on back part, tip and edges red. Right Tonsil swollen, better > cold drinks. Worse < odors, touch, pressure, raising up, warm room, warm bed, warm drinks, cold and damp weather, night before 1 A.M. on waking, rest. Better > open air.

Mercurius Iod. Rub. (2): Sensation as of a lump in throat, with disposition to hawk which brings up hard greenish lumps or tough white phlegm. Sticking in throat, on waking feels sore and scalded, worse < empty swallowing. fauces dark-red, left tonsil swollen, submaxillary glands painfully engorged. Sore through starts on left and goes to the right (Lach). Sensation of lump with disposition to hawk from posterior nares. Stiffness of muscles of the neck and throat. Uvula elongated. Cough with sore throat. Worse < empty swallowing, swallowing food, after sleep, weather changes, getting wet, touch, pressure, after dinner, afternoon evening, touch, pressure.

Nitric Acid (1): Pricking as form a splinter in throat, worse < swallowing, stitches in throat, pains travel to the ears, tonsil red swollen, uneven small ulcers on the palate, tongue, inside of gums sore, with stinging pains and ulceration of corners of the mouth. White patches with sharp points, as from splinters. Bloody saliva. Worse < fat food, milk, after eating, cold air, dampness, changing weather, heat of bed, mental exertion and shock, evening and nights. Worse < mercury (volcanic smog).

Nux Vomica (2): Throat is raw, sore, rough, scraped, stinging pains causing hawking. Tickling when wakening in the morning, pharynx constricted, as if a plug were sticking in throat during empty swallowing, swelling of the uvula, stitches into ear when swallowing, small fetid ulcers. Pains worse < while eating and more afterward, dry cough with headache and pains in hypochondria when coughing, constipation. Worse < cold, morning, uncovering, open air, high living, coffee, stimulants, smoking, drugs, over eating, alcohol. Better > after a nap, free discharges, wrapping head, hot drinks. Very irritable and impatient, can't bear noise, odors, light, can't stand the pain it makes him angry. Talks about his condition, so mad he cries,.

Phytolacca (2): Throat dark red or red-blue, pain at root of tongue travels to ear when swallowing, or soreness of posterior fauces, with extension of irritation into Eustachian tubes. Pain on swallowing hot liquids or foods. Sensation as if trachea were being strongly grasped, hawking relieves the choked feeling, dryness of throat at bedtime. Tonsils swollen, esp. right. Great muscular soreness, chilliness, groans when moved, restlessness and prostration. Worse < changes of weather, cold weather, damp, electric charges, rain, exposure to damp, hot drinks, heat. Better > warm dry weather, rest, cold drinks, lying on abdomen. Loss of personal delicacy, complete shamelessness of and indifference to exposure of her person. Indifferent to life. Refuse food in spite of continuous insistence.

Rhus Tox (1): Sticking stinging pains in tonsils, worse < beginning to swallow, throat sore stiff, after straining, sensation of swelling in throat, with contusive pain, even when talking, cellulitis of neck, parotitis. Hoarsness from over straining the voice. Soreness > warm drinks. Esophagitis from swallowing corrosive matter. Worse < midnight, ice cold drinks, uncovering, during rest, exposure to wet, cold air, draught, before storms, after exertion. Better > heat, warm wrapping, warm applications, continued motion. Whining mood, restless with continual change of position, can't remain in bed.

Sulphur (2): Burning, heat, dryness and redness in the larynx, throat and mouth, suppuration of the uvula and tonsils. Sensation of swelling and pressure in throat, as if from a body lodged in throat, esp. on swallowing or breathing. Dry coryza, persistent hoarseness or lose of voice, breathlessness, contraction of chest, swelling of cervical glands. constant desire to swallow saliva. Whole back posterior of palate arches ulcerated. Worse < rest, warmth of bed, washing, bathing in morning, 11 AM., night, periodically, alcohol, suppressions, standing. Better > open air, motion, sweating, walking.


A stroke is cause by an interruption of the blood supply to the brain. The source of the trouble is the narrowing of an artery (atherosclerosis or arteriosclerosis), a blood clot (cerebral thrombosis), or the rupturing of an artery (cerebral hemorrhage) leading to the brain. This staves the brain of blood and oxygen leading to the death of brain cells. The symptoms include a sudden headache, sudden paralysis, weakness or numbness of the face, arm or leg on one side of the body, loss or slurring of speech, mental confusion, impaired vision, different sizes of the pupils of the eyes, difficulty breathing and talking, loss of bladder and bowel control, and a sudden fall and unconsciousness. The first priorities are to check the airways passages, the respiration and the heart beat. Clear the air passages of any mucus and make sure the tongue has not fallen back and blocked the throat. If the victim is not breathing use mouth-to-mouth resuscitation (refer), if the heart is not beating CPR (refer). If they are unconscious put them in the recover position on the weak side once the pulse and respiration are stabilized. If they are conscious prop them up in a half sitting position and give them as much reassurance as possible. Do not give them anything to drink or eat as they may choke or vomit.

Materia Medica

Aconite (2): Heat of the head, pulsation of the carotids. Skin more warm than cold. Pulse full, hard, strong, even suppressed, but not intermittent, especially when fright or vexation was the cause of it. In plethoric, apoplectic subjects.

Arnica (3): Head hot and rest of body cold. Full and strong pulse, with paralysis of limbs, especially left side. Loss of consciousness and stupefaction, with stertorous breathing. Sighing, muttering. Involuntary discharge of urine and feces. Suits middle-aged, plethoric and stout constitutions. Ecchymoses here and there all over the body. Very useful remedy to use if no other remedy is specifically indicated. Fear of being approached.

Bartya Carb (1): Apoplexy of old people, especially those addicted to stimulating drinks. The patient cannot speak. Acts childish, at times anxious and full of fear. General paralysis of old age. Paralysis of the tongue, with loss of memory. Anxiety and fear and great trembling of the limbs, inability to keep the body erect.

Belladonna (2): The first stage of disease, with grinding and gnashing of teeth before attack. Where severe congestive symptoms are still present, or at a later period, when the extravasations causes severe inflammation reaction. Stupefaction, loss of consciousness and speech or convulsive movements of the limbs and muscles of the face. Paralysis of the extremities, especially on the right side. The mouth is drawn to one side. Paralysis of the tongue, ptyalismus, difficult of swallowing, or entire inability to swallow. Loss of sight, dilated pupil, red protruded eyes, red bloated face, reaching with the hand to the genitals.

Coffea (3): Threatening of stroke, overexcited, talkative, full of fear, pangs of conscience. Aversion to open air. Sleeplessness. Convulsive grinding of teeth.

Gelsemium (2): Threatening or actual stroke, with stupor, coma and nearly general paralysis. Headache nausea. tightness of brain, giddiness, tendency to stagger, with imperfect vision, vertigo unto falling, slightly relieved by spirits, Intense passive congestion to head with nervous exhaustion. Dullness, dizziness, wants to be left alone and not moved. Wine < the headache and eye symptoms.

Glonoinum (2). Threatening stroke in subjects with hypertrophy of the heart or insufficiency of aortic. During prodromal stage severe headache, hot flushes in head and face. Mental exaltation or depression, ill humor, anguish. Painful of arteries of the head and neck. Stiff neck and painful sensation at the back of neck, as if clothing were too tight. Vertigo and dullness of head, scintillation's and nebulae before eyes, buzzing in ears, heaviness and tied feeling of extremities restless sloop and frightful dreams.

Hyoscyamus (1): Sudden falling down with a shriek. Soporous condition, face red, lower jaw dropped. Patient weak, trembling, twitching of muscles, stertorous breathing. Inability to swallow, involuntary stool, pulse quick and full. Blood-vessels swollen, numbness of hand after consciousness returns.

Lachesis (2): Stupefaction with loss of consciousness, with blue face and convulsive movements, or tremor of the extremities, or paralysis, especially of the left side. The paroxysms are preceded by frequent absence of mind, or vertigo with much of blood to the head. Blowing expiration. Talkative, rapidly changes from one subject to another. After the use of liquors and mental emotions.

Laurocerasus (2): Vertigo, bloated face, jerking of the facial muscles. Speechless with full consciousness, palpitation of heart with scarcely perceptible pulse and cold, moist skin. Trismus, twitching of face. The coma looks more like a quiet deep sleep. Pulse irregular small and slow, seldom full and hard, stroke with paralysis.

Nux Vomica (2): Stroke of good livers who lead an easy life and suffer from dyspepsia, stupefaction, stertorous breathing and ptyalism, bleary eyes and dimness of vision. Paralysis especially of the lower limbs, and hanging down of the lower jaw. The paroxysm are preceded by vertigo, buzzing in the ears, headache as if the head would split open, or their eyes feel pressed out, with nausea and urge to vomit. Great irritability, anger and hypochondriasis.

Opium (3): The paroxysms are preceded by dullness of sense, vertigo and heaviness of head, buzzing in ears and hardness of hearing, staring look, sleeplessness, anxious dreams or frequent desire to sleep. The paroxysm is attained by tetanic rigidity of the whole body, redness, bloated tissue and heat of the face. Head is hot and covered with hot or cold sweat, redness, with dilated, insensible pupils, slow stertorous breathing, convulsive movements and trembling of extremities. Foams at mouth, deep comatose sleep, with snoring, rattling and hanging down of lower maxilla, impossibility to rouse the patient. The head feels so heavy that it sinks back when the patient want to lift it.

Phosphorus (2): Suddenly falls to ground unconscious, life apparently extinct, pulse and respiration lost, face red and like rest of body cool to touch. Irresponsive to loud calls. After grief from disappointed love. Grasps at head, mouth drawn to the left.

Strontia Carb (1): Violent congestion to head, with hot and red face from every exertion as walking, smothered feeling about heart, allowing no rest. Cannot bear the least draught of air, wants head warmly wrapped up.


STROKE, recent, or the beginning of - Acon., ARN., Aster., bar- c., Bell., COFF., Gels., Glon., hyos., Lach., Laur., Nux-v., OP., Phos., stront-c.

blue face - LACH.

head -

head hot and rest of body cold - Arn.

heat of the head, pulsation of the carotids - Acon.

hypertrophy of the heart - Glon.

mind -

fear - Acon, arn.

fear of being approached - Arn.

fright or vexation - Acon.

full of fear - Bar-c., Coff.

childish, at times anxious- BAR-C.

depression, ill humor, anguish - Glon.

dullness - Gels.

exaltation, mental, coff., Glon.

grief from disappointed love - phos.

irritability, anger and hypochondriasis - NUX-V.

shrieking, and falling down - Hyos.

speechless with full consciousness - Laur.

talkative - Coff., LACH.

neck , clothing too tight around - Lach.

old people - Bar-c.

red, bloated face - Bell.

sides, paralysis -

left., arn., LACH.

sleeplessness - Coff.


grinding and gnashing of teeth before attack - Bell.

convulsive grinding of teeth - Coff.


There are many different reasons for the unconsciousness of a person. These include anaphylactic shock, asphyxia, bleeding, choking, head injury, electric shock, gas inhalation, heart attacks, heatstroke, insulin shock, poisoning, stroke, etc.. Refer to the specific chapters which deal with these conditions for more information. The symptoms of coma are unresponsiveness and complete lack of awareness of ones surroundings. The first priority in unconsciousness is to check the victim's ABC's, air passages, breathing and circulation. If the victim is not breathing use mouth-to-mouth resuscitation (refer). If a neck injury is suspected do not twist or rotate the head when giving artificial respiration. Very gently slightly raise the chin to open the air passages. Check the mouth and throat for foreign matter or internal discharges such as vomit, mucus and blood. Then begin mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. If the heart has stopped beating begin CPR immediately. If the victim is breathing maintain an open airway and loosen tight clothing, especially around the neck. If you suspect a severe fracture, neck or back injury do not move the individual except to maintain an open airway. If there is no injury to the spine, or severe fracture place, the victim in the recovery position and check for the reason for the unconsciousness. Check the body from top to bottom looking for signs that may get clues to the cause of the coma. Treat any life threatening injuries first. Keep the victim warm, do not give the anything to drink, and do not leave them alone. Call 911 immediately or send someone for help.

The first responder is often called to assist in unconsciousness from a traumatic injury or concussion. The first remedy to use in this circumstance is Arnica. Some specific remedies are list below with the conditions for which they are suited.

Materia Medica

Aconite (2): Alternating stupefaction and restlessness with mild delirium twitching, starts as in a fright, pulse frequent.

Arnica (3): Unconsciousness from traumatic injuries and concussions.

Antimonium Tart (1): Death rattle, great rattling mucus with no ability to expel it. Paralysis of the lungs.

Belladonna (2): Convulsions and coma from a high fever. Face is red and hot but the extremities are cold. Spasms and twitching of muscles during coma.

Cannabis Indica (1): Deep sleep-like coma. Choking on swallowing, things go down the wrong way. Frightful dreams.

Carbo Veg (3): Looks like a corpse, almost lifeless. Body is cold, icy blue, stagnant circulation, breath is cold.

China (2): Coma after loss of vital fluids, especially blood.

Digitalis (2): Coma due to heart and circulatory problems. Unconsciousness after coition.

Hellaborus (3): Complete unconsciousness, heart beat and pulse slow, skin only moderately warm, bowels inactive involuntary urination. Stupor and coma.

Hyoscyamus (3): Complete loss of consciousness, pupils dilated. Apoplexy, snoring, involuntary stool and urine.

Ignatia (1): Unconsciousness do to emotions such as unrequited love and grief. Hysteria.

Lachesis (2): Stupefaction or loss of consciousness, blue face, and convulsive movements, tremor of extremities. Coma due to stroke or heart attacks.

Moschus (1): Catalepsy. Unconsciousness from hysterical fainting, fits and convulsions.

Nux Mochata (3): As if intoxicated. Cold extremities, extreme dryness of the mucus membranes and skin. Mouth is dry. tongue adheres to the roof of the mouth, but there is no desire to drink.

Nux Vomica (3): Unconsciousness from alcohol or drugs. Stroke, falls into coma, face pale, head hot, pulse quick and hard, after a hearty meal or abuse of alcohol.

Opium (3): Complete insensibility, no mental grasp of anything. Paralysis of the brain. Eyes half closed, pupil contracted, eyes red and bloodshot. Complete loss of consciousness, apoplectic state.

Phosphoric Acid (2): Mental debility and apathy leads to unconsciousness. Delirium, with great stupefaction. Listlessness. The affects of grief and shock.

Zincum Met (1): Unconsciousness with automatic motions, rolls head from side to side. Impending paralysis of the brain. Poisoning from suppressed eruptions or discharges. In chronic disease trembling, convulsive movements, and frigidity feet.


COMA, unconsciousness - Acon., ARN., ant-t., bell., cann-i., CARB-V., Chin., Dig., HELL., Hyo., ign., Lach., mosch., NUX- M., NUX-V., OP., Ph-ac., zinc.

asphyxia - ANT-T, Carb-v.

alcoholic coma - gels., Glon., NUX-V., hyo., kali-br., stram.

catalepsy - camph.

coition, after - Agar., asaf., DIG.

concussion of the brain - ARN., nat-s., Op.

dead , lies as if- Arn., Carb-v.

delirium tremens , alcoholism - NUX-V.

diarrhea - ars.

eating - caust., Mag-m., NUX-V., ph-ac.

croup - Carb-v.

emotion, after - Acon., Cham., COFF., IGN., LACH, mosch., Op., nux-m., Ph-ac., phos., verat.

epilepsy - ars., BUFO., kali-bi., OP.. plb.

eruptions, suppression of - Zinc.

fever - ARN., Bell., NAT-M., OP.

fright - acon., op.

rage - stram.

heart disease - Ars., Aur., DIG.

angina pectoris - Arn, CIMIC.

hemorrhage - CHIN, Sabin.

meningitis -APIS., Rhus-t., VERAT.

cerebrospinal - HELL.

pain - HEP., Nux-m.

pregnancy - cann-i., Nux-m., Nux-v., sec.

shock, from injury - Arn., Op.

stroke - ARN., Bar-c., Hyo., LACH., OP., Phos., Stram.

sunstroke - Bell., GLON., lach., Op.

wound, flesh - Calen.

Whooping Cough

Whooping cough is endemic worldwide and tends to become epidemic every 2 to 4 years. The causative agent of whooping cough is a bacteria named Bordetella pertussis which is usually spread by droplets sprayed through the air by coughing during the early stages of the disease. The bacteria invades the mucus membranes of the nasopharynx, trachea, and bronchi and has an incubation of 7 to 14 days. The illness has 3 stages, the catarrah, paroxysmal, and convalescent. The entire cycle may last from 2 to 3 months. One of the old names of pertussis was the "100 day cough". Most cases are no longer infectious after the 8th week of the disease. Infected individuals should be quarantined so that the disease is not spread. The catarrh stage is insidious, and begins with sneezing, lacrimation, coryza, anorexia, listlessness, and a hacking nocturnal cough. Fever is not present in most cases. The cough usually becomes paroxysmal around 10 to 14 days after the onset of the catarrhal symptoms. The paroxysmal stage is characterized by 5 to 15 rapidly consecutive coughs followed by a hurried, deep inspiration that causes a whoop-like sound. The cough often produces copious amounts of viscid mucus accompanied by vomiting and gagging. After a few normal breaths a new cycle of coughing may develop leaving the sufferer breathless. They may turn blue, stop breathing, and suffer convulsions. Make sure the airways are clear of mucus and that the patient is not choking on vomited material. Use artificial respiration when it is necessary to assist the sufferer to breath. Make sure that infants are lying on their sides so that there is less chance of choking and the airways stay open. Call for medical assistance if needed. Infants under 2 years old are in danger of the most complications. In infants choking spells may be more common than the whooping sound associated with the cough. The convalescent stage usually begins 4 to 6 weeks after the onset of the disease. During this stage the cough becomes less severe and frequent, the vomiting decreases, and the patient begins to look better. This convalescence may be disrupted by a secondary infection that causes irritation of the respiratory tract. The most common complications are asphyxia, otitis media, pneumonia, hemorrhages, and convulsions, especially in the young. The weak and elderly are in danger of secondary infections, especially bronchopneumonia. In homeopathy the remedy Pertussin, the nosode of the Bordetella bacteria, is reputed to act as a preventative to whooping cough.

Materia Medica

Aconite (1): If a constant febrile condition prevails and when at the commencement the cough is dry, whistling, with soreness of throat. The child grasps at its throat with every cough, as if it were in pain. Great anguish, restlessness, fear and anxiety. Feverish, thirsty, heat and dryness.

Antimonium Tart (3): Suffocative cough, the child becomes stiff and blue in the face (corr-r., cup.). The chest seems full of phlegm, but does not yield to coughing. The cough causes gagging and vomiting phlegm. Great rattling of mucus with inability to expectorate. Drowsy and despondent. Fear of being alone yet does not want to be touch.

Belladonna (2): Frequent paroxysms worse < in the night, hard and barking, like croup. The child gets very red in face with every coughing spell (gets blue, Corr-r., Ip.). Eyes swollen, and the whites injected with blood. Bleeding of the nose. In beginning, or when it has attained a high degree of severity. Fever, red face, throbbing arteries, glistering eyes, dilated pupils, etc..

Carbo Veg. (3): A remedy for the beginning of whooping cough with gagging, vomiting and redness of the face. Every violent spill bring up a lump of phlegm, or is followed by retching, gagging, and waterbrush with cold sweat and cold pinched face. Wants to be fanned. Aversion to darkness, fear of ghost, sudden loss of memory.

Cina (2): The child stiffens out and there is a clucking sound in the throat when the little one comes out of the paroxysms. Grinding of the teeth during sleep. Paleness of face and blueness around the mouth and eyes. Spasms with jerking and twisting of muscles. Much picking of the nose and other worm symptoms. Ill humor, child very cross, does not want to be touch, or carried.

Coccus Cacti (2): Whooping cough with vomiting of clear, ropy mucus, extending in thick, long strings even to the floor (Kali-bi. yellow strings), waving back and forth, finally giving away. Protracted bronchial cough remains after pertussis. Cough worse < on first waking. Anxiety, after eating, in the night, 2 a.m. - 4 a.m. Seems confused.

Corallium Rubrum (2): Spasms of cough so violent that child loses its breath and turns purple and black in face. Takes very little food or drink. Spasmodic, convulsive cough. Head feels too large. Short, quick "minute gun" cough. Abusive with the pains, complaining and lamenting.

Cuprum (3): Violent and long-continued paroxysms of cough, completely exhausting patient. During the attack becomes rigid, turns black in face, seems as if dead (corr-r.). Vomiting after paroxysm, rattling of mucus in the chest between attacks. Cramps, especially flexor muscles. Tough, gelatinous mucus, rattling the chest with face and lips are bluish. Thumbs tucked in during cough. Anxiety before the attacks of cough. Weeping alternating with queer antics.

Hepar Sulph (2): Dry, spasmodic cough, with soreness of larynx, worse < towards morning. Cough sounds croupy, and causes choking. Rattling, choking cough, worse < after midnight. Can not bear to be uncovered, coughs when any part of body is exposed. Copious sour sweat, hasty speech and hasty drinking. Worse < chilly night air. Irritable, chilly, hypersensitive to pain, and impatient.

Ipecac (3):. Suffocative cough, the child becomes stiff and blue in the face, finally relaxes and vomits phlegm. The chest seems full of phlegm, but does not yield to coughing. The cough causes gagging and vomiting phlegm. Constant nausea with all complaints and disposition to hemorrhages. Restlessness, tosses about in the bed, capriciousness. tranquillity after anger.

Kali Bich (2). Violent rattling cough, with an effort to vomit. Choking cough, with expectoration of viscid yellow mucus, which can be drawn out into strings (clear Cocc-i.). Burning pain in trachea. Sadness after annoyance, talks to himself.

Kali Sulph (3): Whooping cough with retching, without vomiting. Yellow, slimy expectoration. Tongue coated with yellow mucus. Hot and sweaty. Hates the cough and weeps. Looks fair, fat, and forty even as a child. Anxiety from warmth.

Magnesia Phosporica (1): Convulsive, nervous, dry, spasmodic coughs ending in a whoop. The cough is in severe paroxysms with blue or swollen and livid face. Not much mucus. Shrieking with the pain, convulsive weeping.

Mephitis (2): Whooping cough where there is a well marked laryngeal spasm, a loud clear whoop. Spasmodic hollow deep cough with hoarseness and pain in chest. Inhalation difficult, exhalation almost impossible. Vomits all food some hours after eating. Worse < night and lying down. Indolence.

Pertussin: This remedy is a nosode made from the discharge of whooping cough. Can be used as a preventative as well as a curative remedy. Clark, the famous English homeopath, use it as a remedy in early cases and found it help to abort the disease. If the individual was not improving in a few days he would use another remedy.

Phosphorus (3): Towards the end of whooping cough the disease threatens to an unfavorable course, hollow, hacking spasmodic ticking cough, excited by tickling itching in chest, expectoration of tough whitish mucus during the day or rust-colored, bright, red, frothy bloody mucus. Much hoarseness almost total loss of voice. Burning piercing soreness and tension in chest. Comatose sleep in day, restlessness and clammy sweat at night. Lively, open, sensitive, friendly, etc..

Sanguinaria (3):. Dry cough awaking from sleep, and not easing till patient its up, with pains in chest, better > by discharges of flatus both ways, dysponea from afternoon till night, nocturnal diarrhea. Disgusting thoughts with nausea, desires to be held.


WHOOPING COUGH - acon., ANT-T., Bell., CARB-V., Cina., Cocc-c., CUPR., Hep., Ip., Kali-bi., Kali-s., Mag-p., Meph., Pert., PHOS., SANG..

clucking sound in the throat after paroxysms - Cina.

cramps, especially flexor muscles - Cupr.

expectoration -

clear, ropy mucus, extending in thick, long strings even to the floor- Cocc-c.

rust-colored, bright, red, frothy bloody mucus - Phos.

tough whitish mucus - Phos.

viscid, yellow mucus, can be drawn out into strings - Kali-bi.

yellow, slimy expectoration - Kali-s.

febrile condition prevails - Acon, Bell.

grinding of the teeth during sleep. - Cina.

mentals -

abusive with the pains, complaining and lamenting - Cor-r.

anguish, restlessness, fear and anxiety - Acon.

anxiety -

before the attacks of cough - Cupr.

warmth, from - Kali-s.

capriciousness - Ip.

darkness, aversion to - Carb-v.

desires to be held - sang.

disgusting thoughts with nausea - sang

drowsy and despondent - Ant-t..

fear of being alone yet does not want to be touch - Ant-t.

hasty speech and hasty drinking - Hep.

ill humor, child very cross,

does not want to be touch, or carried - Cina..

irritable, hypersensitive to pain, and impatient - Hep.

lively, open, sensitive, friendly, etc. - Phos.

restlessness, tosses about in the bed-Ip.

sadness after annoyance, talks to himself - Kali-bi.

shrieking with the pain - mag-p.

tranquillity after anger - Ip.

weeping -

alternating with queer antics - Cupr.

convulsive weeping - mag-p.

rattling of mucus with inability to expectorate - Ant-t.

thumbs tucked in during cough - CUPR.

vomiting - Ant-t., Carb-v., Ip., Kali-bi.

Wounds and Cuts

The goal in treating a cut is to stop the bleeding, prevent infection, and promote healing. Direct pressure over the cut with a clean bandage is usually enough to stop bleeding from a small cut. A slightly large wound may need to have the two edges of the cut pushed together and mended with a butterfly bandage. If the ends can not be brought together stitches are needed immediately. A wound should be cleaned by wiped outward, rather than inward, to prevent infection. A sterile bandage should be placed over the wound. If there is excessive bleeding refer to the section on bleeding. An abrasion is an injury to the upper layers of the skin only. An avulsion is a tearing of the skin. A laceration is caused by sharp objects that leave an uneven cut. An incised wound is a clean cut. A puncture wound is a deep, narrow hole cause by a sharp, long object. A crush injury is one which a part is smashed by a heavy weight.

Materia Medica

Aconite (1): Useful in the early stages of wounds when there is a sudden onset fever, heat, dryness, and thirst. The patient is restless, fearful and panicky. Predicts that they will die. This remedy may then be follow by another remedy specific to the wound.

Arnica (2): Useful in wound where the injury has the nature of a bruise more than an open wound. The parts are brown and blue and the edges of the wound can be well united. Prevents shock, infection, and pain in severe cuts, especially when concomitant to other traumatic injuries such as crush injuries and bullet wounds. It can be given immediately on injury and followed by Calendula and other remedies as needed. Removes the emotional shock or grief associated with accidents.

Calendula (3): The remedy is useful in incised and lacerated such as a deep gash in which the two sides can not be perfectly united and where flesh or skin comes off in pieces. Blooding and serous infiltration of cellular tissue in open wounds. Torn and jagged looking wounds that are very painful. Great tendency to start and twitch with nervousness. This is the best routine remedy in cuts to prevent infection and promote rapid healing. Use the remedy internally in potency and external in tincture on the wound.

Hypericum (2): Wounds form a thrust, cut, bruise or tearing asunder. Violent pains far around the wound and up through the limb. Reputed to be useful in the early stages of tetanus. Indicated in spasms of small children after every slight injury. Good for injuries to area that are rich in sensitive nerves such as fingers and toes. Splinters and thorns, esp. if pain travel along nerves. Lacerations that are intolerably painful and show involvement of the nervous system. scratches that are extremely painful. Cat scratch fever. Crush wounds. Gun shot wounds. Use internally and externally. They are worse < jarring, cold, and touch. In puncture wounds after Led. if there is extreme sensitivity and the pain moves upward.

Ledum (2): Wounds inflected by sharp instruments, puncture wounds which feel cold to touch and to the patient. Reputed to prevent tetanus. Useful in penetrating wounds to the palms and soles (pains travel upward, Hyper.). Painful splinters and thorns. The patient feels cold even during a fever. The patient feel cold yet wants to be uncovered, and is worse < heat, Better > cold applications.

Phosphorus (2): Even small wounds that bleed very much, but the blood coagulates after leaving the body. Wounds heal but then break open again. Bloody discharges. Refer to Bleeding. (Lach, no coagulation).

Staphisagria (3): Injuries from sharp cutting instrument, clean, incised wounds. Injuries from knifes, glass, or other objects that cause clean cuts. Surgical incisions, esp. after abdominal operations, post operative lesions that do not heal. Discharge from the wound is greenish in color. The individual is hypersensitive to the pain. They are worse < touch and better > warmth. Can be used internally and externally.


Wounds in general - Api.s, Arn., Ars., bell., CALEN., Echi., HYPER., Lach., LED., Phos., PYROG., rhus-t., Staph., Sul-ac.

Black - ars., Lach.

Bleeding - Arn., Lach., PHOS. (refer bleeding)

Bloody, open - CALEN.

Bluish - Apis, Lach., Led.

Cold - LED.

Crushed - arn., echi, Hyper., staph.

Festering - Apis., Ars., calen., echi., led., Pyrog..

Lymphangitis - Apis, Bell., bufo, echi., Lach, pyrog., Rhut-t..

Offensive - Calen, Pryog.

Painful - Apis., Arn., CALEN., Hep., HYPER., led., STAPH.

as if bruised , in morning - calen.

open - Hyper.

picking at it - calen.

proud flesh, stinging, purplish - lach.

suppurating, before - Hyper.

Septic - Apis, ars., Calen., HEP., echi., Hyper., Lach., led., PYROG.

Shock, preventative, if shock is present refer to shock - aco., Arn.

Suppurating - arn., Bell., Bufo., CALC-S., Calen., Led., SIL., Staph.

Wounds and Cuts (Infected Wounds)

If a wound become red, hot, swollen and painful there is every chance it is becoming infected. If there is an exude of clear fluids that starts to turn yellowish, greenish yellow, or becomes brownish or dark the situation is worsening rapidly. This demands the choice of specific remedies to combat infection. If CALENDULA has not be used the time to use it may be now. STAPHISAGRIA is useful in infected incised wound and surgical cut with greenish discharge and hypersensitivity to pain. Please refer above for symptoms to these remedies.

Apis: Puncture wounds (Led) that become red, rosy, swollen, edematous, very sensitive to touch, esp. when the pains are burning, piercing, continuous. The redness spreads like erysipelas. Lymphangitis. Erysipelas after wounds or operations. The wound is hot and > by cold applications.

(a). Rhus Tox. Follows Apis if the redness runs down the inside of the arms or legs in interrupted stripes. Lymphangitis, with swollen glands. The patient becomes chilly as the sepsis spreads.

(b). Rhus Tox may be followed with Ars. if the parts become blackish and exuded pus and the patient becomes prostrated and restless.

Belladonna (2): This remedy is most useful in the early stage when there is sudden, rapid, swelling of a bright red color with intense throbbing pains. Useful before the pus develops when swelling increases causing red streaks to radiate from the site. Lymphangitis. The lymph glands become red and swollen. Is esp. indicated if the is fever, flushed face, glaring eyes, throbbing arteries, excited mental state, hyperaesthesia of all senses, etc..

Bufo (2): Tendency for wounds to suppurate with throbbing and lancinating pains. Small wound suppurate much. Lymphatic swollen, red streaks and redness along course of lymphatic channels, lymphangitis. Itching and burning pains. They are < in warm rooms, on awakening, > bathing or cold air, from putting feet in hot water.

Calcarea Sulph (3): Calcarea Sulph similar in composition to Hepar Sul although it is a remedy that suits warmer individuals, the suppuration process does not resolve, thick, yellow, bloody pus.

Echinacea (1): Clinically show to be effective in septic conditions concomitant to wounds. Symptoms of bloody poisoning. Lymphatic inflammation, lymphangitis, crush injuries. Foul discharges with emaciation and great debility. Patient is depressed and confused.

Hepar Sulph (3): Unhealthy skin, every little injury suppurates. Excessive sensitiveness of the parts. There are chilly sensations, throbbing in the parts, or sharp, sticking, splinter-like pains that are < night and from cold. The infection spread by small pimples that form around the main site. The discharges are yellow, bloody, or fetid. The patient is chilly, hypersensitive, and the slightest cause irritates them greatly. They are < cold, dry cold wind, touch and are > warmth and wrapping up the affected part.

Lachesis (2): Wounds which heal slow to heal, bluish or purplish hue around the site. Small wounds bleed greatly, the blood does not coagulate. Inflammation of the lymphatics leading from the wounds, lymphangitis. The patient is talkative, over heated, restless uneasy and can not stand anything tight around the neck. They are < after sleep or on sleeping.

Pyrogen (3): Septic states and fevers, small cuts become swollen, inflamed. Discharges are have a foul odor and there is red streaks extending from the wound, lymphangitis. Great pain and violent burning. Small cuts or injuries become much swollen and inflamed. Useful when the best selected remedies do not relieve or permanently improve. Aching all over, bed feels hard. The pulse is abnormally quick out of all proportion to temperature or high temperature with abnormally slow pulse. Temperature quickly oscillates now high, how low. Worse > from motion.

Silica (3): Bad effects of needles, splinters and other foreign bodies. Will remove splinter and foreign bodies without suppuration if given immediately. Useful when suppuration continuous and the wound refuses to heal. Pus is thin watery, yellow and does not resolve. The patient is very chilly, cold, hugs the fire, wants plenty of warm clothing, hates drafts, hands and feet are cold, Better > warmth. Suits yielding, faint hearted, anxious, nervous and excitable temperaments.

Sulphuric Acid (2): Wound which fail to heal. prostration form wounds, gangrene following mechanical injuries, scars are red, blue and painful. Irritable hurried persons. < mechanical injuries, excess heat, touch, pressure, > warmth and rest.