First Kids



We believe that two combined influences make a greater impact than just two individual influences.

The Church + Home = Greater Impact

Light (yellow) + Love (red) = Orange

We do what we do because we are convinced that...

What we do for our children and teens is more important than anything else we do, so...

we engage with our leadership and our community to continually grow and improve what
we're offering in our children's ministry.

No on has more potential to influence a child than a parent, so...

we offer resources to help families connect with our community of faith and inspire parents to be more intentional at home.

A parent is not the only influence a child needs, so...

we develop leaders and volunteers who will show up consistently to help guide kids.

What we say every week will reinforce what kids need to know about God at every phase, so...

our weekly experience and messaging will combine childhood development techniques and
practical theology to grow a child's personal faith, at every stage.

Every kid is made in the image of God and has the potential to do remarkable things, so...

our strategy mobilizes families to experience their potential to live out the Great Commandment
in practical ways at church and in our community.

to discover more about what orange means for your family

connect with Karen Klaus KKlaus@FUMCPALATINE.ORG