Marshall's videos

We've searched YouTube for Marshall’s videos that we find most representative of Marshall’s work and the way he presents the concepts so that you will not have to go on a search yourself.

Interview - War torn countries (10:41)

Self Empathy (12:39)

How to Say "No" (6:25)

Speaking Peace (57:55)

Anger (4:52)

Do you love me? (4:33)

Name calling (1:36), no one can make you feel anything

Needs literacy, compromise, transforming jackal into needs (7:25)

Basic NVC: Purpose, observations & feelings (47:18)

Basic NVC: Expressing needs/requests (43:24)

What empathy is not (7:26)

People Skills (1991)

Marshall Rosenberg role-playing with NVC community members including Ann Weiser Cornell, worldwide authority on Focusing — People Skills Television Show, based on NVC, Bay Area — East Bay, 1991, Sylvia Haskvitz, Master’s thesis in Intercultural and Interpersonal Communication.