Alex Censor
I live with my wife of 33 years, Meera (also NVC experienced), two dogs (each of whom communicate nonviolently) in Ashland Oregon, USA. The NVC paradigm we assimilated from Marshall and NVC has greatly enriched our marriage.
I live with my wife of 33 years, Meera (also NVC experienced), two dogs (each of whom communicate nonviolently) in Ashland Oregon, USA. The NVC paradigm we assimilated from Marshall and NVC has greatly enriched our marriage.
I am an immigrant to the USA and my first language was not English.
I am an immigrant to the USA and my first language was not English.
I'm certified as an NVC trainer/facilitator via the Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC). I trained with Marshall Rosenberg for many years starting about in 1985, and was one of the earliest IIT (International Intensive Training) facilitators.... and was the first trainer to receive a Certification certificate directly from Marshall; I have facilitated communications skills workshops in the USA, Canada, and Israel...often particularly on couples' communications.
I'm certified as an NVC trainer/facilitator via the Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC). I trained with Marshall Rosenberg for many years starting about in 1985, and was one of the earliest IIT (International Intensive Training) facilitators.... and was the first trainer to receive a Certification certificate directly from Marshall; I have facilitated communications skills workshops in the USA, Canada, and Israel...often particularly on couples' communications.
Before 1999 I originated and for over two decades managed the international email support forum for all the certified trainers of Nonviolent Communication, and since 2000 ran SynergyCommunication the first and oldest NVC Internet NVC support and practice group
Before 1999 I originated and for over two decades managed the international email support forum for all the certified trainers of Nonviolent Communication, and since 2000 ran SynergyCommunication the first and oldest NVC Internet NVC support and practice group
As a child of holocaust survivors, and having directly experienced ethnic animosity, I have special interest in exploring how NVC might mitigate the dangers of judgmental language and failure to separate observations from evaluations leading to violence against whole groups.
As a child of holocaust survivors, and having directly experienced ethnic animosity, I have special interest in exploring how NVC might mitigate the dangers of judgmental language and failure to separate observations from evaluations leading to violence against whole groups.
One of my areas of fascination in the NVC paradigm is the art and science of making effective requests. Another is developing artificial intelligence personal assistance/training software based on NVC principles. I'm also very curious about the so-to-speak intersection of material and spiritual paradigms.
One of my areas of fascination in the NVC paradigm is the art and science of making effective requests. Another is developing artificial intelligence personal assistance/training software based on NVC principles. I'm also very curious about the so-to-speak intersection of material and spiritual paradigms.