Bible Study
Reminder: No Class on Ash Wednesday
On Wednesday, March 5, 2025, we will not hold our 1:00 p.m. in-person meeting at the church or our 6:30 p.m. Zoom session. This break allows everyone the opportunity to attend Mass and receive their ashes.
Our regular schedule will resume the following week on Wednesday, March 12, 2025, with both the in-person meeting at 1:00 p.m. and the virtual Zoom meeting at 6:30 p.m.
We look forward to seeing everyone then!
Session Six is set
Wednesday , March 12, 2025
You have two ways to join us:
In Person at
St. Mary of The Purification Catholic Church in Room 100.
We meet and discuss the weekly lesson starting at 1:30pm
Online via Zoom
We meet virtually and discuss the weekly lesson starting at 6:30pm
Session Five is set
Wednesday , February 26, 2025
You have two ways to join us:
In Person at
St. Mary of The Purification Catholic Church in Room 100.
We meet and discuss the weekly lesson starting at 1:30pm
Online via Zoom
We meet virtually and discuss the weekly lesson starting at 6:30pm
" Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring? "
Here are the results of Lesson Fifth Exit Exam.
Session Four is set
Wednesday , February 19, 2025
You have two ways to join us:
In Person at
St. Mary of The Purification Catholic Church in Room 100.
We meet and discuss the weekly lesson starting at 1:30pm
Online via Zoom
We meet virtually and discuss the weekly lesson starting at 6:30pm
If someone claims to have faith but has no deeds, can such faith save them?
Here are the results of Lesson Four Exit Exam.
Session Three is set for Wednesday, February 12, 2025
You have two ways to join us:
In Person at
St. Mary of The Purification Catholic Church in Room 100.
We meet and discuss the weekly lesson starting at 1:30pm
Online via Zoom
We meet virtually and discuss the weekly lesson starting at 6:30pm
Love shows no distinctions. And the truth is that true wisdom has no partiality
Here are the results of Lesson Three's Exit Exam
Read One Chapter of Proverbs Every Day
Be Doers of the Word , Not Hearers Only
Here are the results of Lesson Two Exit Exam
Count it All Joy! The testing of the Faith produces Steadfastness
Here are the results of Lesson One Exit Exam
We will meet virtually each Wednesday for the next eleven weeks stating, January 22, 2025, and host two sessions:
Weekly "In Person" Session starts at 1:30pm
Weekly Evening Second Session starts at 6:30pm.
During each evening session the class will watch a video from the, James: Pearls for Wise Living series followed by an engaging and lively discussion hosted by Fr. Jaison G Mangalath S.V.D.