Please read the following procedures that I will follow for the students. Adhering to these procedures will make the day more manageable while having many first graders in one meeting.πŸ™‚

  • Students should be logged in to our Morning Work/Morning Meeting beginning at 8:35 (they may have breakfast during this time). Students will be marked absent if they are not logged on before 9:15.

  • Cameras must be turned on during our class meetings.

  • Microphones must be turned off unless I call on a student and tell them to turn it on.

  • Students AND parents must wait to ask questions until I am ready for questions. I will teach our mini lesson first and then answer questions. If you are lost and cannot find something or do not know which assignment we are on, please wait until the end of the lesson and I can help you then.

  • If there is shouting out or students are calling my name during my live lessons, I will mute their microphones.

  • If a student has a question they must click the "hand" button in the meeting and when I am ready to answer questions I will call on them.

  • When I share my screen, I cannot see the students so I will not know if they have a question until I am finished sharing my screen. Again, please be patient and click the hand button and I will answer questions at the end.

  • Assignments will post at 7:30pm the night before we complete them in class. If you have time please try to familiarize yourself and your child with accessing the assignments. Please show them their calendar and where to go for meetings.

  • Students need to compelete assignments as we do them in class. They should not be completing activities that post the night before ahead of time.

  • It is important that students are on time for our class meetings. I begin our meetings with a quick review but then start my mini lesson. If a student is late they may miss this important information.

  • If you or your child are completely lost and don't know what to do or where to find something, IT'S OKAY πŸ™‚ I will do my best to help during an appropriate time. If lost, listening and watching my lesson is the best thing to do.