On the first day of my English class, my professor had students share who their most influential English teacher was in high school. After sharing my answer, another student shared that they had the same teacher as me when they taught at a different school, and approached me after class to talk more- this person became one of the very first friends I met in college. In another one of my classes, a different student shared they were from the same town where my high school best friend was attending college, so I decided to approach them after class and share a funny story from my friend about the first time they went to visit. This person and I became great friends, and they introduced me to many other people who would become my friends as well.

I was a member of my college pep band, Green Machine, which provides arts credits as part of the core curriculum and an amazing opportunity to make friends- in fact, Green Machine introduced me to many long-time best friends that I still talk to every day. Other classes with a social component can include dance, special topics courses, fitness classes, and literature classes- for example, I met several friends in a disability literature class.

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Several of my friendships in college started when one person gave a compliment to another person about something, whether it was something they were wearing, an interesting looking item in the dining hall, or finding something they mentioned in class to be really interesting. If I thought that someone seemed like they would be cool to talk to, I would tell them, and this would often lead to talking after class or an invite to hang out outside of class.

Norths & Wests is a new segment of the NBN Opinion section focusing on displaying opposing opinions on a certain topic. In this article, opinion editors Mya and Abigail discuss how to approach first-year friendships and whether or not they will last until the end of the year. After a full three quarters under our belts, we found ourselves in different friend group situations and wanted to present our take on being social during freshman year.

Then a global pandemic upended those plans. I came to UT amid the pandemic, lived in a dorm with three strangers who would become my closest friends and began working on campus. My classes were all online, and I could not imagine adding yet another Zoom meeting to my schedule, so I broke my promise.

The next year, as classes and students returned to campus, I applied to the Texan. Until that point, I had high hopes of being a beat reporter and eventually working at a legacy newspaper. But following a single, three-minute audio project in an introductory journalism course, I applied to the audio department instead.

To my first worknight crew, Lis, Dacia and Manny, I cherish the memories of that first semester. I would not have made it here or stayed without the community we built. And even though we may not be audio staffers anymore, I am incredibly proud of the work each of us has done.

If you experience an emergency audio-visual situation during class time, call this number (904) 620-2909 (program it in your cellphone now). However, this number is only to be used for classroom emergencies. Use the Help Desk for all other matters.

Thank you and congratulations to the parents of the class of 2010 - including my good friend David Orr, father of Michael Orr. The sense of achievement, relief, pride and wonder you must be feeling today - looking at these young people, now fully adults, and remembering back to the toddlers learning to walk, the first graders learning to read, the pre-teens adjusting to their hormones (I have one of those at home right now), and the teenagers, with hormones in full force, just...well, just being. You must be thinking, how is it that they are about to be college graduates - which leads inevitably to the thought, how is it that I got so old to have a child who's a college graduate? I know - I am one of you. I'm watching you and practicing for next week, when I sit in your seat and watch my own member of the class of 2010, my son Patrick, walk across the stage at UCLA.

Leaders like your fellow alum, Jennifer Jones, known as JJ. JJ was a philosophy major here at Knox and graduated in the class of 1994. JJ's life has come full circle in many ways thanks to Knox. She spent the first few years of her life in public housing in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and was only the second person in her family to attend college. The house she grew up in, and where her mother lives to this day, was made available through a federal government home-ownership program for low-income families. She is now a presidential appointee at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, where she works on Public and Indian Housing.

Hello friends... the PeayCast is back! Casey and Alex recap the summer happenings in Clarksville, from new hires for Austin Peay athletics to bad Star Wars takes. Then after taking a look at the start of Kim McGowan's first season leading the Govs soccer team, the show takes a look at some of the things set to happen during the coming year! Thanks for tuning in and as always #LetsGoPeay! 006ab0faaa

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