
Welcome to the official website for our paper Yue LQ, Zheng J, Mao K (2024). Firms’ Rhetorical Nationalism: Theory, Measurement, and Evidence from a Computational Analysis of Chinese Public Firms. Management and Organization Review 20, 161–203. https://doi.org/10.1017/mor.2024.6. 

In this paper, we delve into the fascinating realm of firm-level rhetorical nationalism, employing a computational approach to measure and analyze this phenomenon. 

We are excited to share with you the findings and insights from our research, as well as provide a platform for discussion and feedback. On this website, you will find various resources related to our paper. We provide access to the dataset used in our paper, allowing researchers to conduct follow-up studies. Additionally, you can find the code to extract the nationalism score for any given new annual report. We also encourage you to engage with us in polishing the nationalism dictionary. 

Thank you for visiting our website, and we hope you find our research enlightening and thought-provoking. Together, let us delve into the intricate world of firms' rhetorical nationalism and its implications for the business landscape.