Professor Firmin Doko Tchatoka

School of Economics and Public Policy, The University of Adelaide


Firmin Doko Tchatoka

Professor Doko Tchatoka is a prominent figure in the fields of econometrics and statistics, specializing in various subdisciplines such as identification and causal inference, model selection, optimal inference in moment condition models, bootstrap methods, causal machine learning inference, and program evaluation. Additionally, he possesses expertise in forecasting and financial econometrics. His career has seen significant contributions and influential research. Before joining the University of Adelaide, he held roles as an Assistant Professor at the University of Sherbrooke (Canada) and engaged in post-doctoral positions at McGill University (Canada) and the University of Tasmania.

Professor Doko Tchatoka’s research has received widespread recognition, both nationally and globally. He has excelled in research publications and secured substantial grant funding, totalling over $2 million in the past five years. In the past five years, he has authored numerous peer-reviewed articles, with many publications in top-tier journals. He holds prestigious committee positions, such as being a member of the Econometric Society's Standing Committee for the Africa region and the Council of the Australia and New Zealand Econometric Study Group (ANZESG).

Professor Doko Tchatoka’s leadership is evident through collaborative projects, including Australian Research Council (ARC) grant-funded projects, and appointments as a visiting scholar at esteemed institutions worldwide. He has been invited as a guest lecturer for the Econometric Society's Summer School and as a keynote speaker at various institutions globally. His influence extends beyond academia, as demonstrated by his recent national and international Fellowships and facilitation of specialized training workshops for South Australian government ministries.

Professor Doko Tchatoka’s leadership extends to his roles as Associate Dean of Research Performance and Associate Head of Research at The University of Adelaide. He has mentored numerous academic staffs, post-doctoral fellows, and higher degree by research (HDR) students, supervising over 35 theses to completion and organising workshops featuring globally recognised econometricians as keynote speakers.

He has been recently selected as a Guest Editor of the Economic Record for its Special Issue of the 2024 Australian Conference of Economists, showcasing his national and international recognition in the field.