Homestead Emergency Action Team

Residents Reducing Fire Risks

Welcome to the Homestead Emergency Action Team site.

The Homestead is making a neighborhood wide effort to improve fire mitigation in our area. Living in a wildland-urban interface (WUI), we are susceptible to the ever present dangers of wildfires within our community. Our local fire department is comprised primarily of volunteers. Their budget is small and their value to the community is enormous. It is our responsibility to protect our homes, neighbors and ourselves from a wildfire by mitigating our properties to give firefighters a chance of being successful and safe in the event of a fire.

The goals of our program are as follows:

  • Improve fire safety awareness in The Homestead

  • Encourage neighbors to actively mitigate their property and help each other

  • Create clear means of egress and fire breaks throughout the neighborhood via strategic mitigation

  • Pursue grants available for neighborhood wide mitigation

  • Earn the Firewise designation for The Homestead

Registration Link

If you would like to receive important documentation notifications and updates from the Hoemstead Emergency Action Team, please provide your contact information. Your information will be used only for HEAT communications.