A screenshot is an image of your computer screen or portion of the screen. On the Mozilla Support forum, we don't want people to be shy about adding screenshots. A picture is worth a thousand words and can go a long way to help explain a problem.

To take a screenshot in Firefox using the Firefox Screenshots feature:Right-clickHold down the control key while you click on an empty part of the page and select Take Screenshot. Alternatively, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + SCommand + Shift + S.

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As a result, a PNG file will be created and added to your desktop, called Picture 1. You now have a screenshot that you can add to your forum post by clicking the Browse button below the Post a Reply box.

Firefox 88.0 has a new method for taking screenshots. If extensions.screenshots.disabled is set to false in about:config, you can right-click the screen and select Take Screenshot. There's also a screenshot menu button you can add to your menu via customization.

Since Firefox 32 there is also a full page screenshot button in the developer tools (F12). If it is not enabled go to the developer tools settings (gear button) and choose "Take a fullpage screenshot" at the "Available Toolbox Buttons" section.

The Firefox extension is CmdShots. It's a good option if you need finer degree of control over the process of taking the screenshot (or you want to do some HTML/JS modifications and image processing).

If you need to specify a different device-pixel-ratio, set a delay before taking the screenshot, or specify your own file name, starting in Firefox 62 you can use the :screenshot helper function in the Web Console.

My screenshot button in the context menu has disappeared following the latest update. The function is still accessible through other means such as Ctrl+Shift+S but the right click has been my most common way of using it. Is there a way to fix this?

You may have noticed the new colon syntax used for the screenshot command. We are using this to represent commands that are not part of the web environment, that can be accessed from the console. Moving screenshot to the console is part of the work we are doing to unship GCLI, you can learn more about this here. The GCLI used a UNIX style input grammar, and after some discussion we decided to keep it. The command is not part of the JavaScript language, or web APIs, and could potentially be confusing. This is why we use the : character to prefix commands. If this is something that works well, we may expand it to include other commands. For example, you can also try out :help to get the same result as help().

If you start typing a command prefixed by the : symbol in the console, you will see an autocomplete menu for commands (done in bug #1473923). At the moment it only contains the two available commands, :screenshot, and :help. We do not yet have support for the flags, but this may be added in a future iteration.

At present, the screenshot feature can be used from the browser console as well, but it will only capture the chrome of the browser and not the content window. This is planned for a future iteration (see bug #1474006)

I went to div properties and changed the 'height' in CSS to 500%. Voil! Then I could use "Screenshot Node" feature on Firefox. It was not working before because the height was on 100% so the screenshot node only toke the visible part on screen, not all element :D

I use Nimbus Screenshot & Screen Video Recorder for most of my screenshots and has many options to capture different parts of the page, there are other options but this is the best I've found for sure.

Likely there is overflow scroll trickery going on within a content area. The screenshot tool will scroll the viewport scroll, but not this content area overflow scroll. There is no viewport scroll, so the tool thinks there is nothing additional to screenshot.

According to a comment on another post, I should be able to enable the Firefox Screenshots button, but when I go to about:config and type in about:config extensions.screenshots I see that is should be active:


I tried to reproduce this issue on my machine Win 10x64 with display scaling set to 175% on a 4K monitor on Fx 78.8.0 ESR and Fx Release 86.0.1, but my screenshot comes out not cropped. Please see attachment.

If the issue still persists, please test it using a new profile, you can find the steps to do that below:


I want to call out this is specifically the Firefox zoom level (displayed in the right-hand corner of the url bar). What this bug aimed to fix was going to a webpage, modifying the Firefox zoom level, and ensuring the resulting screenshot is correct.

I am getting the exact same incorrect results using all possible ways to start the process of taking a screenshot.

Ctrl+Shift+S, the right-click context menu as well as the scissors icon in the toolbar:

All of them produce overly zoomed, cropped screenshots.

Personally, on different OS (with same Firefox version 89.0.1), I am still experiencing this annoying bug where I cannot save/take an entire full page screenshot if there is any zoom applied to the webpage. - In particular the result is always out of scale or cropped.

As others have pointed out, this bug is absolutely not fixed in current Firefox versions, and I don't understand how it could have been marked as closed. At least, it is certain that screenshots in Firefox 94 are utterly broken, just as they have been in all versions since 86.

Note that there is a whole mess of different problems under the general umbrella of "screenshots are completely broken since Firefox 86", depending on whether using "zoom text only" or not, and depending on how the screenshot region is selected: so maybe the person who closed it thought they had fixed things because they had fixed one particular combination, but the general mess remains.

This needs to be fixed correctly, i.e., under every combination of zoom level, "zoom text only" setting or not, and screenshot region selected (specific element, mouse-selected, full document or visible). At the present moment, it is not at all fixed.

Just want to second this.

I have given up on filing any report on this because what appears to be one massive bug has been split up into several tiny, very specific use-case bugs when in fact, I have not been able to take a proper screenshot since FF86.

It might work some way or the other, but all "my" use-cases still come out cropped / blown up instead.

For me, the issue is reversed because I prefer to view at Default Zoom 90%. When I take a screenshot without first bumping zoom back to 100%, I get transparent regions to the right and bottom of the image, filling the space that 100% zoom would have consumed.

Having this issue on Firefox 99.0.1 (64-bit), 1080p monitor.

Full-page screenshots are fine. Screenshots taken with "save visible" or taken via making a selection are cropped significantly. Seem to be a relation issue to the following;

This must be the most persistent and most annoying bug I have ever encountered.

I have not been able to use the screenshot feature for over a year now, so yeah... this one is still happening in 100.0b9:


Sorry, it seems I spoke too soon.

It appears the issue has to do with my personal set-up of Firefox, as the bug started happening again as soon as I transferred my Firefox profile from the regular build to the Nightly build.

I've done some tests and I don't think the issue is to do with my add-ons. It persists on Firefox's incognito mode (with no add-ons enabled) and when I install the same add-ons on Nightly, it can do screenshots fine with no issues.

The issue only starts happening when I transfer my prefs.js file to Nightly's profile folder. I'll look into it further.

It appears the issue has to do with my personal set-up of Firefox, as the bug started happening again as soon as I transferred my Firefox profile from the regular build to the Nightly build.

I've done some tests and I don't think the issue is to do with my add-ons. It persists on Firefox's incognito mode (with no add-ons enabled) and when I install the same add-ons on Nightly, it can do screenshots fine with no issues.

The issue only starts happening when I transfer my prefs.js file to Nightly's profile folder. I'll look into it further.

Another nice thing is the format of the screenshot that is created. For width it will take the device-width, the resolution of your desktop, but it will render a full website, 100% height, sot it will output the layout-viewport, not just the visual viewport.

This will pop up Firefox's built in screenshot tool. It allows you to select specific elements, just what's visible on the page, or the full page. Highly useful for taking screenshots of specific components or if you just need a quick capture.

What that does is adds a Camera button to the Developer Tools Toolbox Buttons, next to the settings button you used earlier. Click on it and it will take a Full Page screenshot of whatever page you opened the Developer Tools for. It saves the files in your default Download folder with the current timestamp. ff782bc1db

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