You don't have to compile anything, just unarchive the tar.bz2 file into your /home or your /opt folder if you want to make it available to all the accounts on your machine and launch the firefox file from your shell. If you decide to install Firefox Nightly outside of your Home, such as in /opt/firefoxnightly, don't forget to give this folder the same rights as your user otherwise it won't auto-update:

This installation will have priority over the Firefox version installed through your package manager. To run the version installed with your package manager, you will need to execute the binary from a terminal. To do so in most distributions, open a terminal and type:


Firefox Beta Download Linux


To verify that the installation was successful, you can open the Troubleshooting Information page. In the Application Basics section, the value of Application Binary should be /opt/firefox/firefox-bin.

Though not recommended for everyone, Mozilla devs make it easy to install Firefox beta builds in Ubuntu and co. You just add a PPA to your software sources, run an update, then bam: upgrade to Firefox beta.

A safer alternative is to download Firefox beta directly from the Mozilla website. Just unpack the .zip and double click on the firefox.bin binary file inside to use Firefox beta without replacing your stable build.

Unlike the Firefox beta PPA we showed you above the packages in this repository do not replace your current Firefox installation. This means you can use this PPA to install Firefox Nightly alongside a stable version of Firefox (or the Beta build, if you installed it above) without any ill effects.

Currently `firefox-nightly` binary packages are referenced in `binary-amd64/Packages` index ( -amd64/Packages) and `firefox-nightly-l10n-*` localization packages are referenced in `binary-all/Packages` index ( -all/Packages).

I guess Firefox developer or beta will not get this? would be quicker than doing a tarball on my setups. Flatpak and snaps are not something i like to use also snapstore just got malware again and the fact the package size is crazy high and slower launch speed. We see this every time on other stores malware all over.

I've got two machines with preferably the same configuration, but one is freshly installed, so it's not exactly the same (yet).

For one, the connection between the Linux app and the Firefox extension works fine, for the other it doesn't. I use the same firefox versions, the same 1Password versions, and the same Linux/Debian versions.

Do you have any pointers on what the issue might be? Cheers! Below you can find the different output for the two machines:

Hey @AliH1P , we managed to resolve the issue! I had tried setting the custom_allowed_browsers file in /opt/1Password/resources/ , however, that seems to be not used. When I inserted 'firefox-trunk' in /etc/1password/new custom_allowerd_browsers , as per @FrankyO1P 's instructions, it resolved my issue.

FYI, I did not install Firefox via Snap. Importantly, I installed Firefox daily from a Ubuntu ppa, which has a binary name of firefox-trunk. Your binary name might be different, so this needs to be changed in the following.

I've Googled around for "", but other than whois and other domain registration information, there is literally no information available about this domain. I grep'd around for in ~/.mozilla but found nothing other than references to the domain in the Cache files and in the .mozilla/firefox/mwad0hks.default/sessionstore.js file.

I have exactly the same problem with Ubuntu 20.04 and firefox 88.0.1. When I install the Debian package 'icaclient_21.4.0.11_amd64.deb' firefox can no longer open any page, but opera still works normally. When I remove the icaclient package, firefox works immediately (no need to close and restart firefox).

I've just started making use of activities in kde but prefer firefox over the kde browsers. One thing missing though is proper suppoert for firefox profiles so I've put togeter a quick bash script and a .desktop file to take care of it.

I don't know how to create a new window when you're in a activity where your firefox has been already opened. It just says that firefox is already opened. I use the same icon file that runs the special firefoxkde script. (I just use. File. New Window.)

If you happen to move a windows between activities it doesn't get the activity changed as you would expect when you get used when you use Konqueror, because you know, Konqueror supports Kde4 activities out of the box. (I don't usually move firefox windows between activities so it doesn't bother me).

All of firefox;s profiles are stored in ~/.mozilla/firefox/ so deleting ~/.kde4 would not affect them. You'd have lost your activities names but firefox profiles can always be renamed to match without affecting their contents.

Accidentally deleting profiles wouldn't be a good thing to do. My original script is just a launcher, so all deletion was manual. Adrian's addition does delete old profiles that no longer have an activity but it also has a way of ignoring specific profiles. It would be a good idea to ignore any *.default profiles by default though. There's also the point firefox profiles can be kept in sync, as they are in the original post. Even if all profiles were deleted, there would still be a backup in the cloud.

This isn't catastrophic though, its just an easier way of configuring firefox for a specific task, and having it open said configuration when needed. It's no different to adding/removing profiles via profile manager. You said you don't understand the activity based workflow. This just automates profile managers job by passing a variable to specify which profile be added opened or deleted rather than duplicating the work by doing it in kde and then in firefox.

Note that for me deletion of my firefox profile really would be catastrophic. I have a lot of tabs, bookmarks, passwords etc. in firefox and a great deal of work would be lost, much of which I might not be able to reconstruct and some of which I might not even realise I had lost.

Still not getting any notifications. I have two laptops open with firefox, logged into both firefox sessions. I have also opened other firefox browser sessions, not a new tab in an existing firefox browser session, and the same result. I'll just reset the account and if this happens again I'll delete dropbox entirely.

This is a version of Firefox tailored for developers. Firefox Developer Edition has all the latest developer tools that have reached beta. We also add some extra features for developers that are only available in this channel. It uses its own path and profile, so that you can run it alongside Release or Beta Firefox.

APT Pinning allows for the prioritization of packages from specific sources, a necessary step when installing Firefox Beta on Linux Mint. This ensures that the system favors the beta version from the PPA over the default repository version.

You can directly create and append the necessary APT Pinning rules to a custom file, named firefox-beta, in the APT preferences directory. This method streamlines the process and keeps your Firefox Beta pinning rules organized.

These commands use echo to create the pinning rules and sudo tee -a to append them to the firefox-beta file. This approach ensures that the Firefox Beta packages have the highest priority during installation and updates.

I have the opposite problem now. My yubikey doesn't have a pin configured. Now firefox demands one. Defaults didn't work, guessing at 1234 or 0000 didn't work, and somehow I had the same problem when I tried to change it. Now it's locked and I have to reset it, as well as all websites I'm using it with.

Strange as it seems, I can't find information how I can set a default nice value for a program (not for a user or a group!). I would like to start all chrome and firefox instances with a nice value of 10. What would be the most appropriate solution?

Now, the package firefox is provided by both the Ubuntu repos and the Mozilla PPA. The version provided in the Ubuntu repos is a transitional package that actually installs the Snap version of Firefox behind the scenes, which in this case, we don't want. Check that you can see both firefox packages by running:

To prevent the installation of the Snap version of Firefox through the firefox package provided by Ubuntu, we need to modify this file as root, using gnome-text-editor or whichever text editor you prefer:

The Ubuntu Mozillateam PPA currently offers Firefox-beta and Firefox-ESR deb packages. These are generally high-quality packages, and also depend upon enough volunteer participation to maintain that quality.

The Mozillateam PPA's "firefox" package distributes what is officially a beta version (I received Firefox 116 exactly one week before it will be officially released), although you can think of it as a release candidate (116 had already been in beta for three weeks before it was packaged for the Mozillateam PPA). If you're not completely comfortable with that, then you can edit the last line and install "firefox-esr" instead of "firefox":

A number of language packs are available for Firefox, other than the standard English. Language packs are usually named as firefox-i18n-languagecode (where languagecode can be any language code, such as de, ja, fr, etc.). For a list of available language packs, see firefox-i18n for firefox, firefox-developer-edition-i18n for firefox-developer-edition and firefox-nightly- for firefox-nightlyAUR.

One drawback of the above approach is that it is not applied system-wide. Furthermore, this is not useful as a "pre-configuration", since the profile directory is created after first launch of the browser. You can, however, let firefox create a new profile and, after closing it again, copy the contents of an already created profile folder into it. ff782bc1db

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