The contribution of copper complexes of salen-based Schiff bases N, N'-bis(salicylidene)ethylenediamine (C1), N, N'-bis(4-hydroxysalicylidene)ethylenediamine (C2), and N, N'-bis(5-hydroxysalicylidene)ethylenediamine (C3) to the flame retardancy of thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) is investigated in the context of minimizing the inherent flammability of TPU. Thermal and fire properties of TPU are evaluated. It is observed that fire performances vary depending upon the substitution of the salen framework. Cone calorimetry [mass loss calorimetry (MLC)] results show that, in TPU at 10 wt % loading, C2 and C3 reduce the peak of heat release rate by 46 and 50%, respectively. At high temperature, these copper complexes undergo polycondensation leading to resorcinol-type resin in the condensed phase and thus acting as intumescence reinforcing agents. C3 in TPU is particularly interesting because it delays significantly the time to ignition (MLC experiment). In addition, pyrolysis combustion flow calorimetry shows reduction in the heat release rate curve, suggesting its involvement in gas-phase action. Structural changes of copper complexes and radical formation during thermal treatment as well as their influence on fire retardancy of TPU in the condensed phase are investigated by spectroscopic studies supported by microscopic and powder diffraction studies. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy was fully used to follow the redox changes of Cu(II) ions as well as radical formation of copper complexes/TPU formulations in their degradation pathways. Pulsed EPR technique of hyperfine sublevel correlation spectroscopy reveals evolution of the local surrounding of copper and radicals with a strong contribution of nitrogen fragments in the degradation products. Further, the spin state of radicals was investigated by the two-dimensional technique of phase-inverted echo-amplitude detected nutation experiment. Two different radicals were detected, that is, one monocarbon radical and an oxygen biradical. Thus, the EPR study permits to deeply investigate the mode of action of copper salen complexes in TPU.

Abstract:Among various calamities, conflagrations stand out as one of the most-prevalent and -menacing adversities, posing significant perils to public safety and societal progress. Traditional fire-detection systems primarily rely on sensor-based detection techniques, which have inherent limitations in accurately and promptly detecting fires, especially in complex environments. In recent years, with the advancement of computer vision technology, video-oriented fire detection techniques, owing to their non-contact sensing, adaptability to diverse environments, and comprehensive information acquisition, have progressively emerged as a novel solution. However, approaches based on handcrafted feature extraction struggle to cope with variations in smoke or flame caused by different combustibles, lighting conditions, and other factors. As a powerful and flexible machine learning framework, deep learning has demonstrated significant advantages in video fire detection. This paper summarizes deep-learning-based video-fire-detection methods, focusing on recent advances in deep learning approaches and commonly used datasets for fire recognition, fire object detection, and fire segmentation. Furthermore, this paper provides a review and outlook on the development prospects of this field.Keywords: fire recognition; fire object detection; fire segmentation; deep learning

Fire Upon The Deep Epub 11

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\u201cMy hope in these following pages is to paint a biblical portrait of what God is actually like, so that we can gaze upon him together until our hearts can\u2019t help but sing. To behold him in such a way that our daily experience is transformed with a deepened awareness of who it is we pray to, who it is that is with us, and who it is that we are loved by. To let God\u2019s truth set our hearts on fire.\u201d

At the beginning of this speech Mary had feared the intended visitorwas to be no other than Alice's nephew; but Alice was toodelicate-minded to plan a meeting, even for her dear Jem, when onewould have been an unwilling party; and Mary, relieved from herapprehension by the conclusion, gladly agreed to come. How busy Alicefelt! it was not often she had any one to tea; and now her sense ofthe duties of a hostess were almost too much for her. She made hastehome, and lighted the unwilling fire, borrowing a pair of bellows tomake it burn the faster. For herself she was always patient; she letthe coals take their time. Then she put on her pattens, and went tofill her kettle at the pump in the next court, and on the way sheborrowed a cup; of odd saucers she had plenty, serving as plates whenoccasion required. Half an ounce of tea and a quarter of a pound ofbutter went far to absorb her morning's wages; but this was anunusual occasion. In general, she used herb-tea for herself, when athome, unless some thoughtful mistress made her a present oftea-leaves from her more abundant household. The two chairs drawn outfor visitors, and duly swept and dusted; an old board arranged withsome skill upon two old candle-boxes set on end (rather ricketty tobe sure, but she knew the seat of old, and when to sit lightly;indeed the whole affair was more for apparent dignity of positionthan for any real ease); a little, very little round table put justbefore the fire, which by this time was blazing merrily; herunlackered, ancient, third-hand tea-tray arranged with a blacktea-pot, two cups with a red and white pattern, and one with the oldfriendly willow pattern, and saucers, not to match (on one of theextra supply, the lump of butter flourished away); all thesepreparations complete, Alice began to look about her withsatisfaction, and a sort of wonder what more could be done to add tothe comfort of the evening. She took one of the chairs away from itsappropriate place by the table, and putting it close to the broadlarge hanging shelf I told you about when I first described hercellar-dwelling, and mounting on it, she pulled towards her an olddeal box, and took thence a quantity of the oat bread of the north,the clap-bread of Cumberland and Westmoreland, and descendingcarefully with the thin cakes threatening to break to pieces in herhand, she placed them on the bare table, with the belief that hervisitors would have an unusual treat in eating the bread of herchildhood. She brought out a good piece of a four-pound loaf ofcommon household bread as well, and then sat down to rest, really torest, and not to pretend, on one of the rush-bottomed chairs. Thecandle was ready to be lighted, the kettle boiled, the tea wasawaiting its doom in its paper parcel; all was ready.

Mary almost wished herself away, so fearful (as Margaret had said)was the sight when they joined the crowd assembled to witness thefire. There was a murmur of many voices whenever the roaring of theflames ceased for an instant. It was easy to perceive the mass weredeeply interested.

The coffee steamed upon the fire, and altogether the odours were somixed and appetising, that Wilson began to yearn for food to breakhis fast, which had lasted since dinner the day before. If theservants had known this, they would have willingly given him meat andbread in abundance; but they were like the rest of us, and notfeeling hunger themselves, forgot it was possible another might. SoWilson's craving turned to sickness, while they chattered on, makingthe kitchen's free and keen remarks upon the parlour.

In an instant Mary understood the fact, if not the details, that soweighed down her father's heart. She pressed his hand with silentsympathy. She did not know what to say, and was so afraid of speakingwrongly, that she was silent. But when his attitude had remainedunchanged for more than half-an-hour, his eyes gazing vacantly andfixedly at the fire, no sound but now and then a deep drawn sigh tobreak the weary ticking of the clock, and the drip-drop from the roofwithout, Mary could bear it no longer. Any thing to rouse her father.Even bad news.

John Barton began to speak; they turned to him with great attention."It makes me more than sad, it makes my heart burn within me, to seethat folk can make a jest of earnest men; of chaps who comed to askfor a bit o' fire for th' old granny, as shivers in th' cold; for abit o' bedding, and some warm clothing to the poor wife as lies inlabour on th' damp flags; and for victuals for the childer, whoselittle voices are getting too faint and weak to cry aloud wi' hunger.For, brothers, is not them the things we ask for when we ask for morewage? We donnot want dainties, we want bellyfuls; we donnot wantgimcrack coats and waistcoats, we want warm clothes, and so that weget 'em we'd not quarrel wi' what they're made on. We donnot wanttheir grand houses, we want a roof to cover us from the rain, and thesnow, and the storm; ay, and not alone to cover us, but the helplessones that cling to us in the keen wind, and ask us with their eyeswhy we brought 'em into th' world to suffer?" He lowered his deepvoice almost to a whisper.

At that instant, who should come in but Job Legh. It was not often hecame, but when he did pay visits, Mary knew from past experience theywere any thing but short. Her father's countenance fell back into thedeep gloom from which it was but just emerging at the sound of Mary'ssweet voice, and pretty pleading. He became again restless andfidgetty, scarcely giving Job Legh the greeting necessary for a hostin his own house. Job, however, did not stand upon ceremony. He hadcome to pay a visit, and was not to be daunted from his purpose. Hewas interested in John Barton's mission to Glasgow, and wanted tohear all about it; so he sat down, and made himself comfortable, in amanner that Mary saw was meant to be stationary.

However, she opened the door. There sat her father, the shaded lightof the candle-lamp falling upon, and softening his marked features,while his snowy hair contrasted well with the deep crimson morocco ofthe chair. The newspaper he had been reading had dropped on thecarpet by his side. He breathed regularly and deeply. be457b7860

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