

Simone Freschi:

Simone is Deputy General Manager of MPSCS, the investment bank of MPS Group. He has been involved in the financial markets since 1997, covering trading positions in different asset classes (fixed income, equities, commodities and fx). He holds a B.A. in Economics from Bocconi University (1996) and a Master in Mathematical Finance from the School of Probability, Paris VI.

Matteo Sani:

Matteo joined MPS Capital Services in 2017 as Quantitative Analyst in the Quants Staff. He has a PhD in High Energy Physics and formerly he was a researcher at University of California, San Diego being in the analysis of data collected by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in Geneva (Switzerland).


The programming course material was developed following Tommaso Gabbriellini, Eric Reynolds and Adam Laux work.

Mr Freschi owes a debt of gratitude to all the assistants who have contributed over the years to developing the course. Thank you Tommaso, Eric and Adam!