
Participation to the workshop is free and everybody is welcome to attend. However, if you are interested in attending the workshop in person, please register as soon as possible, as we need to know the number of participants in advance in order to book a lecture room large enough to comply the social distance reguations.

UPDATE (15/07): we have currently closed the registrations for physical participants; if you are interested to attend the workshop in person, please contact us and we will let you know if it is still possible. Online registrations are still open (and will be until the week of the workshop).

Deadline for proposing a junior talk and/or asking for financial support: 15 July (you will hear from us a few days after the deadline)

To register, please fill in the google form below. All the registered participants (including those who will attend the event physically) will receive a few days before the start of the workshop the links/intructions to attend the activities online.