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The Europe International Film Festival will have its first edition in December 2022 and aims to promote European and World Cinema. & Reviews

Screen International is an essential resource for the international film industry. fne-podcasts / start=64 / start=80 PEOPLE >>

Pitch the Doc creates market platform focused on curated documentary film projects and dedicated for professionals. It acts as an online hub connecting all parties involved in this segment of European audio-visual industry: filmmakers, producers, decision makers, but also events, initiatives and networks.

Pitch the Doc is a hub for documentary professionals. It is a platform for continuous presentation and building of international recognition of curated documentary film projects at any stage of production, on any topic and from any country. Based on international pitching standards, it allows to keep project packages complete and updated.

Producers and decision makers from all over the world always have access to the content. That makes Pitch the Doc a valuable spot for creating new contacts and for maintaining relations established during pitchings, co-production meetings and markets.

We are networking with various market initiatives to enhance the common experiences and international activities in the documentary market.


submissions from:

Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine, Georgia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Belarus, Moldova and Bulgaria.

The California Film Institute fundraising initiative DocPitch is designed to aid filmmakers in completing a feature-length documentary project currently in development/production. Out of 130 submissions, five projects were selected by two committees of industry professionals to participate in DocPitch 2022.

Het VEVAM Fonds stelt met ingang van 2017 ook startgelden ter beschikking aan individuele regisseurs. Regisseurs die tenminste één jaar zijn aangesloten bij VEVAM kunnen een bijdrage vragen ten behoeve van de ontwikkeling van een filmplan of de opzet voor een televisieprogramma.
