4 October 2022 8h19 Alkmaar, The Netherlands ( Stijn C.R.E.C.Gabeler ) / TRANSLATE

The most important thing to do for (starting) filmmakers is to be their eyes and ears in the process.

FILMNEWSEUROPE will support filmmakers with online tools and an online platform.

Moviemaking is a wonderful process. Helping eachother to write stories towards realisation to the screens.

The top priority of FNE / FilmNewsEurope.EU is being a website for all filmmakers world wide.

Therefor we search for sponsors, members, partners, investors and people who want to help and be involved .. Together we can create this platform and network.

If filmmakers can find online educational tools, filmnews and connect with eachother our goal is to reachout for more possibilities and FilmNewsEurope will try to help to connect filmmakers with filmfundings.

Identify yourself with filmmakers, connect, communicate, create and help others to grow and learn.

Be aware about the impact a platform and network can have.

FNE wishes to provide for anyone anywhere an environment where :

  • The right information will be available, clearly and easy to find.

  • People can connect and communicate to create wonderful productions.

  • Filmmaking knowledge is shared globally and ment for anyone.

  • Dreams can come true and filmmaking is and will be a wonderful way to reach out to people.

Remember to be polite and professional in all your communications,

even if someone does not agree with you.

Being kind and gentil will not help save filmmakers’ lives.

& Remember to send a letter to filmnewseurope@gmail.com if you are willing and able to help us.

Also visit : /filmnewseurope/sponsor & /filmnewseurope/support