Classroom Rules

Classroom Rules

1.You will only be allowed into the room when I’m ready. I expect the same from you.

2.Be on time. My door is shut once the bell rings. If you are late, wait until I’m ready to open the door.

3.Sit in your assigned seating plan.

4.Come prepared to class with all your supplies.

5.Raise your hand in order to contribute to classroom discussion.

6.You will not be allowed to leave class during teaching times unless you sign off an exit-card.

7.Phones should not be visible once the bell rings.

Classroom Routines

  1. Make a habit of looking at the board when you walk in, there will ALWAYS be something for you to do.
  2. I will take attendance/make any announcements.
  3. Notes and Activities.
  4. Homework? Work hard and it will be limited.
  5. Assessments or assigned homework due dates will always be written on the board.