If the filename extension of the images is .heic or heir, you need to install at least macOS 10.13 High Sierra or a new system to open the files on your Mac. Or use the online image converter on this web page:

Whatever is reporting 'unix executable file' is oversimplifying things. It's simply 'a file' (unix has sod all to do with it), and the file system has the concept of an 'executable' flag, which you can set or clear on any file and is utterly unrelated to whether the file's contents are executable. You can set any file executable, or not, and especially considering that e.g. macs and linux can mount DOS file systems (Which most USB sticks use because every OS can deal with these file systems), which do not have this flag, and 'for convenience' that means the OS acts as if ALL files have that flag and you can't remove it. In other words, it's a lie, forget about that part.

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4/14/2022: wgrib2 v3.1.1 is released Changes for wgrib2 v3.1.1 fixes check_pdt_len for some ECMWF and ICON files with vertial coordinates fixes -unix_time because of glibc more support for unix time: -set_date, -import_netcdf tested: gcc/gfortran on Ubuntu 20.04, Redhat 7 tested: icc/ifort on Redhat 7 tested: AOCC v3.2 (clang, flang) on Ubuntu 20.04 minor tested: Windows 10 using cygwin64 minor tested: gcc/gfortran on Ubuntu 18.04Usage each option corresponds to a subroutine call type wgrib2 to see primary options inventory format is specified on command line by options if no "inv" option is specified, -s is usedJoining the development effortSource code: knowledge of C and some grib-2Changes to existing source code has to use the same licence as the original codeNew code (files) must either be GNU or public domain. Github? No. Bug reports are importantSome inovations by first time contributors first implementation of lat-lon of common grids write netcdf files callable wgrib2 (making wgrib2 a subroutine) write to mysql files AEC compression python interfaceContact wesley.ebisuzaki@noaa.govContributions by Wesley Ebisuzaki: many modules Reinoud Bokhorst: tosubmsg, checksumĀ  DWD (Gregor Schee, Daniel Lee and others): AEC compression Jaakko Hyvtti: gribtab John Howard: callable wgrib2 Dusan Jovic: staggered grids, proj4 code Kristian Nilssen: netcdf module Karl Pfeiffer: georeferencing Pablo Romero: unix_time Manfred Schwarb: many modules Arlindo da Silva: openGrADS, bbox Niklas Sondell: mysql module Sam Trahan: satellite tables George Trojan: python interface, improvements to wgrib2api Sergey Varlamov: netcdf module improvements, georeferencing updates thanks to the people who report the bugs and more who provide the fixes!Documentationproblems-error messageSlides for talk to CUNY students 6/2016: grib1/grib2intro_grib2.pdf using GFS fcstUnderstanding the default inventoryconverting from wgrib to wgrib2 in scriptsPowerpoint presentation 4/6/2011 at NCEP Changes in wgrib2 from 5/2012 to 1/2015 (pdf)submessageswriting a simple functionselecting fields to decodeoption types: init inv out miscbin, ieee, text formatsmall fast databasesusage questionsusing pipes and multiprocessingcompile questionslimitationsmake wgrib2 fastercalling wgrib2 from Cuser defined grib tablesspecial filessome trickssome tricks for NCEP usersone-line tricksThe optionsthe common optionsall the commandsSome solutions Time interpolation of two grib files interpolation to new grid: new_grid, Lat-Lon nearest neighbor, Lat-Lon by Cressman CSV (comman separated value) file: -csv, -spread Windows_10 version of wgrib2 Fast averagingSelecting Fields/Records/MessageSelect/Ignore by name/level/time/etc-match process records that match a posix extended regular expression-not process records not matching a regular expression-match_inv the inventory used by -match and -not-i reads inventory from stdin for record selectionSelect by number (better to use previous method)-d dump specific record-for select a range of records to process (nth message)-for_n select a range of records to process (nth message/submessage)Selective Processing: if optionsAfter selecting the fields to process, you can refine the processing bythe "if" options. With wgrib2 v3.0.0, the IFstructure was improved. Scripts that used the older IF structure still work;however, the new IF structure is easier to read.If possible, it is better to use the match options than the if options.The -match/-not options prevent unwanted records from being processed whichsaves time over the if options which process the fields.Individual Grid Point Data-ij print value at grid point (i, j)-ijlat print lat, lon, value at grid point (i, j)-ilat print lat, lon, value of Nth grid point-lon prints the lat-lon, and value of the grid point nearest the specified lat-lon-max prints the maximum value-min prints the minimum value-stats prints some statistics about the fields-V verbose inventory (shows stats)Regridding, Interpolating to new grids Wgrib2 has the ability to convert grib files from one gridto another. The conversion uses a user-selected interpolationscheme: bilinear (default), bicubic, nearest neighbor, budget, and spectral.The supported grids include lat-lon, gaussian, Lambert conformal, polar stereographic,and WMO-defined rotated lat-lon grid. This capability uses the NCEP IPOLATES2 libraryand is an optional package. Note: the interpolation uses scalar and vector interpolationschemes. For the vector quantities the V field must immediatelyfollow the corresponding U field.new_grid-new_grid_interpolation set interpolation type used by -new_gridwgrib2m fast regrid using multiple processesExporting data to other programs-netcdf: write data in netcdf format -mysql: export data to a mysql database -mysql_speed: export data to a mysql database-spread: write data for spreadsheets-csv: write in column separated values, another one for spreadsheets-text: data in text format-bin: data native binary floating point-ieee: data in big endian IEEE format-ijbox: write a rectangular grid of data-AAIG: arcinfo ascii grid, GISFor a short list of options, type "wgrib -h"

For a complete list, type "wgrib -help all"

To search for an option, type "wgrib -help keyword"

Writing grib2Wgrib2 has adopted the template approach for writing grib. Youhave a sample grib2 message (template), and you modify the grid point valuesand metadata to create a new grib message that you can write.This is similar to how ECMWF's ECCodes writes grib. The other approachis to supply many parameters to create a grib message which is usedby NCEP's g2 library. from wgrib2 command line from GrADS using g2grb.gs fron python using write from fortran using grb2_writeMachines able to run wgrib2 64-bit with IPOLATES Redhat 7 Enterprise: gcc/gfortran (primary development system) Redhat 7 Enterprise: gcc/gfortran, icc/ifortran SUSE Enterprise: gcc/gfortran, icc/ifortran Ubuntu 20.04: gcc/gfortran (primary development system) Ubuntu 20.04: AOCC's clang and flang (development system) with OpenJPEG Ubuntu 20.04: nvidia with OpenJPEG ARM: needed to be compiled with USE_NETCDF4=1, USE_JASPER=0 (old report) Redhat linux: 32-bit with IPOLATES, not tested recently, use netcdf4 (old report) Mandriva linux (old report) AIX: use makefile, some fiddling with libraries is necessary, not tested recently Solaris, needs gnu make and gcc (old report) Solaris-10 (old report) HPUX, needs changes to makefiles (old report) Windows: using Cygwin system produces 32-bit binaries (old report) Windows: using Cygwin system produces 64-bit binaries Windows: compiled MingW (not recent), Watcom C, icc/ifort (old report) Windows/linux subsystem (ubuntu): compiled with gcc/gfortran (old report) Intel-based Mac using gcc and gfortranThe makefile works on Redhat and Ubuntu (with needed installed options).For other systems, you may have to modify the makefile. The makefilerequires gnu make which is a common version of make.System dependencies: 32 vs 64 bit, big vs little endian, Windows vs Linux/UNIXThe wgrib2 source code is written to be portable; there are noissues with big vs little endian or the size of the integer aslong as it is 32 bits or more. The source code is written inANSI/ISO C (C89), with optional features that requirePOSIX or POSIX-2. There has been a debate about moving the base rquirements to C99. big vs little endian: either works 32-bit machine: files limited to 2GB files, netcdf3 may not work Windows: 2GB+ files with 64-bit cygwin, 2GB with other windows C compilers Windows: only 64-bit cygwin is supported POSIX: all POSIX code is optional. Regex support is POSIX and useful. JPEG2000: OpenJPEG library or Jasper librarySource Code and Compling HintsThe wgrib2 source code is written to the POSIX-2 standard. Features requiringPOSIX2, such as regular expressions, can usually be turned offin the makefile. The wgrib2 code can be compiled with 32 or 64 bit pointers and integers.However, the code has to be compiled in a like manner for all the libraries.Some packages are optional (netcdf, mysql) and enabling these options can reallyincrease the executable size.

This procedure will install the released version of pandoc, which will be downloaded automatically from HackageDB. The pandoc executable will be placed in $HOME/.cabal/bin on linux/unix/macOS and in %APPDATA%\cabal\bin on Windows. Make sure this directory is in your path. be457b7860

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