This plugin serves to integrate the editor with an external file manager (an application that provides file browse/upload capabilities). It defines the protocol to associate the file manager application with any dialog window field that has a "filebrowser" property in its dialog definition.

OK, I finally figure it out how to make it work. Share on here so anyone who have the same question like me will be able to get it work.

1. Create a new folder under "plugin" and name it as "filebrowser"

2. Copy the js script from _api/symbols/src/plugins_filebrowser_plugin.js.html

3. Save the js script into "filebrowser" and name it as plugin.js

4. On your Textarea html code add your code. Below is my own code as sample

Filebrowser Ckeditor Download

Download File 🔥 🔥

This button will be hidden by default (hidden:true). The File Browser plugin looks for all elements with the filebrowser attribute and unveils them if an appropriate configuration setting is available (filebrowserBrowseUrl/filebrowserUploadUrl).

In the example above, the ID of the tab is 'Upload'. The tab is hidden by default (hidden:true). As mentioned above, the File Browser plugin looks for all elements with the filebrowser attribute and unveils them if an appropriate configuration setting is available. In this case, the tab will be shown automatically if a filebrowser setting for 'uploadButton' (because of filebrowser:'uploadButton') will be available (filebrowserUploadUrl).

It is also possible to set a separate URL for a selected dialog window by using the dialog window name in file browser settings:filebrowser[dialogWindowName]BrowseUrl and filebrowser[dialogWindowName]UploadUrl.

In the example above, the filebrowserBrowseUrl and filebrowserUploadUrl settings will be used by default. In the Image Properties dialog window CKEditor will use the filebrowserImageBrowseUrl and filebrowserImageUploadUrl configuration settings instead.

If for any reasons the default values are not suitable for you, you can adjust them to your needs by using the filebrowserWindowWidth to change the width and filebrowserWindowHeight to change the height of the window.

The filebrowser plugin is built-in into CKEditor. It's only purpose is to provide an API inside of CKEditor to easily integrate any external file browser with it and to add file browser features to various CKEditor components (usually to dialogs).

This button will be hidden by default (hidden:true). The filebrowser plugin looks for all elements with the filebrowser attribute and unhides themif appropriate configuration setting is available (filebrowserBrowseUrl/filebrowserUploadUrl).

The action performed by the filebrowser plugin depends on the element type, for fileButton it is QuickUpload, for other elements the default action is Browse.In the example above, the file browser will be launched (in a popup) when button is clicked.

In the example above, the id of a tab is 'Upload'. It is hidden by default (hidden:true). As already mentioned, the filebrowser plugin looks for all elements with the filebrowser attribute and unhides themif appropriate configuration setting is available (filebrowserBrowseUrl/filebrowserUploadUrl).In this case, the tab will be unhidden automatically if a filebrowser setting for 'uploadButton' (because of filebrowser:'uploadButton') will be available (filebrowserUploadUrl).

The fileButton element is more interesting. The 'info:txtUrl' value instructs the filebrowser plugin to update an elementwith id txtUrl inside of the info tab when is called (see Custom File Browser). The 'for' : [ 'Upload', 'upload' ] line is used to connect fileButton with file element. It is an instruction for CKEditor to upload a file using the 'file' element with id 'upload' (second value) inside of the 'Upload' tab (first value).

In the filebrowser.params attribute we can add additional arguments to be passed in the query string to the external file is the target element to be updated when file is returned by the server connector (uploader) - we don't need it if we define our own onSelect function (filebrowser.onSelect) and update the target element in this function, just like we did in previous example.

If the static routing does not fit your needs, you can use thefilebrowser*Handler option allowing you to build your own url with a simplebut much more powerful closure and so make it aware of your dependencies:

You have to configure the filebrowserImageUploadUrl and filebrowserUploadUrl entries as you might have already done to allow the user to upload files and images. You can use this basic sample if you want to use some existing code.

Since 4.2.5 it's possible to embed the files as base64 data: URLs if the filebrowserUploadUrl is set to "base64". You must be very careful about using this option: CKEditor can choke on the content if the user tries to add big files, data processing will be slower, you should extract the embedded files when the user saves the data because otherwise the visitors to the page will have a worse experience due to the lack of caching and parallel download of resources.

The next block of jQuery applies a click event handler to any image that appears in the fileExplorer div. It extracts the url of the image being clicked from its title attribute. It passes that value along with another originally sent to the FileBrowser file by CKEditor back to the editor so that it knows you are selecting a file. The url of the file is applied to the appropriate dialogue text box and then the filebrowser window is closed.

The file browser configuration requires a url to be passed to the filebrowserBrowseUrl parameter, and then optionally a height and width for the window that will open to display the resource at the specified url. If you do not specify a height or width, the default values of 80% of the available screen width, and 70% of the available height will be used. 17dc91bb1f


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