I recently lost the contents of a micro-SD card and hadn't backed up the contents recently enough. Luckily, I noticed that the pictures I was missing happen to be in /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/.thumbnails on my Android 5.1 device. The sad thing is I cannot get to those files to do anything with them on my device. The only way I even knew that they were there is because ASTRO File Manager brought them up when I searched for pictures. I would love to be able to put these in a safe place and hoped to be able to do so via my computer. Does anyone know of a way to get my computer (Windows 7) to recognize this file? (Naturally, I told my computer to view hidden files, so that's not the issue.) All I can see is /Internal storage and /SD card (not /storage). If you have a workaround, please let me know too. If I can move (or better yet copy) these photos to another place on my phone and then move them, that would be absolutely wonderful.

The "/storage/emulated/" folder does not really exist. It's what might be called a "symbolic link", or, in simpler terms, a reference to where the real data is stored. You'll need to find the actual physical location on your device where it is stored. Since it's in /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/.thumbnails, it's probably located in /Internal Storage/DCIM/.thumbnails/. Please note that that this folder probably only contains "thumbnails", which are very small versions of the real files. It's possible your real files are gone forever if your SD card is irrecoverable.

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On my tablet, I checked the odk/forms/media folder for this form and I can see the inhaler.png image (see attached screen shot) but when I get to this survey question no image appears and instead there is an error message "File:/storage/emulated/0/odk/forms individual quex v2-media/- is missing" (see attached screen shot)

This seems to present two problems for the upload-from-phone-to-PhotoStructure use case: 1) Changes made on the secondary device would be replicated to the phone, potentially breaking native photo apps by violating assumptions they make about naming, tagging, or organization of images, and 2) images deleted from the phone (as one often does as storage on the phone runs short) would be deleted on the secondary storage, resulting in permanent loss of images that one expected to be safely archived off-phone.

The other is that I see lots of empty directories named like images (e.g. IMG_20191226_173817) in the copy one-way-synced to my NAS. Spread among them are image files, named similarly, but with a .jpg suffix (e.g. IMG_20191226_174108.jpg). Prevalence is much higher for older images, so I wonder if these are placeholders for image files that were backed up, removed from the phone, and would be faulted in if I browsed that far back in my on-phone viewer (Pixel 3a with recent updates, BTW).

Hi there... I have a question I used this exact code by the app is saving the files on the Internal Storage, instead of the external (using an LG Spirit), I double check by clicking the properties of the image and I get this path: " / storage/emulated/0/Pictures/App Name", here's my code:

With this use case, perhaps I run assistant inside termux. I clone family into /data/data/com.termux/files/home set it as standard group transfer and call it t, I also clone it into /storage/emulated/0, set it as standard group client, and call this crippled client repo c. Our c folder should now be accessible to any Android photo gallery app. As we make changes to family, on our desktop, assistant on the Android tablet brings them in, when we have wifi, it will probably copy them directly to c?

Hi Eason. I did some realy hard debugging last night, and found that some of my pictures only had a filename for example "IMG_20190120_180804.jpg". Othes of my pictures also have a path for example "/storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/IMG_xxxxxx.jpg".

on select image from gallery it gives the error in logcat as 05-14 16:45:20.578 com.example.android.abc E/picUri is: content://com.miui.gallery.open/raw/%2Fstorage%2Femulated%2F0%2FDCIM%2FCamera%2FIMG_20180511_121705.jpg 05-14 16:45:20.856 com.example.android.abc W/ExifInterface: Invalid image. java.io.FileNotFoundException: /raw/storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/IMG_20180511_121705.jpg: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) The problem is i want to upload image to server,on select image from camera or gallery intent ,image uploaded successfully on camera intent but image select from gallery did not work.



file:///storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.mycompany.projectname/Photos/image162.jpg (where I manually copied that jpg there)

A JPEG is the industry standard for digital image storage. As a raster image file, a JPEG stores compressed picture data such as color in a series of pixels. JPEG, or Joint Photographic Experts Group, is recognizable from the .jpg or .jpeg file extension. e24fc04721

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