Restic computes a hash of every blob it saves. The error indicates the the block was somehow modified either in transit or when it was written to the repository. Can you try to manually download the blob any verify the hash?

By accident I found the snapshot the blob belonged to (did a find on the blob id and got an error saying it failed to open the bad snapshot). Is there a better way to determine what snapshots own a given blob?

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restic check by itself does not check any data blobs. restic check --read-data will, but note that this necessarily requires downloading the entirety of every pack. If your repository is large, be prepared to see significant egress traffic fees on your next B2 invoice.

Does restic save the blob directly from memory to the BackBlaze bucket, or does it get cached on the local storage first? This is the only other point of failure I can think of, other than backblaze itself or a restic/os bug. While the data being backed up resides on a zfs filesystem, I believe the restic cache directory is not zfs, just ext4 on SSD backed media.

I decided to build a little cryptographic hash checker in PowerShell leveraging some built-in cmdlets and other functions. While there are lots of tools that already do this, many with very nice GUIs I decided it would be fun to build one of my own. The newly made cmdlet is very simple. You select what cryptographic hash algorithm you want to use (MD5, SHAx) and then provide the function with the original hash. Next you select the file you want to compare and it tells you whether the two hashes are a match.

I figured that was the case, but it is hard to distill that out of the docs and it seems like an obvious case a person would do. While --download flag will work for me, it would be nice to suppress the "ERROR". "ERROR" also doesn't seem right when this is rclone talking to rclone in a supported way. Seems more like a warning possibly with more descriptive text saying backend doesn't support hashes. Thanks again

@Animosity022 this is rclone talking to rclone. Sure seems like in this unique case it could be more intelligent about it. It heavily implies the user is doing something wrong using rclone, when they are actually encountering expected behavior.

Here is the usecase. A person new to rclone installs it and wants to try it out locally. webdav looks like the easiest to try and see how it works on the localhost. So, the person runs rclone serve webdav and then runs a couple rclone copies or sync. Then the user performs a check and "ERROR". Wait, what did the person do that is an "ERROR"?

Does anyone know what form of hash check OME does? I know during the deployment process you can "Skip Signature and Hash Check", but I'm looking to document what is actually happening in this step. Is this comparing the firmware file has to the Dell OME Catalog.xml file? I can't seem to find anywhere what is actually being performed by OME during this step that can be 'skipped'. Or is this an MD4/5 check? SHA1 hash?

Basically, I'm looking to find Dell's documentation where it states that OME completes a hash check before a firmware/patch is pushed to update a server. If a file/firmware fails a hash check, the update will not install.

I'm looking to find out more information on what OME is doing during the part that can be skipped "Skip Signature and Hash Check". Does this mean that, without checking the 'skip' box, OME does a Hash check on the firmware/file that it will be installing? If so, is it doing a hash check against what it knows from a catalog file or from it's Update Repository?

I do understand what a hash & signature do. I am trying to understand what OME does to hash or validate the firmware before applying the system update. Can you please explain what, if anything, OME does when installing a firmware/system update on a remote server where 'Skip Signature & Hash check' is NOT selected (implying that OME will do a signature/hash check).

We currently operate OME in an 'offline' environment and utilize the Dell Firmware as our file system source (SUU) as our OME server cannot talk to directly. Can you confirm that OME generates the MD5 hash check of your firmware file and compares that value to this file before applying the update?

Also, is there Dell documentation that talks about this OME process? It would be a great help to have, in my case, as we are a compliance driven organization and I would love the evidence to show that OME validates the system update files before installing.

When you download files online, you are provided with a file hash to check the integrity of the file. Rightly or wrongly, most people ignore file hash verification, the assumption being that if the file is malicious, the site owner would realize and take it down. That or their antivirus would stomp out the suspicious download before it executes.

What's great about Hash Generator is that you can use it for any number of situations. Want a hash for a specific piece of text? Just copy the text into Hash Generator. Want to create a file hash quickly in File Explorer? Use the Hash Generator option in your right-click context menu.

Ever-present software developers Nirsoft's HashMyFiles is a handy portable hash generator. Setting it aside from most tools, HashMyFiles allows for batch hash generation. You can load up HashMyFiles with a list of files you want the hash for, set it to work, and receive hashes for the entire list.

HashMyFiles will display hashes for MD5, SHAxxx, and CRC32. Like Hash Generator, you can add a HashMyFiles entry to your right-click context menu. However, HashMyFiles allows you to add an entire folder for hashing via the context menu, rather than the single file option of Hash Generator.

OpenHashTab is a different take on file hash generation. Rather than using a separate interface to generate your file hashes, OpenHashTab adds a tab to your right-click context menu. So, instead of dragging and dropping a file into a program, you right-click the file and select Hashes.

QuickHash can hash an entire folder, compare two individual files, compare entire directories, or an entire disk. Of course, the latter takes a substantial amount of time due to the size, but the option is nice to see. You can also work through a text document line by line, hashing each one as you go.

MultiHasher presents users with a wide array of hash generation and checking tools in a single package. Like many of the best hash generation and checking programs, MultiHasher has several hashing options. You can drag and drop a single file or an entire folder for hashing or generate a hash for a text string.

MultiHasher also has a feature I haven't seen in any other file hash generator and checker: it integrates the malicious file checking database of VirusTotal. You can check the hash of the downloaded file matches the download source, as well as inform VirusTotal of anything untoward or malicious at the same time.

To use the VirusTotal query, select a file hash from your list, then head to Tools > Query VirusTotal. However, you need a VirusTotal API key, which you can get by signing up for a free VirusTotal account.

Checking the hash of the downloaded file is a quick and easy way to verify that your file is safe. If the downloaded file is malicious or has been tampered with in any way, the resulting hash will differ from the hash the website gives you.

Also, many websites don't need to offer specific file hashing because they use integrated driver signing or a Certificate Authority to sign their software. In these cases, the operating system won't allow the software to install or run as it does not match an officially recognized software signature.

Gavin is the Lead Editor for the Technology Explained, Security, and Entertainment verticals, former co-host on the Really Useful Podcast, and a frequent product reviewer. He has a degree in Contemporary Writing pillaged from the hills of Devon, more than a decade of professional writing experience, and has attended CES, IFA, MWC, and other tech-trade shows to report direct from the floor. He's reviewed more headphones, earbuds, and mechanical keyboards then he cares to remember, and enjoys copious amounts of tea, board games, and football.

I am a Splunk newbie so I am not great on all the syntax you can use for searches. Your add-on was pointed out to me and could be very useful, but I have not been able to figure out the search syntax as yet.

I have received events from a malware detection system into Splunk via syslog. It has detected a piece of malware with hash 5f41c906b4a462baea4715692c62023dfd4cdb83. What syntax would I use to have your add-on provide VT information about this hash?

Unfortunately, the check is not working and the empty geoip-hashes slip into the outputs. I then tried to compare [geoip] with {} and got a syntax error. I then tried "{}" (quoted), which had no effect -- the empties still made it. Is it possible to detect an empty hash -- and remove it? Thanks!

By the way, the get() method is not available in Logstash-2.3, which we are currently using. Fortunately, an event's field can still be accessed through the [] notation (not documented anywhere I could find). But if the field does not exist, the result will be nil, which can not be checked for empty?ness, so my filter reads thus:

My question is, does Torrent blocks an IP after repeated hash fails or not? Coz it works fine with Azureus. Or maybe it's the way it handles files? Btw, both cache are set to 4MB. It happens only on this particular torrent. Other torrents are fine.

I think it would be a good idea to have the logger keep a record of banned Peers, we would then have more confidence that uTorrent was dealing with the problem. Would this be worth asking for in feature requests?

Yeah, but Azureus works fine after it blocked the 10 IP addresses. I decided to add the IPs to PeerGuardian and tried using Torrent again. So far no more hash fails. I guess it's not working properly in Torrent. 152ee80cbc

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