Tip: If you delete or disable an app, you can add it back to your phone. If you bought an app, you can reinstall it without buying it again. Learn how to reinstall and re-enable apps.

I found an android app named Super Erase that deletes files and folder permanently from android device so that the file deleted cant be recovered anymore..here is the application i am talking about ...but i was wondering how to that and i know it is made with android studio ..i tried the regular way to delete file.delete() but still the file can be recovered.can i have any help .

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This paper's "purging" method does not require kernel-level access, and doesn't seem to require any native code on Android. (Note that the term "purging" is used a little differently in documents like NIST 800-88.) The basic idea is to delete all the sensitive data, then fill in the remaining space on the drive with a junk data file, and finally delete the junk data file.

While that takes more time and effort than just overwriting the deleted files themselves (several times in different patterns), it seems to be very robust even when you have to deal with the possibility of wear-leveling and log-structure FS.

The second condition seems pretty likely to be fulfilled, but I don't know about the first one. Does Android (or some manufacturers' versions of it) enforce quotas on disk space used by apps? I have not found any info about user quotas, but there are quotas for other niches like browser persistent storage. Does Android reserve some space for system use, or for each app's caching, for example, that can't be used for other things? If so, it should help (albeit with no guarantees) if we begin purging immediately after the sensitive files are deleted, so there is little time for other filesystem activity to stake a claim to the recently freed space.

Also note limitations: The reviews on some of the secure deletion apps say that in some cases, the "deleted" files were still accessible after running the "secure delete" operation. Of course we take these reviews with a grain of salt -- there is a possibility of user error. Nevertheless, I wouldn't assume these apps are effective, without good testing.

When you delete file with standard methods like file.delete() or runtime.exec("rm -f my_file") the only job that kernel does is removing info about file from auxiliary filesystem structures. But storage sectors that contain actual data remain untouched. And because of this recovering is possible.

First, to answer the direct question of how some of these apps might be doing secure single file delete: what you do is actually open the file and replace the contents with zeros many times. The method sounds stupid, but I have worked with filesystem-level encryption on Android in the past and I found that the above holds true for many secure file delete solutions out there. For a seemingly compliant security, you can repeat writing zeros 7 times (or whatever the NIST standards specify for your hardware type).

The right answer to this question is however different. On modern SSD drives and operating systems, it is insecure to delete single files. Therefore, these apps don't really offer a compelling product. Modern operating systems store fragments of the file in different places, and it is possible that even after you have zeroed out the most recent version of the file block-by-block and also overwrote all metadata, that a fragment from an older version of the file might be left over in another part of the drive.

@LarsH's answer about wiping all unallocated space after deleting files is compelling, but perhaps impractical. If you simply want to secure delete files so no one can scan the disk to recover it, then a better solution is the full-disk encryption. This was in-fact the entire appeal of full-disk encryption. This is why Apple stopped supporting secure file delete in their Mac OSX and iOS, and switched to full-disk encryption as default on all iPhones. Android phones have full-disk encryption as well now.

I am running Android Studio on OS X Yosemite. I am trying to simply delete an AVD from Android Studio AVD Manager. Every time I attempt to delete it I get the message "The selected AVD is currently running in the Emulator. Please exit the emulator instance and try deleting again." The problem is that the emulator is NOT running. I even closed down all the studio and rebooted the computer. It still says the same thing. Anybody seen this before? I would really like to remove the AVD.

Go to the .android folder (it should be in your home folder, ctrl+h to show hidden files), go to the avd folder (cd ~/.android/avd from the command line). Delete whichever avd you want to. Then restart Android Studio.

1) In .android there should be a avd folder2) In the avd folder should be one or multiple .ini file and a corresponding *.avd virtual device folder.3) Delete both the .ini file and the .avd folder you want to get rid of.4) Return to the Android sdk and AVD manager.

A lot of people are perhaps not able to locate the '.android' folder easily.The easiest way to detect this folder and in turn the avd location is to click on the dropdown button next to the avd listing for each indiviual avd item in AVD Manager in android studio and selecting the "show on disk" option

For Mac users, to delete an AVD (Android Virtual Device) that won't delete in Android Studio, first navigate to this folder using finder /Users/YourUsername/.android/avd ,select the AVD and delete, then refresh Android Studio.

Click on avd manager icon when window opens there is drop down arrow on clicking it a drop down menu will open in that click the option view system file now left click on file click on data then delete pidgin file.

After getting to the avd folder, as others have said, delete the *.lock folders or delete the folder with the name of avd which is causing issues, refresh the avd manager using the refresh button at the bottom right and then delete the avd from the avd manager.

Go to the .android folder (it should be in your home folder, ctrl+h to show hidden files), and go to the AVD folder (cd ~/.android/avd from the command line). Go to the directory of the AVD you want to delete and remove the .lock file. Then try deleting the AVD from Android Studio.

I've found that the problem is being caused by the Kotlin Android plugin. The problem disappears when I remove apply plugin: 'kotlin-android' from the module's build.gradle file and comes back when I reinsert it. Feel free to offer any insight into this.

This issue appeared to me in android studio 2.0 stable channel and the solution was due to a problem happened while updating my android studio i solved this by installing a fresh android studio. after deleting all old files for the old installation. and to keep the very nice feature of Instant Run

I solved it by global searching the missing directory in the project. then delete any files containing that keyword. it can clean successfully after I remove all the build and .externalNativeBuild directories manually.

I've been trying to migrate from Samsung Notes to OneNote and I'm having trouble trying to figure out how to manipulate images. I can long press an image i've inserted to make it bigger/smaller and move it around, but how can I delete it??

Thank you! I was able to delete the device using my.smartthings.com site. It took a while to locate where to find this but it worked. Been on smartthings for a long time and at this current home for about 8 years. Was able to delete and re-add a different device last month so unclear why this one would not delete from the app. It is the most current version of Smartthings app on a Samsung S22 plus (latest OS).

Here's the essence of the problem: I have DropBox Pro installed on an iPhone 5s, iPad Air, MacBook Pro and Windows desktop computer. I do NOT want to clog up my iPhone, iPad and MacBook with files from DropBox. I want to simply upload and then delete them from the mobile devices. I'd like to use automatic Camera Upload but when I delete the photos from my iPhone or iPad I do NOT want them deleted from DropBox...as has happened on numerous occasions (most recently when I exchanged a broken iPhone for a new one and then tried to copy content from one to the other and subsequently delete unwanted photos...on the iPhone, not "unwanted" from my DropBox space). So how do I do a one way sync? Keep in mind that after photos appear in the Camera Upload folder, I MOVE them to a different desired location...and when they're deleted from my iPhone, they are still deleted from the new location!

I was able to clear MANY gigs of space off of my iPad, iPhone, and my MacBook Pro Retina using this feature within the Dropbox App on all devices. After I kept them all opened and made sure all syncs were finished, I deleted an unwanted pic from my camera roll. This kept the pic on my dropbox while it was removed from every device I had it located on. The program worked flawlessly. I then deleted every pic from my devices as I only wanted access to them online since my Macbook or iPhone is almost always with me. Now, I'm completely untethered from my local internal and external storage. Perfect solution for the supply and demand I was needing so desperately.

this doesn't work for me. if I delete photos from my samsung smartphone then they immediately get deleted from the dropbox folder on my pc. I'd like to be able to free up space on my smartphone but keep the photos in Dropbox folder on other devices

Of course, you can then manually delete the 100MB movie from the Photo folder, but that's tedious and we're still left with 100MB used in the DropBox app. If deleted from the DropBox app later by accident, it also removes it from all synced folders. That is ~not~ a backup in my opinion but simply a mirror.

What I think the original poster is asking is: "How to I back up Photos and Videos to Drop Box Cloud, but NOT KEEP ANY local version on the mobile device." 17dc91bb1f

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