
Migration Workmethods


Download your room

Go to https://meet.aptero.co/opal/projects/

Log in with fiica.erasmus@gmail.com & notify me, so I'll activate the token

Click "new project" and "new empty project"

Save the project with your teams name.

Upload your room:

If all goes well, you have rebuild your room in Aptero in 10 minutes (I think ;) )

Send your room description to fiica.erasmus@gmail.com


Download your room

Create a ZIP

Add room description to the ZIP

Send the ZIP to me

And I will rebuild the room in Aptero

Download your room


Go to this page https://hubs.mozilla.com/labs/downloading-your-data/ and download the appropriate application (Windows, Apple, Linux)
Allow installment (Microsoft and Apple might complain).
The installation results in a (portable) map with the relevant files (meaning, the app does not install in "program files", which is good)

Run "Hubs Backup Tool.exe"
Host : "hubs.mozilla.com"
Email: "the  email you used to work in Spoke"
Click the message to receive a token
Choose download location on your drive
Select all options (at least  Spoke scene models, Room media and Uploaded Media)
Hit "backup"

Check the download. You should at least find data in the subfolders Spoke and Media.
If not, repeat previous action.
You'll notice "weird" names, those are unique identifiers

(If you need more guidance, ask Hiram or check guidance from Michael https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnkgGLkcxuk)

This method will collect all your assets and the spoke scene.


Use 7Zip (https://www.7-zip.org/ , or alternative) to pack the subfolder with the name "your email address" (it is in the "hubs.mozilla.com" folder)


Send the ZIP to hiram.bollaert@ap.be

Room Reflection

you are welcome to create your own reflection form on google forms.

if you do, please share the original document with fiica.erasmus@gmail.com allowing us to see the answers.

you can also use a common version which you'll find here: https://forms.gle/97frKXAgJ9kWirmG6

just put the link to your form or the common version at postlude