The Fourth Workshop on Figurative Language Processing

Submission Information

Authors are invited to submit a full paper of up to 8 pages, with unlimited additional pages for references. We also invite short papers of up to 4 pages, with unlimited additional pages for references. Submissions will be handled through OpenReview.

All submissions should follow the two-column format of the official ACL template. Please use ACL LaTeX style files or Microsoft Word style files tailored for this year's conference. Submissions must conform to the official style guidelines, which are contained in the style files, and they must be electronic in PDF format. 

Previously published papers cannot be accepted. The submissions will be reviewed by the program committee. As reviewing will be blind, please ensure that papers are anonymous. Self-references that reveal the author's identity, e.g., "We previously showed (Smith, 1991) ...", should be avoided. Instead, use citations such as "Smith previously showed (Smith, 1991) ...". Papers that do not conform to these requirements will be rejected without review. In addition, please do not post your submissions on the web until after the review process is complete. 

Papers that have been or will be submitted to other meetings or publications must indicate this at submission time. Authors of papers accepted for presentation at the workshop must notify the program chairs as to whether the paper will be presented by the camera-ready deadline at the latest. All accepted papers must be presented at the workshop to appear in the proceedings.