It's Your Turn

4. It's Up to You.pdf

2.- Now, it is your turn to start thinking about your final product. Download the worksheet on the right. Follow the instructions there and your project will be a success! Do not forget to have a look at the assessment to see what are the importamnt things to see to.

Go for it!!!!


Is it possible to only eat local?

Pro: Food for Life Partnership – Eating local and seasonal food information sheet

Anti: Why eating global is more sustainable than eating local

More nuanced: The Problem with ‘Eat Local’

Genetically modified crops – good or bad?

Guardian Teacher Network: GM Farming and crops: News and resources round up

Can the world produce enough food for a growing population?

The Economist: The 9 billion-people question and How much is enough?

Guardian: Global Food Crisis – interactive

BBC: Future foods: What will we be eating in 20 years’ time?

Is fair trade the best way to improve poor farmers’ lives?

Anti: Adam Smith Institute – Unfair Trade (PDF)

Mainly Pro: BBC: Fairtrade’s impact on coffee’s birthplace

Anti: 2-minute BBC interview: Analysis from Legatum Institute questions Fairtrade policy

Pro: 2-minute BBC interview with Harriet Lamb, Fairtrade

Foundation: Fairtrade Foundation ‘making all the difference’ to farmers

Other webs that can help you

BBC News, “Food banks used by thousand of jobless”, March 2013

Child Poverty Action Group

End Child Poverty, “Child Poverty Map of the UK”, October 2014

Kelloggs, “Shock report highlights desperate levels of food poverty in ‘squeezed’ Britain”, March 2013

Love Food, Hate Waste

Office for National Statistics, “Chapter 5: Weekly household expenditure, an analysis of the countries of the United Kingdom”

Office for National Statistics, “Family Spending 2015”

The Trussell Trust

What are we doing

World hunger is on the rise