"As goes the heavyweights, so goes boxing." It's an old adage often applied when describing the state of boxing. If the heavyweight division is healthy and exciting, then boxing as a whole profits. Looking back at the history of boxing video games, the adage still holds true. The last time everyone paid attention to boxing was when Mike Tyson was champion. And the last time everyone paid attention to a boxing game was when Little Mac was Tyson's challenger. Since then, many champions have attempted to hold the sport with the same exciting dominance; likewise, many boxing games have attempted to rise up as the champion of the sport for video games. EA Sports offers up their latest attempt with Fight Night Champion.

Throughout the story, Andre runs into nearly every boxing stereotype. From the crooked promoter to the sagacious, old trainer, the characters here are nothing new. Luckily, the high production values and quality voice acting at least keep a familiar story arc interesting. Brian Kenny's post-fight boxing updates, ripped straight from ESPN's "Friday Night Fights," give an appreciated dose of realism to the experience. However, while the identifiable boxing personalities and references are entertaining for a boxing fan like myself, the story doesn't really stand on its own. The overall flatness of Andre himself robs the player of the ability to identify with the fighter, and despite our thirst for knockouts and violence, it is the personality and character of a fighter that keeps us boxing fans intrigued.

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Fortunately, Champion Mode serves an secondary purpose. Each of Andre's fights are set up around various realistic scenarios that can occur in the ring. Sometimes an opponent has a dynamite punch that can and will drop him at the first blow. Other times, Andre is forced to press for a knockout in order to keep the decision out of the hands of crooked judges. In varying the dynamic of each fight, Champion Mode acts as a training ground in which the player learns to maneuver Andre as a real boxer instead of throwing him headfirst into uppercuts, armed with nothing but button-mashed left hooks. By the end, I had a greater understanding of what techniques and strategies are required to overcome a variety of disadvantages in any match-up.

This is evident in the difficulty I had in landing straight punches. There were many times when I input a hard straight counter, only for the game to decide that I was too close to my opponent, opting to interpret my input as a short hook that falls way short of where I intended my fist to be. To counter this effect, I would then back up, only to have my fighter take one giant stride away from the opponent, creating a distance in which no punches, not even my gangly jab, could reach my opponent's face.

Such slip-ups are forgivable in the single player, but they create some pretty disastrous results online, where the addition of random, one punch knockouts has turned every fight into a game of roulette, regardless of skill. Often I'd be dominating a fight, overcoming the game's sluggish footwork while gradually grinding away at my opponents stamina when, out of the blue, he lands a random, grazing punch that puts me out cold. It happens in boxing. It doesn't, however, happen 50% of the time.

To survive being stunned.....You'll want to keep away from them altogether. Use the push button to get some distance and then move away, but make sure you aren't holding block as you move as that slows you down. 


To knock them down.....If you are starting out in Legacy mode then you're going to find it hard to get through your opponents defence when you have them stunned as it's only really quick combination punching that are going to get through their defence. I had very few knock-downs for the first 15-20 fights.

this game is pretty fucked up.... summary of my comment (whine whine whine so read on if you want)


I've played 2 games online. Destroyed the first dood. 2nd fight the guy immediately spams the same right hook over and over. I think to myself...wow this is gonna be easy. I counter him, counter him, counter him...etc. etc. He lands maybe 1 for every 10 of those hooks and yet I get knocked down 3 times in the fight and only knock him down once when I'm completely dominating him. I got knocked out. Really don't get it...both our fighters had the same rating (given I dunno who any of these guys are). 


Stats were 50% of my punches landed to his 35% to the head and body was 51% for him and 46% for me. So I landed more punches. I landed 37 counters on him....37 to his 9.....and I am the one that got knocked out? He threw 455 POWER PUNCHES and landed 162 of them. I threw 101 power punches and landed 43 of them. So he basically spammed the same power punch over and over missing waaay more than connecting. Why was he not completely gassed? 


I really don't get it. I hate this game already! Sorry I just needed to rant somewhere and didn't think it needed a new thread. 


well...other than that, the game is fun ;/ 


edit: Alright, now I've played about 7 matches online. I'm 1 win and 6 losses. Compared to my Round 4 record of 100+ wins and 4 losses. Mmmmm, apparently I just completely don't get this game. I land literally (i counted) 10x more counters and power shots and I lose still on the judges score cards and end up getting knocked out. Game is getting sold for Yakuza 4 I guess. /game ranting over

Game is really frustrating me at the moment. Playing on Champion difficulty in Legacy mode, so far my record is 17-4-2 9 KOs, but recently I've just been turning it off in frustration. I'll dominate whole fights, landing 400+ punches and getting their damage up to 80+, completely closing eyes and producing cuts. Yet I can't buy a knockout, while the AI will hit me with one body punch and I'll go down straight away. Just losing fights now because I get stunned off random punches, even when my stats for chin and heart are very high. Whereas I continually hit them with power counters etc, and they don't even get rocked.

There's something about the "balance" of this game that seems off. I bludgeon dudes in Legacy Mode with high % of landed punches, yet they stun me on one counter punch to the body. Even with the Heart, Chin and blocking ratings built up, I'm struggling to not get destroyed once I get inside (I'm set up as an "inside fighter"). 


It's not a terrible game but it seems the balance isn't quite there during some fights.

Having the same problem with the game, DESTROYING duders in fights but cant get a knockdown/knock out. Its stupid when they can nearly knock you out with one punch. Been playing this game all day, only got 2 knockdowns the whole time. No knockouts 


Game is getting sold this week :( Sad because it had such promise but the balance is fucked

Regardless of how much time you've spent with the Fight Night Champion demo, or with previous Fight Night games, your first act in EA Sports' latest boxing sim is to pick yourself up off the floor after getting knocked down. You are fictional boxer Andre Bishop, and you're fighting against a heavily tattooed skinhead in front of your fellow prison inmates in the new story-driven Champion mode. Make it through that fight, which also serves as a decent tutorial, and you then have the option to either continue Bishop's story or check out other modes reminiscent of those in Fight Night Round 4. Wherever you go you'll find that Fight Night Champion improves upon its already-great predecessor in mostly minor but meaningful ways.

The defensive controls used for blocking, leaning, and clinching are similarly uncomplicated, though it's only through practice that you can get a feel for the timing that's needed to open your opponent up for powerful counterpunching opportunities. You might have no intention of playing Fight Night Champion as a counterpuncher, but after being on the receiving end of a few counters (AI opponents are quick to punish you if you leave yourself exposed), you'll be compelled to add them to your own arsenal. You need to use every move at your disposal to succeed in Fight Night Champion, and that's especially true in Champion mode, where story events often force you to adapt your fighting style to different rules or situations. For example, early on your fights in prison don't end until only one of you is left standing, while the flashback fights at the amateur world championships are points-based. And once you turn pro, all manner of obstacles are thrown your way to keep the action from becoming repetitive. In one fight you hurt yourself anytime you use a broken hand, and in the next you have to knock out your opponent with the same hand to prove to everyone that it's healed, for example. Other memorable fights include one in which a crooked referee has been paid off to rule all of your body shots as low blows, and another that you spend protecting a cut near your eye.

There's no shortage of drama in Champion mode, and while Bishop's story is riddled with Rocky-esque cliches, it's still entertaining for as long as it takes you to reach the requisite final fight against a dangerous rival. How long that takes can vary a great deal depending on how quickly you're able to win fights, but it should be at least five or six hours before you step into the ring as Andre Bishop for the last time if you're playing at an appropriate difficulty level. Most of the storytelling is done via well-voiced dialogue in great-looking cutscenes, with extra flavor during fights coming courtesy of ESPN's ringside announcers Joe Tessitore and Teddy Atlas as well as your trainer. The former are occasionally amusing and mostly accurate with their observations, and they even go so far as to comment on your performances in previous fights. The latter, whom you sadly don't always get to hear from between rounds, often has sound advice for you and doesn't pull any punches when it comes to letting you know how he feels the fight is progressing. Impressively, the announcers and trainer do their jobs just as well outside of the scripted Champion mode, though in Legacy mode the former are accurate only a little more often than a stopped clock when it comes to detailing the result of your previous fight. 006ab0faaa

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