Linguistics Field Research Lab


We are faculty and students dedicated to the teaching and research of underdocumented and endangered languages. We are currently engaged in research projects on: Amahuaca (Panoan), Choguita Rarámuri (Uto-Aztecan), San Juan Piñas Mixtec (Oto-Manguean), Diné Bizaad (Athabaskan), Rere, Tira and Moro (Kordofanian), Hmong (Hmong-Mien), Northern Toussian (Niger-Congo), Teotepec Eastern Chatino (Oto-Manguean), Khalkha Mongolian (Mongolic), Kalmyk Oirat (Mongolic) and Azerbaijani (Turkic). 

We are committed to linguistic description and collaborative language documentation projects whose products serve both linguists and communities.

Many of our research projects have arisen through our Field Methods/Fieldwork classes:

Find out about who we are, our working group, our projects, and recent news and events below.

News and Events

Nina Hagen Kaldhol goes to Oslo University

Nina Hagen Kaldhol (Phd 2024) is now a Lecturer at the University of Oslo!

Ray Huaute wins UC President's postdoc fellowship

PhD Candidate Ray Huaute has won a prestigious UC President's postdoc fellowship! Ray will be based at UC Riverside working on producing a manuscript for a new pedagogical grammar for Cahuilla, one of several critically endangered Indigenous language of Southern California. This project will contribute significantly to the language reclamation efforts currently underway in the Cahuilla community. Congratulations, Ray!

LSA Summer Institute 2023 at UMass, Amherst

Prof. Michelle Yuan and Prof. Gabriela Caballero will be teaching courses at the upcoming LSA Summer Institute to be held at UMass, Amherst from June 19 to July 14, 2023. Prof.  Michelle Yuan will be teaching a course on 'the morphosyntax of case and licensing' (with Coppe van Urk). Prof. Gabriela Caballero has been invited to teach 'introduction to language documentation' (with Nadine Grimm).

Upcoming and recent presentations by lab members

From the Archives


We hosted the 53rd Annual Conference on African Linguistics! ACAL was held virtually April 7-9, 2022. Members of the lab edited the proceedings., to be appear soon with Language Science Press. 

SSILA 2022

Prof. Gabriela Caballero is the current President of the Society for the Study of Indigenous Languages of the Americas. She co-organized the 40th anniversary conference of SSILA held online in January. 


Prof. Michelle Yuan co-organized the 25th "Workshop on Structure and Constituency in Languages of the Americas" (WSCLA) together with Dr. Mike Barrie (Sogang University) and Dr. Maziar Toosarvandani (UC Santa Cruz). WSCLA brings together linguists who conduct research on indigenous languages of the Americas in order to exchange ideas across theories, language families, generations of scholars, and across the communities who are involved in language maintenance and revitalization. This year, WSCLA took place virtually on May 28-30, 2021.

The recent Annual Meeting in Phonology 6 was held at UC San Diego. It featured a "Methods in phonological data collection and analysis of underdocumented languages workshop" with three tutorials, funded by the National Science Foundation

Gabriela Caballero & Lucien Carroll presented "Underdocumented language data corpus construction" featuring Kwaras, the searchable web interface tool they co-developed with Russ Horton that links WAV audio files and time-aligned annotations produced with ELAN. 

Marc Garellek presented "Electroglottography for voice analysis", and showed how it can be used for fieldwork. Michael Obiri-Yeboah helped out with the demonstration featuring EGG measures of ATR distinctions in Gua. 

Bert Remijsen (U. of Edinburgh) presented a tutorial on "Investigating underdocumented tone systems" featuring languages of South Sudan. 

 Undergraduate Course in Linguistic Fieldwork!

Fieldwork 2022 - where were we?

Fieldwork 2020 and 2021 - where were we? 

Fieldwork 2019 - where were we?


We're located in the Applied Physics and Math Building, room 4452

Mailing address: UCSD Linguistics Department, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093-0108