Past Seminars

  • Wednesday 22nd June (5-6pm London time). Mathilde Muñoz (Paris School of Economics; Harvard research fellow; UC Berkeley; Review of Economic Studies 2022 Tour), "Tax competition and the geography of trade in services ".

  • Wednesday 8th June (5-6pm London time). Steve Tadelis (UC Berkeley Haas School of Business), "Counter-stereotypical Messaging and Partisan Cues: Moving the Needle on Vaccines in a Polarized U.S.", with Bradley J. Larsen (Stanford), Timothy J. Ryan (UNC Chapel Hill), Steven Greene (North Carolina State), Marc J. Hetherington (UNC Chapel Hill) and Rahsaan Maxwell (UNC Chapel Hill)

  • Wednesday 1st June (5-6pm London time). Konstantin Sonin (Chicago, Harris School), "The Dictator's Dilemma: A Theory of Propaganda and Repression ", with Arda Gitmez (Bilkent)

  • Wednesday 18th May (5-6pm London time). Scott Kominers (Harvard, NBER, Andreessen Horowitz), "Redistribution and marketplace design", with Mohammad Akbarpour (Stanford) and Piotr Dworczak (Northwestern).

  • Chair: Mallesh Pai (Rice University)

  • Wednesday 11th May (5-6pm London time). Hélène Rey (London Business School, CEPR, NBER), "Is this time different? Financial follies across centuries", with Jérémy Fouilard (Paris School of Economics) and Vania Stavrakeva (London Business School).

  • Chair:

  • Wednesday 4th May (5-6pm London time). Alex Imas (Chicago Booth), "Heuristics and Performance of Financial Market Experts", with Klakow Akepanidtaworn (Chicago Booth), Rick Di Mascio (Inalytics Limited), Lawrence Schmidt (MIT Sloan).

  • Chair: Professor Daniel Gottlieb (London School of Economics)

  • Wednesday 27th April (5-6pm London time). Anastassia Fedyk (Haas School of Business), "Artificial Intelligence, Firm Growth, and Product Innovation", with Tania Babina (Columbia), Alex He (University of Maryland), and James Hodson (AI for Good Foundation) .

  • Chair: Mihnea Constantinescu (KSE, National Bank of Ukraine)

  • Wednesday 20th April (5-6pm London time). Professor Stefanie Stantcheva (Harvard University), Wealth and Property taxation in the United States. Joint work with Sacha Dray and Camille Landais (LSE).

  • Chair: Professor George Zodrow (Rice University).

YouTube Livestream Zoom Recording

  • Wednesday 13th April (5-6pm London time). "A Trajectories-Based Approach to Measuring Intergenerational Mobility", by Steven Durlauf (University of Chicago), with Yoosoon Chang, Seunghee Lee, Joon Y. Park (Indiana University-Bloomington).

Chair: Professor Roger Myerson, Department of Economics, University of Chicago.

Abstract: This paper develops an approach to intergenerational mobility in which the trajectories of childhood and adolescent family characteristics define the conditioning objects for assessing the persistence of socioeconomic status across generations. As such we move beyond the idea that family influences can be summarized by a scalar measure such as permanent income. This perspective leads to the use of functional regression methods that allow us to analyze how parental income and family structure at different points in time are associated with future outcomes. We are able to characterize collections of trajectories that lead to relative success versus deprivation in children and produce novel insights in the determinants of mobility versus persistence. Offspring economic and educational success are associated with rising income trajectories for parents, as well as the levels of the trajectories. Further, later adolescence parental income plays a relatively large role on offspring educational and economic outcomes. We are further able to evaluate interactions between trajectory values at different ages. Here we find a complicated pattern of dynamic complements and substitutes in the ways that family characteristics affect children, one that suggests the presence of both dynamic complementarity and substitutability.

YouTube Livestream Zoom Recording

  • Wednesday 6th April (5-6pm London time). "Eclipse of rent-seeking" by Professor Daron Acemoglu, Department of Economics, MIT. (Joint work with Alex Xi He, Daniel el Maire)

Chair: Professor Eric Maskin, Department of Economics, Harvard University.

  • Wednesday 30th March (5-6pm London time). "Privacy and the control of citizens" by Professor Jean Tirole, Toulouse School of Economics.

Chair: Professor Alessandro Bonatti, MIT Sloan School of Management.

You can find the slides for this seminar here.

YouTube Livestream Zoom Recording