
Fictitious publications of The Fictitious Press, and related imaginary imprints, from Figurski at Findhorn on Acid (Eastgate Systems, 2001)

Sammy Becker, Waiting for To Go (Groove Press, 1954, 1982)

Jock Canfield et al., Chicken Soup for the Concentration Camp Lover's Soul: 115 Stories about Discomfort, Depravity, and Sado-Masochism (Wealth Communications, 1999)

Jock Cantfield et al., Chicken Soup for the Pot Smoker's Soul: Stories about Potheads as Teachers, Healers, Heroes and Friends (Wealth Communications, 1998)

Francis Figurski, Constrained Utopia (unpublished ms., 1993)

The Findhorn Family, Findhorn Y2K: An Oral and Visual History (New Page Books, 2000)

"Low-Flow Toilets: Are All Created Equally?", Consumer Reports Special Digestion Issue, December, 1999

Alexander Parritt, Introduction to Alan Richardson's monograph "Metanarration in the Notes directory of Figurski" in the series Millennial Machinations (Fictitious Press, 2001)

Alexander Parritt's Cumulative Interdisciplinary Dictionary (20th edition, Obewon, 1991)

Alexander Parritt's Dictionary of Literary Pen Names (Obewon, 1993)

Alan Richardson, 145.txt (Fictitious Press, 2010)

Alan Richardson, "Dreams as Narrative: The Dramatic Features of REM Sleep," Chapter 33 of Rhetorical Questions for Therapists in the New Millennium, ed. Stout and Rhomel (Fictitious Press, 1996)

Alan Richardson, "Metanarration in the Notes directory of Figurski," in Millennial Machinations, ed. Alexander Parritt (Fictitious Press, 2001)

Alan Richardson, "More Rhetorical Questions about Jethro Tull," Classic Rock Monthly, 1990

Alan Richardson, "Prime Numbers in the Notes Directory of Figurski at Findhorn on Acid," ACM Hypertext 2001, Arhus, DK (Denmark)

Mohammed Stout and Floyd Rhomel, eds., Rhetorical Questions for Therapists in the New Millennium (Fictitious Press, 1996)

Dennis Udoka and Michele Udoka, Star Trek for Dummies, Newbies, and Muggles (Rocket Books, 1999)

Fatima Michelle Vieuchanger, Masquerading at Shower-Lourdes (serialized in L'Express Marrakech, 1993-94)

Fatima Michelle Vieuchanger, On the Holodeck with Rosellini's 1737 Mechanical Pig (Interactive CD, Fictitious Press, c. 1995)