Photo by Flickr user trendingtopics (modified)
In Denial: A Further Redaction of the Mueller Report
In Denial: A Further Redaction of the Mueller Report
An R-rated "erasure fiction" composed from the even more redacted or selectively blacked-out pages of the Mueller Report. This 30-page PDF re-redacts just the Tables of Contents, Introductions, and Executive Summaries for Parts I and II. See what the text within the text reveals. Contains adult language. (Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, an artistic adaptation of a public document.) Available here and at under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 license, so share widely #muellerblackout .

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
#muellerblackout Transcript: A Further Redaction of the Mueller Report
#muellerblackout Transcript: A Further Redaction of the Mueller Report
This is a 6-page transcript of the complete non-redacted and uncensored text from my "Further Redaction of the Mueller Report." The text, created by erasure or "blackout" of the Tables of Contents, Introductions, and Executive Summaries of the official Department of Justice Mueller Report, has been edited here only for punctuation and capitalization and contains adult language. Read the hidden story within the text of the Mueller Report summaries. DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction, an artistic adaptation of a public document. Available here and at under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 license.

Found poetry (text version appears in Forklift, Ohio, Issue #37, 2019; multimedia version performed at &Now 2018 and forthcoming at ELO 2019 in Cork, Ireland.
Co-published with Vassar Review 2017 (Issue 2, Camp & Kitsch).
A prose-poem blog. With apologies to Wallace Stevens. Exhibited at ISEA 2015.
A triple acrostic poem inspired by a popular neighborhood-based social media platform