
"I was invited to a FIA workout by a friend I hadn't seen in a while and decided I'd try it out. After a few workouts I was hooked! I love knowing I'm going to get a great workout and meet up with ladies who have become friends. I always leave a workout feeling great! I love that we also do community service projects and meet up for socials as well." ~ Bubbles

" FiA has been the unexpected gift I didn't know I needed. It has been such a pleasure to meet more women in the community and it has kept me working out regularly in an exceptionally busy time in life. I am constantly encouraged and motivated by the kindness, courage, and determination of the other women in the group. I am so grateful!" ~Ogle

"My name is Moonlight, I joined when my dad developed Alzheimer’s and I quit my job to help my parents. I knew I was not strong enough to move him and knew I would need to do that in the future. I was praying for strength direction and encouragement, and a place to serve and friendships to maneuver through these new life challenges.

I have toned, developed muscles, never been left behind, or alone and developed a great group of friends that have turned into family. We laugh, play, hike, dream, and serve the community together. They were there for me when my dad passed and my journey has become more about feeling my best as I live life and serve and shine well the light and love our God has placed in me. " ~ Moonlight

"FiA has brought me a community of strong women to grow with. Each PAX brings something unique to the table and I love learning from them. It's been a great way to get exercising regularly which I've always struggled with. Plus, since joining I can now touch my toes when stretching!"