PAR-tee Golf

Q; Bubbles

Date: 06/27/2022


side stretches, cherry pickers, squats

The Thang:

PAX went at their own pace to different "golf holes" around the splash pad. We all completed all 9 holes. Throughout the workout a PAX would yell, "hole in one" and all the pax would run a lap then go back to complete the hole they were on.

Each golf hole had 3 exercises the PAX completed before moving onto the next hole.

Hole 1:

Bogey (30) side punches; Par (20) crunches; Birdie (10) reverse crunches

hole 2:

bogey (30) plank shoulder taps; par (20) mountain climbers; birdie (10) reverse flies with weights

hole 3:

bogey (30) high knees; Par (20) over head shoulder press with weights; birdie (10) long jumps

hole 4:

bogey (30) wood chops (alternate sides); Par (20) dead lifts with weights; birdie (10) plank with dumbbell pass

hole 5:

bogey (30) hillbillies Par (20) plank with dumpell row; birdie (10) burpees

hole 6:

bogey (30) lunges (alternate sides) Par (20) dumbbell standing rows; Birdie (10) toy soldiers

hole 7:

Bogey (30) jumping jacks Par (20) pendulum side leg lifts; Birdie (10) squat jumps

hole 8:

Bogey (30) tricep dips; Par (20) step ups; Birdie (10) squat with alternating leg lifts

hole 9:

Bogey (30) superwomans; par (20) plank leg lifts; Birdie (10) brooke burkes

We then gathered for an ab o rama (pax went around the circle and took turns calling out different ab workouts to do)


Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for succes