Cauldron of Planks & Never Have I Ever

Q: Umpire

Warm-up: Maracas, can openers, toy soldiers, ham string curls

The Thang: cauldron of planks

We had a container of slips of paper with each of these exercises written on it. One PAX would run down take a slip of paper and bring it back to the rest of the PAX to do the exercise on that slip of paper while the next person ran to get a new slip.

High five a friend, High Low, Brooke Burke, Inchworm push ups, Shoulder taps, Plank jacks, Spider-Man, Mtn. Climbers, Windmill, Buzz saw, CDD, Reverse plank.

  • Never Have I Ever: If you have done the activity then you run or do Burpee’s while the rest of the PAX does the exercise next to the activity. This is a fun one for getting to know people. Glute bridges- Gotten a tattoo

  • Pushups- Had a speeding ticket

  • Leg drops- Ran a half marathon

  • Froggers- Traveled outside North America

  • Jack Jack - Played hooky from work

  • Boy band - Gone skinny dipping

  • Ankle biter- Used someone else’s toothbrush

  • Zebra- Woke myself up snoring

  • Pendulum - Laughed so hard I tinkled my pants

  • Froggers - Gone 96 hours (4 days) without showering

  • Grasshoppers- Binged an entire season in one day

  • Maracas- Fired a gun

  • Glute bridges- Been on tv

  • Iyw - Fallen asleep in church

  • Pushups- Called my partner the wrong name

  • Jack Jack-Read an entire book in one day

  • Zebra-Live completely alone

Finisher: plank taps-tap your wrists elbows shoulders hips knees and ankles 10 times each soft count.

COT: "I'm always doing what I cannot do yet in order to learn how to do it." -Vincent Van Gogh I love how this group pushes me to take risks and try new things. I love that we can laugh with each other at our mess ups.