The Ultimate Turkey Workout


Completed: 11/22/22


Indian Run w/Hallelujahs, Lunge grabs, Good mornings, toy soldiers, cherry pickers, slow hillbillies, chain breakers

The Thang:

Each set 10 minutes, do as many rounds of the set as we can in 10 minutes.

Set 1 (we got through it twice)

Mountain Climbers x25

Squats x15

Jumping Jacks x50

Side Lunges x20

High Knees x25

Plank 1 minute

Set 2 (we got through it twice)

Burpees x5

Walking Lunges x20

Good mornings x10

Push Ups x15

Speed Skaters x26 (soft count)

Side Plank 30sec each side

Set 3 (we got through it three times!)

Renegade Rows x10

Sumo Squats x15

Reverse Lunges/curtsy lunges (choose 1 or combo) x20

Raised Leg Sit Ups x25 (this changed to regular sit-ups round 2 and 3)

Butt Kicks x25

Plank Jacks x15

Cool down


Wampanoag Prayer

Let us give thanks to the creator for all that he gives. The harvest moon has shined its brilliance over our home and now as we store the harvest of our work the creator gives his sustenance. The Earth will now rest through the coming season storing energy needed to once again feed our people.

--Michael "Tender Heart" Markley, Seaconke Wampanoag