Mamma Mia

DATE: 9/13/22




Full body stretch--5 minutes

The Thang:

Each song has 3 exercises associated with it. During that song you will complete the exercise as described. Once all 3 are done, repeat, until the song is done. New song=3 new exercises.

Honey, Honey

Alligator push ups--20 soft count

Penguins--20 hard count

Lunges--20 soft count

Money, Money, Money

Standing Row--20

Frog Pumps--20

Pulsing Squat--45 seconds

Mamma Mia!

Bicep curls--20

Plank--45 seconds

Donkey Kicks--20 soft count

Dancing Queen

Gun Show--20 soft count

Narwhals--20 soft count

Sumo Squat--20

Our Last Summer

Bojangles around the b-ball court (run/jog the whole song)

Lay All Your Love on Me

Tricep Dips--20

Side Planks--25 seconds each side

Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!

Reverse Fly--20

American Hammers--20

High Knees--45 seconds

The Name of the Game

Cherry Picker--20 soft count


Boy Bands--20