Leaky Cup

Q: Umpire



Windmills, Inchworms to 2 pushups, reverse lunge with a reverse leg lift

The Thang:

Leaky cup race-One partner scoops of water from a bucket using a cup with holes and tries to carry it to a smaller bucket. The first team to fill the smaller bucket wins. Team members rotate between plank hold and wall sits while they wait their turn.

Run to pit stop (just past 1st bridge, papers were marking the stop)

*Hallelujahs while you wait

AMRAP as many rounds as possible for the length of the song Hot in Herre

5 Froggers

10 reverse lunge leg lift

20 imperial walkers

Run to next pit stop (just past the bench)

AMRAP to the song Steal my Sunshine

1 burpee

20 lateral lunges

30 mountain climbers

40 rapid fire punches

We ran across the bridge to put our waters down then came back for a Jack Jack Indian Run-

Everyone starts in a single file line doing jumping jacks the person at the back of the line runs to the front and switches to plank jacks. The next person at the back runs to the front etc.

Run to next pit stop (sidewalk across the parking lot)

5-4-3-2-1 Love Bugs - 5 pushups 5 Tricep dips on the curb, then 4 each…

Lt. Dan 1/2 way down the parking lot

Run back to the mats for abs

Banana/Boat ring of fire- everyone starts doing supper man’s (bananas) and one person flips over for v-ups (boats) then the next person flips over for boats. Continue around the circle until ever is doing boats then flip back to bananas.

We did a fire hydrant and donkey kick ring of fire.

With 5 minutes left we tried to all work together to fill a bucket for our leaky cup race. Those waiting did bicycle crunches and LBCs.


“Wake up with determination, go to bed with satisfaction.”

- We we’re definitely feeling satisfied with the effort we put into this workout.