
2017-2018: Kronos

Our robot for FIRST Power Up. At the beginning of the season, the Robokomodos decided that instead of making a jack of all trades, like we had in previous years, our next robot would focus on only a few key elements of the competition. The team voted, and the design principles for Kronos were born. Kronos was built with the ability to load power cubes into the switch and quickly load power cubes into the vault. Our focus on these two abilities, combined with our dedicated drive team allowed us to be part of the winning alliance for the 2018 Smoky Mountain Regional.

2016-2017: Oranos

2015-2016: Pollux & Caster

2014-2015: Atlas

2013-2014: Orion

2012-2013: Archimedes

2011-2012: Problem Child