FHF Education Committee

Welcome to Farmers Helping Farmers (FHF) Education Committee page. Here you will find information about our twinned schools in Kenya, current projects, and pictures from Kenyan. For more information about FHF please go to our website. Our Christmas Fundraiser is also underway. All your help is greatly appreciated.

56 public school of Buuri District each received 5 bags of 50 kg of beans and 10 bags of 50 kg of rice from government(relief food) to support feeding program.

Schools are opening next week, on Tuesday, January 4th, for the third term.

A huge thank you to Emily Wells, her staff, all the volunteers, and everyone who attended the Thanksgiving Supper at the Mill In New Glasgow . Money from this event is being used to support lunches at schools for children and personal hygiene kits for girls.