Official ES Free Hatchers Values

Next Value Discussion 19/04/2023. Wanna help? Join us!

Welcome to the Official ES Free Hatchers Value List! This list aims to bring value ideas from other lists and merge it together to make the best list out there for the community!


DreamyOverlord - Lead Editor

lollol - Editor

Teilweise - Editor

Thanos (dArkcookielord1) - Editor

1 Value = 400 Eggshells. Why? Because as we see the rise in the player count we also see the rise of eggshells so we have decided to make this value list based of egg shell values. By all means we are not forcing you to use this value list, Value lists are made for personal preference.

The way we operate the list is with mathematical methods, this means we have a system to calculate each pets value!
Note: Gold pets are higher than normal based on demand so will be higher by 10-25%.

If you spot any mistakes or errors please contact us in the discussion server.

Join our Discussion server where we shall discuss future values and also drop some giveaways.
