Fariha Harun

Date of birth


Professional ID

Bangladesh Institute of Planners ID: BIP 1516


+372 56703570


LinkedIn Id

Social media connection


Geoinformatics, Python, Remote sensing, GIS-Developer, Data Analyst, Data Science, Urban Planning

Professional Information/ Working Experience

1. Organization/Company Name: AlphaGIS OU ( )

Position-Data Developer/Analyst


Job responsibility summary-

  • Using Python for better output for projects

  • Conducting Training on Geospatial analysis using Python

  • Deep learning analysis and various GIS and remote sensing analyses using ArcGIS, Python, and Jupyter Notebook on GitHub.

  • Other data analysis and quality assurance, contribute to the company's KPI analysis.

  • Version controlling in GitHub and GitLab environment

2. Organization/Company Name: KappaZeta Ltd. ( )

Position-Data Quality Specialist


Job responsibility summary-

  • Data processing and consolidation, including Sentinel-2 imagery cloud mask labelling, grazing project livestock labelling from orthophotos, Sentinel-1 and -2 feature set time series analysis and labelling. Respective quality assurance of the processed data.

  • Other data analysis and quality assurance.

  • Organization of monthly internal KappaZeta seminars

3. Project Name-ESA cloud mask project, KappaZeta Ltd. ( )


Duration-08.06.2020- 31.01.2021

Job responsibility summary-

  • Data processing and analysis for AI-based Sentinel-2 cloud mask development

4.Project Name-Creating Conducive Environment for Protection of Most at Risk Children (PMRC) Project, JJS

( )

Position-Monitoring and Documentation Officer

Duration-08.05.2018- 30.06.2019

Job responsibility summary-

  • Supervision and monitoring the field office activities for keeping the progress and process in track.

  • Documentation and evaluate the project outcomes, quarterly, monthly report, monitoring findings

  • Provide training on HIV/AIDS and life skill to the adolescents, women and people with high risk

  • Project proposal writing as a part of Fund

5. Project name- Water As Leverage

Organization- Mott MacDonald (Water Consultant) ( )

Position-Research and Survey Coordinator


Job responsibility summary-

  • Conducting Survey on Ponds of Khulna city and Analyzing the existing conditions

  • Analyzing critically and suggesting solution and plans for pond preservation

  • Arranging Stakeholder sharing meetings

  • Finally proposing final plan after having the first proposed solution and sharing meeting solution

6.Project Name- Child Right Situation analysis

Organization- Kindernothlife(KNH) (A German based organization) ( )

Position: FGD coordinator and reporting officer on Child Right Situation Analysis (CRSA)

Duration: 4.10.18- 24.01.19

Job responsibility summary-

  • Conduct FGD at community level at KCC area

  • Conduct KII

  • Report to KNH

  • Attending Workshop on Child Right Situation Analysis (CRSA)

  • Finally presenting presentation after completing the countrywide data on Workshop

7.Organization- Western Sydney University

Position: Research Assistant

Duration: 15.08.2018-30.09.2018

  • Reviewing literature on affordable housing in Sydney

  • Analyzing the reviewed parts and generate a summarized data from the review

  • Documentation the reviewed parts with analysis.

8. Organization: Alokito Shishu Foundation

( )

Position: Head Of External , Communication Department

Duration: 02.10.2017-2.11.2018

Job responsibility summary-

  • Managing various fund for the organization

  • Maintain liaison with various sector and create new liaison for the organization

  • Figuring out ideas for better performance of the organization

9. Organization: Urban Development Directorate, UDD, Dhaka

Position : Intern

Duration- 10.05.2018-28.06.2018

Job responsibility summary-

  • Formatting and reviewing the report of the project & Ongoing Project follow-up from the project manager

  • Map generation on GIS

10. Organization: Alokito Shishu Foundation

Position: Zonal Moderator of Khulna Team and Internal Communication Head


Job responsibility summary-

  • Moderating Team Khulna

  • Planning and implementation of social project of the team Khulna with the leadership role to manage the team

  • As an internal communication officer, Needed to managed data of 500 youth ambassadors,

  • Data analysis of the youths, finance maintenance


Started 2nd September,2019-2 June 2021- MSc in Geoinformatics for Urbanised Society, University of Tartu, Estonia

April 2014-May 2018: Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning, Khulna University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh

Trainings and Software skills

  • Python Training from SDA academy (September 2021-May 2022)

  • GIS

  • HTML,CSS -basic level


1.Suitability of the boreal ecosystem simulator (BEPS) model for estimating gross primary productivity in Hemi-boreal upland pine ,

2. KappaMask: AI-Based Cloudmask Processor for Sentinel-2


3. Journal Paper- Name-Accessibility and Service Quality of Public Parks in Khulna City

Published in - Journal of Urban Planning and Development/Volume 146 Issue 3

4. Identification and Assessment of Ecosystem Service and Disservice of Ward no. 11, 12 and 13

Published at 6th International conference on Waste Safe at 23-24 February 2019, (Conference link- )


1. Thesis (Masters)- Title- Estimating hemi-boreal forest productivity with a process-based BEPS (Boreal Ecosystem Productivity Simulator) model and multi-source Earth Observation data ( )

2. Thesis(Bachelor thesis)- Name: Analyzing Accessibility and Service Quality of Public Parks in Khulna City (GIS Based and social based analysis)


September 2020-December 2020, Study and Research Scholarship for International students (Supervisor Stipend), Supervisor- Dr. Jan Pisek, Tartu Observatory, University of Tartu

September 2019-July 2021, Full free Tuition waiver Scholarship, awarded by University of Tartu, Estonia.

2018, Fariha Harun, Dean's Award for Outstanding academic performance, awarded by Faculty of Civil Engineering, Khulna University of Engineering and Technology, KUET, 9100, Bangladesh

2015-2018, Fariha Harun, awarded Merit based scholarship throughout the bachelor level for outstanding academic result per year.

Training/ Workshop attainments

1. Training on Building Plan Approval in Pourosava and City Corporation, Location-Khulna University, Organized By-KUPA and BIP

2. Active Citizen Youth Leadership Training, Location-Khulna, Organized by –The Hunger Project and British Council

3. Amra Notun Network, BRAC (12 sessions), Location-Brac Learning Center, Organized By-Brac, Social Innovation Lab.

4. Workshop on Google Sketch Up, Organized by-DISK (Design Integrated Society KUET)

5. Workshop on Child rights Situation Analysis by KindernotHlife

List of Participation to Conference

Conference -Waste Safe 2019 (Attended on 23 February-24 February 2019 at Khulna University of Engineering and technology (KUET)

(Conference link-paper id 007- file:///E:/WasteSafe%202019%20Submission/Waste%20Safe%202019%20Conference%20Documents/Resources/Files/Papers/FP_007.pdf )

Major Field of Interest:

  • Remote sensing

  • GIS and Urban Planning

  • Environmental Engineering and Management

  • Transportation Planning

  • Water and Waste Management and Planning