

Automatic recognition of fungi species assists mycologists, citizen scientists and nature enthusiasts in species identification in the wild. Its availability supports the collection of valuable biodiversity data. In practice, species identification typically does not depend solely on the visual observation of the specimen but also on other information available to the observer — such as habitat, substrate, location and time. Thanks to rich metadata, precise annotations, and baselines available to all competitors, the challenge provides a benchmark for image recognition with the use of additional information. Moreover, the toxicity of a mushroom can be crucial for the decision of a mushroom picker. We will explore the decision process within the competition beyond the commonly assumed 0/1 cost function.


This competition is held jointly as part of:

  • the LifeCLEF 2022 lab of the CLEF 2022 conference, and of

  • the FGVC9 workshop, organized in conjunction with CVPR 2022 conference.

The participants are required, in order to participate in the LifeCLEF lab to register using this form (and checking "Task 5 - FungiCLEF" of LifeCLEF). Only registered participants can submit a working-note paper to peer-reviewed LifeCLEF proceedings (CEUR-WS) after the competition ends."

This paper should provide sufficient information to reproduce the final submitted runs. Only participants who submitted a working-note paper will be part of the officially published ranking used for scientific communication.

Best Paper Awards

We will offer a combined credit grant of 5k USD as part of Microsoft's AI for Earth program to the best papers (up to 3).

In order to claim the Azure price, participants are required to register to LifeCLEF and submit a working-note paper.

The prices will be given to the teams among the highest ranking on the private leaderboard who will have matched these requirements.

See the Rules section for more details.


  • Jan 2022: Registration opens for all LifeCLEF challenges

  • Feb 2022: Competition start date

  • 15 May 2022: Competition Deadline

  • 29 May 2022: Paper submission Deadline — working note papers by participants [CEUR-WS proceedings]

  • 14 June 2022: Reviews - First Round | Notification of Acceptance

  • 23 June 2022: Reviews - Second Round | Notification of Acceptance

  • 19 June 2022: CVPR 2022 - FGVC Workshop

  • 1 July 2022: camera ready working note papers by participants and organizers [CEUR-WS proceedings]

  • 5-9 Sept 2022: CLEF 2022 Università di Bologna

All deadlines are at 11:59 PM UTC on a corresponding day unless otherwise noted. The competition organizers reserve the right to update the contest timeline if they deem it necessary.


  • Lukas Picek (University of West Bohemia, Czechia)

  • Milan Sulc (

  • Jiri Matas (Czech Technical University in Prague, Czechia)

  • Jacob Heilmann-Clausen (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)