

Understanding the geographic distribution of species is a key concern in conservation. By pairing species occurrences with environmental features, researchers can model the relationship between an environment and the species which may be found there. To facilitate research in this area, the GeoLifeCLEF competition releases a dataset of 1.9 million species observations paired with high-resolution remote sensing imagery, land cover data, and altitude, in addition to traditional low-resolution climate and soil variables. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first publicly available dataset to pair remote sensing imagery with species observations.


Start Date - 10 March 2021

End Date - 28th May 2021

Kaggle URL -


Elijah Cole (CALTECH), Benjamin Deneu (Inria, LIRMM), Titouan Lorieul (Inria, AMAP), Maximilien Servajean (University of Montpellier Paul-Valery, LIRMM), Christophe Botella (LECA - Laboratoire d'écologie Alpine), Dan Morris (Microsoft Research - Redmond), Nebojsa Jojic (Microsoft Research - Redmond), Pierre Bonnet (CIRAD, AMAP), Alexis Joly (Inria, LIRMM)


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 863463 (Cos4Cloud project).