Dr. Paul T. P. Wong
Dr. Paul T. P. Wong以極優異成績取得拿大Toronto大學心理學博士,曾在多所知名大學任教(包括:the University of Texas at Austin, York University, Trent University, the University of Toronto, Trinity Western University, 與Tyndale University College),並受邀擔任過University of California at Los Angeles 與University of British Columbia之訪問科學家、客座教授。
- 於2016年得到美國心理學會(APA)頒發的羅吉斯人本心理學獎(Carl Rogers Award from the Society for Humanistic Psychology, Division 32)
- 台灣周大觀文教基金會於2008年頒發全球熱愛生命獎章,表彰他對於提升人類生命意義與正向關懷的卓越貢獻。
同時也是「國際個人意義研究網路」(the International Network on Personal Meaning )、「國際存在心理學與心理治療協會」的創會理事長與「意義中心諮商學院」(Meaning-Centered Counseling Institute)與the Meaningful Living Project 創辦人。
「意義為中心諮商治療」(Meaning-Centered Counseling & Therapy)理論與實務、正向心理學2.0(Positive Psychology 2.0)、生死心理學與教育、悲傷輔導、壓力管理、靈性諮商…等等 。
Dr. Paul T. P. Wong以及與同僚開發的幾項量表,都廣受運用,例如Death Attitude-Profile; Death Attitude-Profile-Profile;Personal-Meaning Profile等。「死亡態度多向度量表」不僅是國際上該主題最廣被使用者,中文版在台灣亦然。他開創的意義中心取向的諮商與心理治療(meaning-centered approach to counseling and psychotherapy)獲得國際相關學術界的推崇,近年並與其夫人Lilian C. J. Wong 博士開發「意義為中心的生活之教育模式」,出版專書與論文、開辦相關訓練課程,並應邀到北美、歐洲、亞洲(曾來台三次)各國講學與開辦工作坊等。Dr. Paul T. P. Wong 撰寫中的著作:The How of Meaning in Turbulent Times: The Wisdom of Living Well & Dying Well (中譯版將由心理出版社出版)。
- Wong, L. C. J., Thompson, G. R., & Wong, P. T. P. (Eds.) (2013). The positive psychology of meaning and addiction recovery: Selected papers from Meaning Conferences. Birmingham, AL: Purpose Research.
- Wong, P. T. P. (Ed.). (2012). The human quest for meaning: Theories, research, and applications (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.
- Wong, P. T. P., Wong, L. C. J., McDonald, M. J., & Klaassen, D. W. (Eds.). (2012). The positive psychology of meaning and spirituality: Selected papers from Meaning Conferences. Birmingham, AL: Purpose Research. (Original published in 2007 by INPM Press)
- Wong, P. T. P., & Wong, L. C. J. (2010). A brief handbook on meaning-centered counseling and therapy. Abbotsford, BC: INPM Press.
- Wong, P. T. P. (Ed.). (2012). The human quest for meaning: Theories, research, and applications (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.
- Wong, P. T. P., & Fry, P. S. (Eds.). (1998). The human quest for meaning: A handbook of psychological research and clinical applications. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.…..等書.
Dr. Lilian C. J. Wong
Dr. Lilian C. J. Wong為the University of Texas at Austin教育心理學碩士與加拿大the University of British Columbia之諮商心理學博士。曾擔任加拿大省級的心理-教育諮詢師、學校心理學家與地區諮商師等,並曾在加拿大Trinity Western University諮商心理系與Tyndale University College心理系任教。目前是「意義中心諮商學院」(Meaning-Centered Counseling Institute)總裁並為執業心理師。
Dr. Lilian C. J. Wong和夫婿Dr. Paul T. P. Wong積極推廣意義為中心療法與教育模式、至北美與包括台灣等亞洲地區講學,經常講授的主題包括:意義為中心療法、悲傷輔導、遊戲治療與兒童青少年及家庭諮商等等。近年來,兩人合編著:A brief handbook on meaning-centered counseling and therapy (INPM Press)等書,並即將出版:Reminiscence and Life Review (Cambridge Press)、A handbook on meaning-centered counseling and therapy (INPM Press)、Multicultural supervision competencies 等書以及許多學術論文。
- Wong, L. C. J., Thompson, G. R., & Wong, P. T. P. (Eds.) (2013). The positive psychology of meaning and addiction recovery: Selected papers from Meaning Conferences. Birmingham, AL: Purpose Research.
- Wong, P. T. P., Wong, L. C. J., McDonald, M. J., & Klaassen, D. W. (Eds.). (2012). The positive psychology of meaning and spirituality: Selected papers from Meaning Conferences. Birmingham, AL: Purpose Research. (Original published in 2007 by INPM Press)
- Wong, P. T. P., & Wong, L. C. J. (2010). A brief handbook on meaning-centered counseling and therapy. Abbotsford, BC: INPM Press.
- Wong, P. T. P., & Wong, L. C. J. (Eds.). (2006). Handbook of multicultural perspectives on stress and coping. New York, NY: Springer.