Team Members

Tere ja tervitused! 

Meie oleme FIRST Global Challenge võistlusel Eestit esindav meeskond. Sel aastal on meie meeskond läbinud mõned muutused. Meie meeskonda on jõudnud kolm uut liiget ning mõndadest vanadest liikmetest on saanud mentorid, kes jagavad õpetussõnu ja tuge kogu tiimile. 

Enne FIRST Global Challenge'i võistlust oleme varasemalt kohtunud ja koostööd teinud FIRST LEGO League (FLL) võistlustel. Meie praegune meeskond koosneb kolme erineva FLL meeskonna liikmetest, mistõttu on meil kamba peale palju erinevaid teadmisi ja oskusi. Hoolimata sellest, et elame mitmel pool Eestis, üksteisest kuni 200 km kaugusel, tuleme alati rõõmsalt kokku Tasmsallu, kus valmib meie robot.

Eesti toodab praegu suure osa oma energiast põlevkivist, mis pole keskkonnasõbralik, aga see on muutumas. Sel aastal on võistluse läbivaks teemaks vesinik. Meie meeskonnale on vesinkupatareid südamelähedased. Nende abil saab salvestada energiat väga roheliselt. Vesinikupatareid võivad asendada sisepõlemismootorid ja revolutsioneerida mitmesuguseid tööstusharusid, mis aitaks kaasa Eesti rohelisemale tulevikule.

Esindades Eestit FIRST Global Challenge võistlusel, soovime näidata kogu maailmale eestlaste innovaatilisust ja nutikust. Me püüdleme alati paremuse poole.


Lennart Luud has been interested in robotics and science since he was little and started his robotics journey in first grade, about eight years ago. He has actively participated in FIRST Lego League (FLL) for six years, having won all trophies except for the master. Within his team, Lennart focuses on engineering, research, and programming. Additionally, he excels in badminton, standing out as the top player in his club (mainly due to all the good players leaving). Currently attending Kiili Gymnasium, he’s embarking on his first year in the FIRST Global Challenge (FGC). 

Lennart's active participation in a local choir not only showcases his dedication to music but also reflects his love for collaborating and working with people. As a testament to his enthusiasm for Estonia's singing traditions, he eagerly looks forward to performing at this year’s Estonian Song Festival.

He always smileks and looks the same in every picture


Mikkel Reinola is a dynamic individual whose passions for the gym, robots, and creative building intertwine to form a truly extraordinary persona. Mikkel's journey began with a love for physical fitness when he saw the ‘’Terminator’’ movie, but it was his encounter with the world of robotics that ignited a spark of curiosity within him. With four years of experience in the FLL competition, Mikkel has honed his technical skills and developed a deep understanding of robotics' intricate workings. His FLL journey fostered his passion for innovation while teaching him valuable teamwork, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills. Mikkel dreams of contributing to the advancement of robotics on a larger scale. His goal is to design and build groundbreaking robots that revolutionise industries such as healthcare, manufacturing, or exploration. 

He is probably climbing a tree


Pärtel Kukk 's fascination with robotics, science, and IT began eight years ago when he first encountered them. Ever since, he has exhibited a keen intellect and unwavering interest in these subjects, both within and outside the confines of school. Over a span of three years, he actively participated in mathematics, IT, and physics olympiads, achieving recognition not only in the realm of IT but also in mathematics, earning a spot on the national podium in both subjects. For five consecutive years, Pärtel engaged in the FIRST Lego League (FLL), where he showcased his mechanical engineering and programming skills. His efforts were rewarded with victories at the national competition in Estonia and the opportunity to compete in various international events, including the prestigious GIA (FLL Global Innovation Award) and the Debrecen Open Invitational.

Within his team, Pärtel played a pivotal role in both mechanical engineering and programming, contributing significantly to solving FLL missions and making crucial contributions to Estonia's FGC robot in the previous year. Participating in these competitions fueled his passion for engineering and logical thinking. Beyond the realm of competitions, Pärtel indulges in tinkering and creating things, channelling his creativity and technical prowess.

Looking ahead, Pärtel aspires to pursue a career in a technology or engineering-related field, specifically mechatronics, driven by his enduring love for these domains.

Always flexing


Ralf Saarmets, the youngest member of the team, brings a wealth of experience and enthusiasm to robotics competitions. With six seasons of participation in the First Lego League challenge, he is now preparing for his debut in the FGC tournament. Ralf's exceptional skills in research and innovation have earned him multiple awards in the FLL challenge. Alongside his robotics achievements, he has actively pursued academic excellence by participating in various olympiads in subjects such as Chemistry, Mathematics, Estonian Language, Programming, and History. Ralf's creativity extends beyond academics and robotics, as he enjoys expressing himself through photography and videography. Moreover, in his free time, Ralf assumes a leadership role as a squad leader in the Estonian Defence League youth organisation, Young Eagles. With this responsibility, he takes pride in teaching his younger peers a diverse range of survival skills.Furthermore, he showcases his culinary skills through cooking, adding another dimension to his diverse talents. 

Walks around with a camera


Robin Õunamägi  is really interested in space, science, cars, racing, engineering, building robots, making 3D models for printing and also likes making more artistic 3D renders. He enjoys parkour and does sim racing, however he keeps getting injured which holds him back in his sporting endeavours and he attends Kiili Gymnasium. He has loved robotics and science from a very young age and has been playing with LEGO for most of his life and that is where he started to get interested in robotics. From there he started going to an after school robotics program and different competitions such as FLL in which he participated for 5 years. In the various teams he was in he was fulfilled the role of building the robots. This year marks the third year in which he is competing at FGC, where he is continuing to further develop his skills at engineering and building the robot. He wants to continue with 3D modeling and robotics and in the future as he aspires to find his calling somewhere in the mechanical engineering field. 

Always has something interesting to talk about


Sten-Lenar Nirgi has been involved with robotics since 2016. He competed in multiple robotics events for three consecutive years, in the last of which he got the chance to represent the Estonian team in the United States of America. For the last five years he has been inactive in robotics, but recently he regained the passion for robotics and is currently looking forward to making his debut in FGC. 

Outside of robotics he is a passionate sound technician, footballer and a videographer. With his expertise in handling audio and video equipment, he explores the realm of visual media and enjoys creating content. In his free time, he actively participates in airsoft and immerses himself in the world of gaming.


Velle Taraste is Tamsalu Gymnasium's education and IT advisor. She has been teaching robotics and has been a mentor for several innovative science projects (Estonian inventor fare and Maker Fare in Rome) in different schools. She has been a FGC coach for 6 years and FLL Explore and Challenge coach for 12 years. Velle teams have been participating in “Robomiku lahing”, “Võru tsõõr” (Estonian robot competitions) and Robotex International for multiple years. Velle is an FIRST® LEGO® League (FLL) volunteer in local and national events and also volunteered in FIRST® LEGO® League Estonian Open International. Velle smallest students have taken part design competition “Klotsimöll”. Velle has learned ROS (Robot Operating System) on the course “Basics of ROS '' and gained practical knowledge with the Robotont robot on the course “Robotics with Robotont: ROS Training for Teachers”. Both of the ROS courses are conducted by the University of Tartu.Through a government program she educated Ukrainian students in online security and robotics. Velle’s student Arti Zirk developed a lunar camera for NASA and other robotic team participants went to study IT and robotics in different universities. 


Harry Richard Treier is a former member of FGC Estonia and is now learning IT and programming in a private school called kood/Jõhvi (code/Jõhvi). This is a private initiative by big IT companies to create good IT personnel. Harry has been a key volunteer in FIRST LEGO League for 5 years and before that a former member of FLL team in his hometown. He is really good at multimedia creation and programming, so his supervision and mentoring is really appreciated in this year's team.

can ride on horses???


Katarina Kukk  discovered robotics later than the others, by now she has been doing robotics for 6 years. She has competed in FLL for 5 seasons but also successfully competed in other robotics competitions such as Robotex, two years in FGC and other local competitions. For over five years she competed in the same team with Jasper and Pärtel. She has volunteered in FLL Challenge and FLL jr/FLL Discover, along with some more robotics events in Estonia. She has coached a small robotics group in a local kindergarten to compete in Robotex and taught python and building competition robots at her school.

The greatest thing about robotics is that it combines so many different fields such as math, physics, computer science, mechanical engineering, prototyping, mechatronics etc. which can be put to practical use in endless ways. Figuring out clever and innovative ways to solve the challenges and problems on the way to build the best possible robot that could easily cooperate with other teams is simply the best. In the future she hopes to continue her studies in some field closely related to robotics such as mechanical engineering.

As she no longer qualifies to compete she continues to contribute by mentoring.

lost her voice


Mattis Reinola is a really extroverted individual that mainly takes care of the programming part of the robot in the team. He has been an intern in several programming companies and has participated in many programming/engineering competitions successfully. He really likes Snufkin's character, music and people. He forgot about the barber's existence about 3 years ago and he still isn’t acknowledging it. He has participated in FLL for 5 years and won the

Estonia’s national competition. He also has participated in the FGC for the last 2 years. It’s still uncertain where we’ll find him in the future, but he has already tried managing HPC servers, teaching and driving an excavator.


Liia Tammes  has owned her own robotics school since 2015, where she teaches over 500 students aged 6-16 every year. She makes her own curriculums for robotics lessons and invents different lego robots to build. She has been a FGC coach for 4 years and FLL's Explore and Challenge coach for 9 years. Liia is an FLL volunteer in local and national events and also volunteered in FIRST® LEGO® League Estonian Open International. This year she organised over 100 teams to FLL Explore shows in Tallinn and coached 30 teams. One of her teams won the FLL Masters cup and participated in the Global Innovation Award competition. Liia’s teams have taken part in Robotex International and “Robomiku lahing” (Estonian robot competition), Estonian military organisation “Defence League” robot battle and won awards in LEGO design competition “Klotsimöll”. Through a government program she educated Ukrainian students in online security and robotics. 

Has more than 1,5 metric tons of legos 


Jasper Tammes  has been interested in robotics since he was a young child. Switching schools to the Tallinn Secondary School of Science just to go to a robotics-oriented afterschool program, he has participated in multiple programming olympiads, 6 FLL Challenge seasons, The FLL Global Innovation Award and 3 FGC seasons. He has also worked as a volunteer on local FLL Explore and Challenge events. He has participated in national folk dance events and likes bike riding and track and field. He takes great interest in science and has participated in olympiads for natural sciences, math, biology, programming and geography.

He is a jack-of-all-trades, doing most things well but usually focusing on team management or the research project.

He’s going on an exchange year and can’t physically help the team, but tries to help with filling out forms and giving advice on the team’s robot design ideas.

went to Japan