
08:30: Welcome and Coffee

09h00: Opening Session

09:15-10:00: Plenary Conference #1 (45')

“Do early nutrition and metabolic status of the parents influence the child‘s eating behaviour?“

Patricia Parnet (INRA, Nantes, France)

10:00-12:00: Symposium #1 (3 x 30’) Perinatal nutrition and vulnerability to eating disorders

  1. “Early life stress and high fat diet: from comfort food to nutritional stress” Muriel Darnaudery (INRA, Bordeaux, France)
  2. “Brain development and neurocircuit modeling at the interface between genetic/environmental risk factors and eating disorders” Angela Favaro (Neuroscience Department, Padova, Italy)
  3. “The effects of maternal eating disorders on child development” Nadia Micali (Department of Psychiatry, Geneva, Switzerland)

12:00-13:30: Lunch with Poster

13:30-14:15: Plenary Conference #2 (45')

“Eating disorders and the environmental regulation of the genome” Howard Steiger (McGill University, Montreal, Canada)

14:15-15:35: Symposium #2 (2 x 30’) Gene/environment interactions and vulnerability to eating disorders

  1. “The BDNF gene as an example of gene x environment interaction in eating disorders” Philip Gorwood (INSERM & Sainte-Anne Hospital, Paris, France)
  2. “Developing mouse models to identify novel therapeutic targets for anorexia nervosa” Lori Zeltser (Columbia University, New York, USA)

15:35-16:00: Coffee Break

16:00-17:15: Fundamental Research Oral Communications

17:15: Concluding remarks

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FFAB-R Congress - Programme.pdf

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FFAB-R Congress Abstract.pdf